
ADBAndroid Debug Bridge)是Android系统的一个通用命令行工具,用于调试和管理Android设备的应用程序。本文介绍如何通过ADB连接云手机。前提条件 云手机实例为 运行 状态。云手机已经导入并绑定ADB密钥。具体操作,请参见 导入密钥...


本文介绍OSS返回403错误的原因和解决方案。AccessDenied The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint.Please send all future requests to this endpoint 问题原因:访问Bucket时使用的...

Quick BI自助取数任务报错“Connect to[IP地址]failed...

问题描述 Quick BI自助取数任务报错“Connect to[IP地址]failed,Connection refused”。问题原因 此问题一般出现在独立部署客户环境,问题原因是自助取数所部署的机器在连接用户取数对应的数据源时不能连通,原因可能为:1.自助取数机器IP...


Provides a Event Bridge Connection resource.For information about Event Bridge Connection and how to use it,see What is Connection.->NOTE:Available since v1.210.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=var....

使用Java SDK时出现The access key id is invalid异常

现象 使用Java SDK时出现如下异常:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:The access key id is invalid:xxx.原因 AccessKey(包括AccessKey ID和AccessKey Secret)设置不正确,传入了非法字符。解决方案 请确保已设置正确的AccessKey信息...


诊断 404 InvalidParameter.InvalidNextToken The specified NextToken is invaild.-诊断 400 InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.CMKNotEnabled The CMK needs to be enabled.指定的CMK被disable需要处在启用状态。诊断 400 InvalidParameter....


诊断 404 InvalidParameter.InvalidNextToken The specified NextToken is invaild.-诊断 400 InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.CMKNotEnabled The CMK needs to be enabled.指定的CMK被disable需要处在启用状态。诊断 400 InvalidParameter....


The Access Point Belongs to the Operator.id-The ID of the Access Point.location-The Location of the Access Point.status-The Physical Connection to Which the Access Point State.type-The Physical Connection to Which the ...


Provides a AnalyticDB for MySQL(ADB)DBCluster resource.For information about AnalyticDB for MySQL(ADB)DBCluster and how to use it,see What is DBCluster.->NOTE:Available since v1.121.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable...

Quick BI中ADB数据源没有上传文件的入口

问题描述 Quick BI中ADB数据源没有上传文件的入口。问题原因 F12在控制台输入 verifier.canAccessSync('datasource_adb_upload_file'),得到返回值false,说明功能裁剪没有开。解决方案 通过变更打开功能裁剪。适用于 Quick BI


Name of the domain.id-The ID of domain self ID,value as domain_name.cluster_type-The type of the WAF cluster.cname-The CNAME record assigned by the WAF instance to the specified domain.connection_time-The connection ...


Operate the public network ip of the specified resource.How to use it,see What is Resource Alicloud KVStore Connection.->NOTE:Available since v1.101.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} data...


NoCaretSeperator 400 The body content is missing the^separator.Body缺少分隔符^。EmptyMeta 400 The body content has an empty meta field.BodyMeta为空。InvalidMetaItem 400 The meta field is invalid.无效的Meta项。NoPicList...


概述 在Linux系统的ECS实例上自建MySQL服务器,可能会出现无法远程连接异常情况,本文主要介绍该情况下的常见错误及解决办法。详细信息 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意实例的容灾、容错能力,确保数据...


The network type of the connection string.If set to Public,ROS will create,modify and delete Public address for you.If set to Private,ROS will only modify Private address for you.Default to Public.","AllowedValues":[...


see What is Classic Load Balancer.For information about listener and how to use it,please see the following:Configure a HTTP Classic Load Balancer (SLB)Listener.Configure a HTTPS Classic Load Balancer (SLB)Listener....

Dataphin集成任务报错"disk is over flow

问题描述 从MaxCompute到ADB的集成任务在执行过程报错"disk is over flow。问题原因 因为用户在写入端填写了一条delete的预执行语句,报错是在执行这条delete语句时抛出的。根据报错内容可知,是ADB所在服务器磁盘溢出导致的。解决方案 ...


time-The Representative of the Creation Time Resources Attribute Field.description-The Physical Connection to Which the Description.enabled_time-The Physical Connection to Which the Activation Time.end_time-The Expiration ...


出现 UnknownHostException、Unable to resolve host 等域名无法解析问题,解决方案请参考 如何解决MSE Nacos实例域名无法解析的问题?如出现 Client not connected,currentstatus:STARTING、Connection refused 等问题,解决方案请参考 ...


true:The queue is an exclusive queue.It can be used only for the connection that declares the exclusive queue.After the connection is closed,the exclusive queue is automatically deleted.false:The queue is not an exclusive ...


