
创建Gateway集群 集群类型 文档链接 Hadoop 创建Gateway集群 DataLake、DataFlow和OLAP 使用EMR-CLI自定义部署Gateway环境 创建Gateway节点组 仅EMR-5.10.1及以上版本的DataLake和DataFlow集群,支持增加Gateway类型的节点组,详情请参见 ...


Provides a Cloud Storage Gateway Gateway File Share resource.For information about Cloud Storage Gateway Gateway File Share and how to use it,see What is Gateway File Share.->NOTE:Available since v1.144.0.Example Usage ...


This data source provides the Cloud Storage Gateway Gateway Block Volumes of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.144.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_storage_gateway_gateway_block_volumes...


Provides a VPN customer gateway resource.->NOTE:Terraform will auto build vpn customer gateway instance while it uses alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway to build a vpn customer gateway resource.For information about VPN ...


Provides a Cloud Storage Gateway Gateway Block Volume resource.For information about Cloud Storage Gateway Gateway Block Volume and how to use it,see What is Gateway Block Volume.->NOTE:Available since v1.144.0.Example ...


Provides a Microservice Engine(MSE)Gateway resource.For information about Microservice Engine(MSE)Gateway and how to use it,see What is Gateway.->NOTE:Available in v1.157.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ ...

使用Gateway API定义路由规则

Gateway API是由SIG-NETWORK社区管理的开源项目,通过提供可表达的、可扩展的、面向角色的接口来改善服务网络。您可以使用Gateway API对集群内应用访问的路由规则进行条件限制。本文介绍如何使用Gateway API定义集群内应用的路由规则。前提...


cloud_storage_gateway_gateway_cache_disk""default"{ cache_disk_category="cloud_efficiency" cache_disk_size_in_gb=50 } resource"alicloud_cloud_storage_gateway_...

使用Gateway API定义路由规则

Gateway API是由SIG-NETWORK社区管理的开源项目,通过提供可表达的、可扩展的、面向角色的接口来改善服务网络。您可以使用Gateway API对集群内应用访问的路由规则进行条件限制。本文介绍如何使用Gateway API定义集群内应用的路由规则。前提...


This data source provides the Cloud Storage Gateway Gateway File Shares of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.144.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_storage_gateway_gateway_file_shares""ids...


list-A list of gateway Slb.associate_id-The associate id.slb_id-The ID of the gateway slb.slb_ip-The ip of the gateway slb.slb_port-The port of the gateway slb.type-The type of the gateway slb.gmt_create-The creation time ...


测试常量参数 x-aliyun-apigateway-api-name:export_1 x-aliyun-apigateway-api-market-enable:false x-aliyun-apigateway-api-force-nonce-check:true x-aliyun-apigateway-parameter-handling:MAPPING x-aliyun-apigateway-auth-type:APP...

Gateway API

本文介绍Gateway API组件信息、使用说明和变更记录。组件介绍 Gateway API是Kubernetes中用于对服务网络流量进行建模的一系列资源。它的目标是建立一套表现力强、易扩展、面向角色的服务网络模型。优势如下。面向角色:资源抽象与使用...


Provides a Vpc Ipv4 Gateway resource.For information about Vpc Ipv4 Gateway and how to use it,see What is Ipv4 Gateway.->NOTE:Available in v1.181.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-testacc-example"} ...


Provides a VPN gateway resource.->NOTE:Terraform will auto build vpn instance while it uses alicloud_vpn_gateway to build a vpn resource.->Currently International-Site account can open PostPaid VPN gateway and China-Site ...


Provides a VPC Gateway Endpoint resource.VPC gateway endpoint.For information about VPC Gateway Endpoint and how to use it,see What is Gateway Endpoint.->NOTE:Available since v1.208.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider...

