‘area_test’is not defined”错

问题描述 Quick BI进行QueryDataService调用时报错,The specified Conditions is ...‘area_test’is not defined。问题原因 参数使用得符号是中文单引号导致的。解决方案 将中文单引号修改为英文双引号就可以了。适用于 Quick BI 公共云


msg string unknownmethod333 is not defined 错误消息,最大支持1000个字符。stack string ReferenceError:unknownmethod333 is not defined at http://local.taobao.com:8880/demo/fetch-demo.js:278:9 错误堆栈信息,最大支持1000个字符...

Dataphin中python脚本导入odps包后...is not defined

问题描述 Dataphin的python脚本中,导入odps包后,使用odps.execute_sql()时报错"name 'odps' is not defined。问题原因 用户使用的Dataphin是2.9.1版本,此版本使用odps包时需要先手工添加odps的AK信息去获取实例,不能直接使用。解决方案...

Python SDK ListTable示例

说明 Python SDK的安装和操作,请参见 Python SDK。...Traceback(most recent call last):File“listtable.py”,line 6,in ots_client=OTSClient(ENDPOINT,ACCESSID,ACCESSKEY,INSTANCENAME)NameError:name‘OTSClient’is not defined


400 InvalidParameter.%s The specified field%s invalid.Please check it again.-403 AccessDenied auth is not valid-403 OperationDenied The current ens region has not been purchased-404 NoSuchEnsRegion The ens region does not ...


400 InvalidParameter.%s The specified field%s invalid.Please check it again.-403 AccessDenied auth is not valid-404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist.-访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容...

“Script error.”的产生原因和解决办法

回到之前的案例,页面重新运行后,捕获到的结果是:=>"ReferenceError:bar is not defined","http://another-domain.com/app.js",2,1,[Object Error](可选)解法2:try catch 难以在HTTP请求响应头中添加跨域属性时,还可以考虑 try catch...


400 InvalidParameter.%s The specified field%s invalid.Please check it again.-403 AccessDenied auth is not valid-404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist.-访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容...


400 InvalidParameter.%s The specified field%s invalid.Please check it again.-403 AccessDenied auth is not valid-404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist.-409 BucketNotEmpty The bucket you tried to delete is not...


400 InvalidParameter.%s The specified field%s invalid.Please check it again.-403 AccessDenied auth is not valid-404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist.-500 InternalError The request processing has failed due ...


正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"C6583E8B-B930-4F59-ADC0-0E209A45E860"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 InvalidBucketName Specified parameter BucketName is not valid.-400 AccessDenied auth is not valid...


400 InvalidParameter.%s The specified field%s invalid.Please check it again.-403 AccessDenied auth is not valid-404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist.-404 NoSuchLifecycle The bucket lifecycle does not exist....


配置形式如下:listeners=协议:/内网IP:端口 advertised_listeners=协议:/内网IP:端口 DTS.Msg.OperationDenied.JobStatusModifying 报错场景:使用API调用ModifyDtsJob接口修改同步任务。可能原因:当前任务所属实例处于 修改同步对象 ...


400 InvalidParameter.%s The specified field%s invalid.Please check it again.-403 AccessDenied auth is not valid-404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist.-访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容...


错误信息 描述 400 InvalidBucketName Specified parameter BucketName is not valid.-400 AccessDenied auth is not valid-400 NoPermission Permission denied.没有足够的权限,请联系云账号管理员授予您相应权限。400 InvalidParameter....


400 InvalidParameter.%s The specified field%s invalid.Please check it again.-403 AccessDenied auth is not valid-404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist-500 InternalError The request processing has failed due ...

Python SDK常见问题

NameError:name 'get_task_cost' is not defined.解决措施 函数名称有误。解决措施 使用execute_sql_cost替代get_sql_task_cost。使用PyODPS打印日志时,中文自动转化为编码显示,如何显示成原始中文?您可以使用类似 print("我叫%s"%('abc...


