
404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 NoSuchResource The ...


403 NodeControllerUnavailable The Node Controller is temporarily unavailable.节点控制器暂不可用。403 OperationDenied The resource is out of usage.该实例不在运行状态,请您启动实例或检查操作是否合理。403 InvalidParameter....


403 NodeControllerUnavailable The Node Controller is temporarily unavailable.节点控制器暂不可用。403 OperationDenied The resource is out of usage.该实例不在运行状态,请您启动实例或检查操作是否合理。403 InvalidParameter....


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 NoSuchResource.SlnInst ...


403 Throttling The request project is blocked due to throttling control.Please wait a few minutes before trying again.由于流控原因,请求的项目处于阻塞状态,请等待几分钟再操作。400 ContentMD5NotMatched Specified content md5...


400 FaqRuleBlocked Input or output data is blocked by faq rule.命中FAQ规则干预模块。400 CustomRoleBlocked Input or output data may contain inappropriate content with custom rule.请求或响应内容没有通过自定义策略。401 ...


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 NoSuchResource The ...


400 STSAccessError STS access error.%s 诊断 400 OSSAccessError OSS access error.%s 诊断 403 Throttling The request project is blocked due to throttling control.%s 诊断 200 NoError Request success.%s 诊断 200 EmptyResult ...


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 NoSuchResource The ...


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 NoSuchResource The ...


400 NotApplicable The specified API is not applicable for the user.此API不适用于调用方。400 NotAuthorized The user is not authorized for the specified API.此API未对该调用者进行授权。400 BindMirrorInstanceError Charged ...


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 InvalidResourceType....


达到限流值 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server API is unavailable.api服务不可用 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server connection is denied.区域代理链接拒绝 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The ...


达到限流值 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server API is unavailable.api服务不可用 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server connection is denied.区域代理链接拒绝 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The ...


400 NotApplicable The specified API is not applicable for the user.此API不适用于调用方。400 NotAuthorized The user is not authorized for the specified API.此API未对该调用者进行授权。400 BindMirrorInstanceError Charged ...


达到限流值 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server API is unavailable.api服务不可用 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server connection is denied.区域代理链接拒绝 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The ...


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 NoSuchResource The ...


ProductCode":"rds"}]} } } 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 NotApplicable This API is not applicable for caller.-400 NotAuthorized This API is not authorized for caller.-400 MissingParameter Absent some ...


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 NoSuchResource The ...


InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.404 请检查调用的API是否正确,需注意大小写。InvalidProtocol.NeedSsl Your request is denied as lack of ssl protect.404 API配置只支持HTTPS协议:...


达到限流值 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server API is unavailable.api服务不可用 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server connection is denied.区域代理链接拒绝 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The ...


400 NotApplicable The specified API is not applicable for the user.此API不适用于调用方。400 NotAuthorized The user is not authorized for the specified API.此API未对该调用者进行授权。400 InvalidInstanceSpec The specified ...


400 NotApplicable The specified API is not applicable for the user.此API不适用于调用方。400 NotApplicable You are not authorized to call the API operation.Please check whether the caller site matches the API domain ...


达到限流值 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server API is unavailable.api服务不可用 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server connection is denied.区域代理链接拒绝 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The ...


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 InvalidResourceId....


达到限流值 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server API is unavailable.api服务不可用 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The region proxy server connection is denied.区域代理链接拒绝 500 GwError.RegionProxyError The ...


400 NotApplicable The specified API is not applicable for the user.此API不适用于调用方。400 NotApplicable You are not authorized to call the API operation.Please check whether the caller site matches the API domain ...


渠道协议转换时出现错误 500 GwError.IncorrectAliyunApi The API is not configured in this channel.找不到api配置 500 GwError.IncorrectAliyunConfig The channel configuration does not exist or is invalid.找不到渠道配置 500 ...


I400IP 400 Invalid parameter `${ParameterName}`${Reason} API中配置的参数值非法 I400JR 400 JWT required 未找到JWT参数 S403JI 403 Claim `jti` is required when `preventJtiReplay:true` 当在`JWT授权插件`中配置了防重放功能时,...


通过在 ACK Serverless集群 上部署安装 a string value representing the REST resource this object represents.Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to.Cannot be updated.In CamelCase.More info:...


This data source provides the api groups of the current Alibaba Cloud user.Example Usage data"alicloud_api_gateway_groups""data_apigatway"{ output_file="outgroups"} output"first_group_id"{ value="${data.alicloud_api_...


函数结构说明#-*-coding:utf-8-*-#event(str):in filter it is the API result,in other cases,it is your param#context:some environment information,temporarily useless#import module limit:json,time,random,pickle,re,math#do not ...


anomaly tags are matched.Requests from the abnormal phone numbers are blocked or CAPTCHA verification is required.You are charged based on the number of times that anomaly tags are matched.' Required:false Type:Boolean ...


调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。调试 授权信息 下表是API对应的授权信息,可以在RAM权限策略语句的 Action 元素中使用,用来给RAM用户或RAM...


参数为必填 400 ens.interface.error An error occurred while call the API.-400 InvalidParameter.SnatNotFound The specified snat is not found.-400 IncorretSnatEntryStatus Snat entry status blocked this operation.-400 ...


调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。调试 授权信息 下表是API对应的授权信息,可以在RAM权限策略语句的 Action 元素中使用,用来给RAM用户或RAM...


参数为必填 400 ens.interface.error An error occurred while call the API.-400 InvalidParameter.SnatNotFound The specified snat is not found.-400 IncorretSnatEntryStatus Snat entry status blocked this operation.-400 ...


参数为必填 400 ens.interface.error An error occurred while call the API.-400 InvalidParameter.DnatNotFound The specified dnat is not found.-400 IncorretDnatEntryStatus Dnat entry status blocked this operation.-400 ...


IllegalApiName API name is invalid.API名称不合法。IllegalSignature The signature is not correct.签名错误。InvalidStsToken The STS token is invalid.STS token 错误。DocMindServiceNotOpen DocMind service is not activated.文档...


IllegalApiName API name is invalid.API名称不合法。IllegalSignature The signature is not correct.签名错误。InvalidStsToken The STS token is invalid.STS token 错误。DocMindServiceNotOpen DocMind service is not activated.文档...
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