NAT Gateway

NAT Gateway

Api Gateway

Api Gateway

VPN Gateway

VPN Gateway


Provides a Vpc Ipv6 Gateway resource.Gateway Based on Internet Protocol Version 6.For information about Vpc Ipv6 Gateway and how to use it,see What is Ipv6 Gateway.->NOTE:Available in v1.142.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage ...


cloud_storage_gateway_gateway_cache_disk""default"{ cache_disk_category="cloud_efficiency" cache_disk_size_in_gb=50 } resource"alicloud_cloud_storage_gateway_...


Provides a VPC Gateway Route Table Attachment resource.For information about VPC Gateway Route Table Attachment and how to use it,see What is Gateway Route Table Attachment.->NOTE:Available in v1.194.0+.Example Usage Basic...


Provides a VPC Gateway Endpoint Route Table Attachment resource.VPC gateway node association route.For information about VPC Gateway Endpoint Route Table Attachment and how to use it,see What is Gateway Endpoint Route ...

Database Gateway

Database Gateway

使用 RAM 管理 API

acs:apigateway:$regionid:$accountid:apigroup/*CreateApi 创建API acs:apigateway:$regionid:$accountid:apigroup/$groupId DeployApi 发布API acs:apigateway:$regionid:$accountid:apigroup/$groupId AbolishApi 下线API acs:api...


网关设备完成初始化,启动建连,如果失败返回NULL*/void*gateway_device=demo_gateway_device_init(gateway_product_key,gateway_device_name,gateway_device_secret,host,port);if(gateway_device=NULL){ return-1;}/*设置网关消息回调*/...


gateway_id-The ID of the NAT gateway.nat_gateway_name-The name of the NAT gateway.network_type-(Available in 1.137.0+)Indicates the type of the created NAT gateway.Valid values internet and intranet.nat_type-The type of ...


This data source provides the Cloud Storage Gateway Stocks of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.144.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_storage_gateway_stocks""default"{ gateway_class=...

Cloud Storage Gateway

Cloud Storage Gateway


Provides a resource to create a VPC NAT Gateway.->NOTE:Resource bandwidth packages will not be supported since 00:00 on November 4,2017,and public IP can be replaced be elastic IPs.If a Nat Gateway has already bought some ...


Provides an api group resource.To create an API,you must firstly create a group which is a basic attribute of the API.For information about Api Gateway Group and how to use it,see Create An Api Group->NOTE:Available since ...


本文为您介绍ApiGateway服务关联角色(AliyunServiceRoleForApiGateway)的应用场景以及如何删除服务关联角色。背景信息 ApiGateway服务关联角色(AliyunServiceRoleForApiGateway)是用户需要配置API后端为函数计算的情况下,为获取访问...


您可以通过Gateway集群实现负载均衡和安全隔离,也可以通过Gateway集群向E-MapReduce集群提交作业。本文为您介绍如何在E-MapReduce中创建Gateway集群。前提条件 已经在E-MapReduce中创建了Hadoop集群或Kafka集群,详情请参见 创建集群。...


The ID of the Ipv4 Gateway.ipv4_gateway_description-The description of the IPv4 gateway.ipv4_gateway_id-The resource attribute field that represents the resource level 1 ID.ipv4_gateway_name-The name of the IPv4 gateway....

Smart Access Gateway(Smartag)

Smart Access Gateway(Smartag)


Provides a Api Gateway Model resource.For information about Api Gateway Model and how to use it,see What is Model.->NOTE:Available since v1.187.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_api_gateway_group""default"{ ...


Using this data source can enable API gateway service automatically.If the service has been enabled,it will return Opened.For information about API Gateway and how to use it,see What is API Gateway.->NOTE:Available in v1....


The ID of the Ipv6 Gateway.instance_charge_type-The metering method of the IPv6 gateway.Valid values:PayAsYouGo.ipv6_gateway_id-The first ID of the resource.ipv6_gateway_name-The name of the IPv6 gateway.spec-The ...


Provides an app resource.It must create an app before calling a third-party API because the app is the identity used to call the third-party API.For information about Api Gateway App and how to use it,see Create An APP->...


This data source provides the Api Gateway Models of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.187.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_api_gateway_models""ids"{ ids=["example_id"]group_id="example_group_...
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