云盘挂载失败,出现timeout错误 升级系统后,云盘报错input/output error 卸载云盘时提示The specified disk is not a portable disk 挂载云盘的Pod无法启动且提示had volume node affinity conflict 启动挂载了云盘的Pod时,提示can't ...


子节点任务类型错误 问题现象 出现 job is in topology,trigger type can not be CRON and invoke type can not be ONEWAY 报错。问题原因 拓扑子任务节点不支持 ONEWAY 调用,不支持使用 Cron 表达式触发。解决方案 将子任务修改为使用...


The shard attribute.id-The ID of the shard.status-Shard status,only two status of readwrite and readonly.begin_key-The begin value of the shard range(MD5),included in the shard range.end_key-The end value of the shard ...

Quick Audience连接ADB数据源时通过...ADB表过多怎么解决

概述 Quick Audience连接ADB数据源时通过Quick Audience生成的ADB表过多怎么解决。详细信息 1.生成ADB中表过多的原因:受众表一般居多,一个受众会有一张表,一个快照也有一张表;其次是营销任务,一个营销任务会产出多个表。2.建议解决...


BROADCAST_TOO_LARGE Cannot broadcast the table that is larger than BROADCAST_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH Not enough memory to build and broadcast the table to all ADB_DOMAIN_NOT_RESOLVED unkown host.*ts.adb.com 配置弹性网卡的Spark作业...

Dataphin创建API,测试调用报错:"Failed to obtain...

问题描述 Dataphin创建API,测试调用报错:{"code":500,"bizCode":"DPN-OLTP-ENGINE-009","message":"org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException:Failed to obtain JDBC Connection;nested exception is java.sql....


本文介绍在 ACK Serverless集群 使用云盘存储卷时遇到的常见问题及处理方法。云盘创建FAQ 动态创建PV失败且提示InvalidDataDiskCatagory.NotSupported 动态创建PV失败且提示The specified AZone inventory is insufficient 动态创建PV...


本文介绍OSS返回503错误的原因和解决方案。DownloadTrafficRateLimitExceeded Please reduce your download request traffic 问题原因:下载流量超出限制。解决方案:内外网默认下载流量上限为5 Gbit/s。有调整需求请提交工单。...


adb_zones""zones_ids"{} Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:multi-(Optional)Indicate whether the zones can be used in a multi AZ configuration.Default to false.Multi AZ is usually used to launch ADB ...


本文介绍了OTSStreamReader运行时可能出现的问题,请根据实际问题排查处理错误。OTSStreamReader运行时出现“Must set date or time range millis or time range string,please check your config”错误 问题现象 OTSStreamReader运行时...


解决方案 如果ADB数据库购买的是除了中国香港外的国内区域,对QuickAudience没有影响,QuickAudience创建受众、创建数据集等,预览的数据都是在数据库端查询的,只是把查询结果返回到QuickAudience,数据量不大,可忽略地域不同的影响。...


Provides a Express Connect Physical Connection resource.For information about Express Connect Physical Connection and how to use it,see What is Physical Connection.->NOTE:Available since v1.132.0.Example Usage Basic Usage ...


The routing algorithm.server_count-The number of server groups associated with the NLB instance.server_group_name-The name of the server group.server_group_type-The type of the server group.status-The status of the server ...


本文介绍OSS返回404错误的原因和解决方案。KeyNotFound The specified parameter KMS keyId is not found 问题原因:未找到指定的CMK。解决方案:确认已开通KMS服务并填写正确的CMK ID,CMK ID示例值为 9468da86-3509-4f8d-a61e-6eab1eac*...


DEPRECATED:This resource has been deprecated and using alicloud_wafv3_domain instead.Provides a WAF Domain resource to create domain in the Web Application Firewall.For information about WAF and how to use it,see What is ...


max_results-This Request Returned by the Maximum Number of Records.next_token-The Current Call Returns to the Position of the Set to Null Represents the Data Has Been Read to the End of.listeners-A list of Alb Listeners....


Provides an RDS connection resource to allocate an Internet connection string for RDS instance,see What is DB Connection.->NOTE:Each RDS instance will allocate a intranet connnection string automatically and its prifix is ...


更新解决方案实例属性。调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。调试 授权信息 当前API暂无授权信息透出。请求参数 名称 类型 必填 描述 示例值 ...


该带宽包ID不存在 诊断 400 InvalidUbsmsCommand The user business status managment service command is invalid.-诊断 400 TokenTooLong The token is too long.-诊断 400 TokenError The provided client token is invalid.-诊断 400 ...

OSS SDK使用常见问题解决方法

概述 本文主要介绍OSS SDK使用常见问题的解决方法。详细信息 本文档介绍使用OSS SDK时可能遇到的问题。如果您遇到相同的问题,可参考其对应的解决方案进行处理。Java 使用Java SDK时报“Connection to XXXX refused”错误 使用Java SDK...
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