
待绑定的实例已经处于绑定状态 400 NotSupport.NetworkAcl Network acl is not support now.-400 ParameterIllegal.ResourceType The specified resource type is illegal.-500 InternalError The request processing has failed due to ...


所需要的资源%s不足 400 Conflict.Lock The Lock[%s]is conflict.指定的资源当前存在锁冲突。400 IllegalParam.AnyPortListenerConflictWithNonAnyPortServerGroup The param of AnyPortListenerConflictWithNonAnyPortServerGroup is ...


400 ResourceIdIsInvalid The number of ResourceId exceeds 50.ResourceId超过50个400 SystemTagIsInvalid The number of System Tag exceeds 50.系统Tag超过50个400 CustomTagIsInvalid The number of Custom Tag exceeds 20.Tag...


400 InvalidDomain.notOnline The domain is offline.Check the status of the domain and try again later.域名未在线,请检查域名状态,稍后再试。400 Decode.Error Error decoding the SSLPub or SSLPri certificate.证书 sslpub 或 ...


400 InvalidDomain.notOnline The domain is offline.Check the status of the domain and try again later.域名未在线,请检查域名状态,稍后再试。400 Decode.Error Error decoding the SSLPub or SSLPri certificate.证书 sslpub 或 ...


400 SystemTagIsInvalid The number of System Tag exceeds 50.-400 CustomTagIsInvalid The number of Custom Tag exceeds 20.Tag个数超过20个了。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2023-12-13 OpenAPI...


400 OperationDenied.CC5GInstanceNotSupport The operation is not allowed because of CC5G instance not support.CC5G托管实例不支持此操作。400 IllegalParam.AuthorizationRule.DestinationType The param of DestinationType is ...


400 IllegalParam.RegionId The specified regionId is illegal.regionId不合法 400 PAY.MAYI_WITHHOLDING_AGREEMENT_ILLEGAL User withhoding argeement is illegal.-400 QuotaExceeded RiPerUser quota exceeded 当前用户建立的对等连接...


400 IllegalParam.RegionId The specified regionId is illegal.regionId不合法 400 PAY.MAYI_WITHHOLDING_AGREEMENT_ILLEGAL User withhoding argeement is illegal.-400 QuotaExceeded RiPerUser quota exceeded 当前用户建立的对等连接...


400 OperationDenied.CC5GInstanceNotSupport The operation is not allowed because of CC5G instance not support.CC5G托管实例不支持此操作。400 IllegalParam.AuthorizationRule.DestinationType The param of DestinationType is ...


400 IncorrectStatus.serverGroup The status of servergroup[%s]is incorrect.服务器组的状态无法进行当前操作,请检查服务器组当前是否处于其他操作下。400 Mismatch.VpcId The VpcId is mismatched for%s and%s.资源%s和资源%s的VpcId不...


诊断 400 SignatureDoesNotMatch Specified signature is not matched with our calculation-诊断 400 MissingImageType ImageType is mandatory for this action-诊断 400 MissingSignature Signature is mandatory for this action-诊断 ...


诊断 403 ZoneMigrationError.StillingRunning Zone migration task is still running.-诊断 400 OperationDenied VPC IP is in use,please check.-诊断 400 InvalidTags.Format-诊断 400 NoPermission.SystemTag-诊断 400 SSLNotSupport-...


诊断 403 ZoneMigrationError.StillingRunning Zone migration task is still running.-诊断 400 OperationDenied VPC IP is in use,please check.-诊断 400 InvalidTags.Format-诊断 400 NoPermission.SystemTag-诊断 400 SSLNotSupport-...


400 OperationFailed.CxpRouteExist Cxp route alreay existed.-400 IncorrectStatus.RouteTableStatus%s-400 OperationFailed.GetEniInfo Failed to get networkInterface info.-400 QuotaExceeded.EcmpRouteEntryNextHopCount%s-400 ...


400 OperationFailed.CxpRouteExist Cxp route alreay existed.-400 IncorrectStatus.RouteTableStatus%s-400 OperationFailed.GetEniInfo Failed to get networkInterface info.-400 QuotaExceeded.EcmpRouteEntryNextHopCount%s-400 ...


400 OperationFailed.RouteConflict Operation failed because there is already a route in VPC route table to a non-RI and non-VPN next hop on the same network block.在VPC路由表中同一网段上已经存在一条指向RI、VPN网关之外其他...


400 OperationFailed.RouteConflict Operation failed because there is already a route in VPC route table to a non-RI and non-VPN next hop on the same network block.在VPC路由表中同一网段上已经存在一条指向RI、VPN网关之外其他...


400 OperationFailed.VswBindedRouteTable The operation failed because a custom route table that contains subnet routes is associated with the specified VSwitch.操作失败因为vSwitch绑定了子网路由表。400 OperationFailed....