NameError:name 'get_task_cost' is not defined.解决措施 函数名称有误。解决措施 使用execute_sql_cost替代get_sql_task_cost。使用PyODPS打印日志时,中文自动转换为编码显示,如何显示成原始中文?您可以使用类似 print("我叫%s"%('abc...


from AppiumLib import AppiumLib from time import sleep class OpenWebviewDebug():def setAppium(self,driver=None,step=None):if driver is not None:self.driver=driver self.appiumLib=AppiumLib(self.driver)if step is not None:...


CE500770-42D3-442E-9DDD-156E0F9F3B45 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"CE500770-42D3-442E-9DDD-156E0F9F3B45"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 HoneyPotAuthIsNotEnough Honey pot auth is not enough....


400 InvalidParameter Illegal parameter,query.namespace is not auth.query.namespace未授权,请您先授权再操作。400 LocationServiceTimeout Location service connection timeout.Please try again later.Location服务连接超时,请稍后...


查询指定地域的可用区信息。调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算...400 InvalidParameter Illegal parameter,query.namespace is not auth.query.namespace未授权,请您先授权再操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。


400 InvalidParameter.%s The specified field%s invalid.Please check it again.-403 AccessDenied auth is not valid-404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist-访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容...


InvalidFunctionName.ValueNotSupported unctionName%s is not supported.400 不支持的FunctionName%s(%s为具体功能名)。InvalidArgName.ValueNotSupported ArgName%s is not supported.400 不支持的ArgName%s(%s为具体参数名)。...


诊断 500 SystemCopyIsNotAllowed System copy is not allowed for this api.-诊断 400 BackupSourceGroupTooManyMembers Too many backup sources are added to backup source group-诊断 400 CannotBackupAllDatabase Cannot backup all ...


04F0F334-1335-436C-A1D7-6C044FE73368 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"04F0F334-1335-436C-A1D7-6C044FE73368"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 Invalid%s.ValueNotSupported FunctionName[%s]is not ...


操作不支持 400 OperationFailed.ClearAuthKeyForbidden The specific auth key is not empty.指定密钥不为空,无法清空密钥。400 IllegalParam.RouteLimit The operation is failed because of bgp group max route entry num quota ...


操作不支持 400 OperationFailed.ClearAuthKeyForbidden The specific auth key is not empty.指定密钥不为空,无法清空密钥。400 IllegalParam.RouteLimit The operation is failed because of bgp group max route entry num quota ...


常见问题 出现“Name Error:global name 'ID' is not defined.”错误,怎么办?出现“SDK.InvalidRegionId.Can not find endpoint to access.”错误,怎么办?出现...


a temp instance exists.403 Forbidden.Authentication The operation is ... not valid.400 IntranetNetTypeNotExists Current DB instance net type does not support this operation.404 InvalidDBInstanceName.NotFound...


400 Invalid.Parameter.Conditions The specified Conditions is invalid.%s is not defined.参数 Conditions 错误:%s 未在模型中定义。400 Invalid.Parameter.ReturnFields The specified returnFields is invalid.%s is not defined....


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


400 NotSupportVpnConnectionParameter.IpsecAuthAlg The specified vpn connection ipsec Auth Alg is not support.IPsec连接中指定的认证算法不支持 400 VpnConnectionParamInvalid.SameVpnAndCgwDifferentIkeConfigs IPSec connections ...


400 NotSupportVpnConnectionParameter.IpsecAuthAlg The specified vpn connection ipsec Auth Alg is not support.IPsec连接中指定的认证算法不支持 400 VpnConnectionParamInvalid.SameVpnAndCgwDifferentIkeConfigs IPSec connections ...


添加连接黑名单,禁用某个设备连接 调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算...自定义权限数量容量超限 404 ApiNotSupport The specified API is not supported.当前接口不支持,请检查。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。


调用ModifyVpnAttachmentAttribute接口修改IPsec连接的配置。接口说明 ModifyVpnAttachmentAttribute 接口属于异步接口,即系统返回一个请求 ID,但该 IPsec 连接的配置尚未修改成功,系统后台的修改任务仍在进行。您可以调用 ...
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