400 OperationFailed.CidrAcross Classic link instance cidr must not across.-400 Duplicated.ClientToken%s-400 OperationFailed.Ipv6CidrBlockExisted%s-400 IllegalParam.Ipv6CidrBlock%s-400 OperationFailed.VpcIpv6Disabled%s-400 ...


400 OperationFailed.CidrAcross Classic link instance cidr must not across.-400 Duplicated.ClientToken%s-400 OperationFailed.Ipv6CidrBlockExisted%s-400 IllegalParam.Ipv6CidrBlock%s-400 OperationFailed.VpcIpv6Disabled%s-400 ...


400 IncorrectStatus.RouteTableStatus%s-400 OperationFailed.TokenVerfiy Token verify failed.-400%s%s-400 IllegalParam.Name The specified Name is invalid,shorter than 2 characters.-400 OperationFailed.EnhancedQuotaExceed ...


400 IncorrectStatus.RouteTableStatus%s-400 OperationFailed.TokenVerfiy Token verify failed.-400%s%s-400 IllegalParam.Name The specified Name is invalid,shorter than 2 characters.-400 OperationFailed.EnhancedQuotaExceed ...


400 OperationFailed.VswBindedRouteTable The operation failed because a custom route table that contains subnet routes is associated with the specified VSwitch.操作失败因为vSwitch绑定了子网路由表。400 OperationFailed....


400 InstanceIsSnapshotBackupNotSupportThisOperation The instance backup method is snapshot backup,this operation is not supported 开启快照备份的实例不支持此操作 400 TDEInstanceNotSupportThisOperation The instance opened ...


400 InstanceIsSnapshotBackupNotSupportThisOperation The instance backup method is snapshot backup,this operation is not supported 开启快照备份的实例不支持此操作 400 TDEInstanceNotSupportThisOperation The instance opened ...


400 InstanceIsSnapshotBackupNotSupportThisOperation The instance backup method is snapshot backup,this operation is not supported 开启快照备份的实例不支持此操作 400 TDEInstanceNotSupportThisOperation The instance opened ...


400 InstanceIsSnapshotBackupNotSupportThisOperation The instance backup method is snapshot backup,this operation is not supported 开启快照备份的实例不支持此操作 400 TDEInstanceNotSupportThisOperation The instance opened ...


调用CreateInstance创建一台包年包月或者按量付费ECS实例。接口说明 说明 您可以调用 DescribeAvailableResource 查看指定地域或者可用区内的实例资源供给情况。若您希望批量创建实例并且实例自动进入运行中(Running)状态,推荐您使用 ...


400 QuotaExceeded.%s The quota of%s is exceeded,usage%s/s.%s的配额超过限制,已使用%s/s 400 DryRunOperation Request validation has been passed with DryRun flag set.dryRun请求验证已通过。400 OperationDenied....


创建一台或多台按量付费或者包年包月ECS实例。接口说明 准备工作:通过实名认证。...成本估算:了解云服务器 ECS 的计费方式。更多信息,请参见 计费概述。产品选型:调用 DescribeInstanceTypes 查看目标实例规格的性能数据,或者参见 选型...


该接口用于创建RDS实例。接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。创建 RDS MySQL 实例 创建 RDS MySQL Serverless 实例 ...


该接口用于创建RDS实例。接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。创建 RDS MySQL 实例 创建 RDS MySQL Serverless 实例 ...


该接口用于创建RDS实例。接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。创建 RDS MySQL 实例 创建 RDS MySQL Serverless 实例 ...


该接口用于创建RDS实例。接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。创建 RDS MySQL 实例 创建 RDS MySQL Serverless 实例 ...


该接口用于创建RDS实例。接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。创建 RDS MySQL 实例 创建 RDS MySQL Serverless 实例 ...


400 ParamDuplicateError The specified parameter value of XForwardedFor_ClientCertClientVerifyAlias is duplicate.Please change to a different one.参数XForwardedFor_ClientCertClientVerifyAlias重复。400 IpVersionConflict The ...


错误代码 HTTP状态码 Message 描述 I400HD 400 Invalid Header `${HeaderName}`${Reason} HTTP请求头非法 I400MH 400 Header `${HeaderName}` is Required 缺少HTTP请求头 I400BD 400 Invalid Body:${Reason} HTTP请求包体非法 I400PA 400 ...


400 OTSParameterInvalid The length of attribute column:{ColumnName} exceeded the MaxLength:{MaxSize} with Current Length:{CellSize}.属性列名长度超出最大长度限制。否 400 OTSParameterInvalid No row specified in the ...


诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_EXIST The Account Book doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.TAX...
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