
for example,the AS needs to be migrated or is merged with another AS,a new AS number replaces the original one.local_asn-(Optional)The AS number on the Alibaba Cloud side.peer_asn-(Required)The AS number of the BGP peer....


功能未开通 400 ResourceLocked The specified resource has been locked by another product.资源被其他云产品锁定 400 NotResourceOwner You are not authorized to use this resource.无权访问此资源 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。


Provides a Cloud Connect Network Grant resource.If the CEN instance to be attached belongs to another account,authorization by the CEN instance is required.For information about Cloud Connect Network Grant and how to use ...

CreateGroupId-创建 Group ID

400 GroupIdAlreadyUsedByOtherUsers The current GroupId is used by another user.Please change to a different GroupId.当前Group ID已经被其他用户占用,请更换其他名称。400 ParameterFieldCheckFailed Failed to validate the ...


诊断 409 InvalidOperation.ChildInstanceAlreadyAttached Operation is invalid because the child-instance has already been attached to another CEN.操作失败,该网络实例已被加载到其他云企业网中。诊断 409 InvalidOperation....


500 Forbidden.Not.Server The dataworksAPI service is not available in this area.Please try it in another area.该地域还未开放DataWorks的API服务,请尝试其它地域。500 InternalError.System An internal system error occurred.Try...


400 InvalidParameter.Folder.Name.AlreadyUsed The name already exists under the same parent.Please change to another name.相同父级下已存在该名称,请更换。404 EntityNotExists.ResourceDirectory The resource directory for the ...


400 InvalidParameter.Folder.Name.AlreadyUsed The name already exists under the same parent.Please change to another name.相同父级下已存在该名称,请更换。404 EntityNotExists.ResourceDirectory The resource directory for the ...


409 Invalid.PayRelation Failed to create a member.The specified billing account is unavailable.Please change to another billing account and try again.成员创建失败。您选择的结算账号不可用,请更换后重新尝试。409 NotSupport....


500 Forbidden.Not.Server The dataworksAPI service is not available in this area.Please try it in another area.该地域还未开放DataWorks的API服务,请尝试其它地域。500 Forbidden.Wkbench.BaselineNoPermission You are not ...


错误格式 当 PDS 在处理请求时,若发生异常,SDK返回值形如 {"Message":"The input parameter file_id is not valid.","RequestId":"772328B2-E5F4-453C-9C23-CCCCCCCC","Code":"InvalidParameter"} 且 HTTP 状态码也会相应变化。...


409 NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectory The specified account is an Alibaba Cloud account or already exists in another resource directory.-409 Invalid.EnterpriseName You must specify the enterprise name....


400 JoinPermissionAlreadyAuthorized The specified join permission has already been granted to another renter.入网凭证已经授权给了其它用户 400 NotResourceOwner You are not authorized to use this resource.无权访问此资源 400 ...


与MySQL5.7相比,PolarDB-X 1.0 暂不支持如下函数:函数名 描述 CONVERT_TZ()Convert from one time zone to another GET_FORMAT()Return a date format string LOCALTIME(),LOCALTIME Synonym for NOW()LOCALTIMESTAMP,LOCALTIMESTAMP()...

视频直播添加域名时提示“The parameter you provided...

问题描述 在阿里云视频直播控制台中,添加加速域名时提示“The parameter you provided is invalid”错误,...The root domain of your domain is reserved by another account.Submit a ticket to contact customer support.适用于 视频直播


SG_MANADED_BY_CLOUD The security group has been managed by another cloud product.VSWITCH_IP_NOT_ENOUGH does not have enough IP addresses Spark作业处于 提交中 状态,无法进入 运行中 状态。EXCEEDED_QUOTA exceeded quota Spark ...


ExpirationDate":"2021-12-17T07:38:41.747Z"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 409 NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectory The specified account is an Alibaba Cloud account or already exists in another ...


Provides a RabbitMQ(AMQP)Binding resource to bind tha exchange with another exchange or queue.For information about RabbitMQ(AMQP)Binding and how to use it,see What is Binding.->NOTE:Available since v1.135.0.Example Usage ...


409 NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectory The specified account is an Alibaba Cloud account or already exists in another resource directory.您的账号是另一个资源目录的管理账号或是另一个资源目录内的成员。409 Invalid....


400 GatewayAlreadyBoundToOthers This gateway has already been bound to another account.网关已经绑定到其它账号 400 ExceedGatewayLimit The maximum number of gateways is exceeded.超出网关可使用额度 400 InvalidFreqBandPlan The...


ExpirationDate":"2021-12-17T07:38:41.747Z"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 409 NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectory The specified account is an Alibaba Cloud account or already exists in another ...


400 SAG.SnConflict The specified SerialNumber has been bound to another SAG instance.序列号已经绑定到其他的SAG实例。400 ResourceInOperating The specified resource is being used.Please try later.当前资源正在操作中,请求稍后...


ExtensiveDomainHasBeenUsedByOthers Another user has used this wildcard domain in WAF.泛域名已被其他阿里云用户使用。AuthorizeCertFailed There are some errors when the system checks your certificate.验证证书失败。...


400 OperationFailed.AssociateFlowLog The operation failed.The specified SAG instance has already been associated with another FlowLog instance.由于智能接入网关实例已经关联其他FlowLog实例,操作失败。400 OperationUnsupported...


400 ACS.Account.UserHasBind The user has been associated with another database account%s.用户已绑定到另一个账户 400 ACS.User.DatabaseAccountHasBind The database account has been bound to%s.数据库账号已经绑定到一个用户。400...


OSS automatically deletes the objects or transitions the objects(to another storage class)corresponding the lifecycle rules on a regular basis.Each element contains the following attributes:id-Unique ID of the rule.prefix-...


403 Forbbiden.SubUser You are not authorized to operate on the specified resource because your account was created by another user.该账号为其他账号的子账号,没有操作特定资源的权限。403 Forbidden The user is not authorized ...


500 Forbidden.Not.Server The dataworksAPI service is not available in this area.Please try it in another area.该地域还未开放DataWorks的API服务,请尝试其它地域。500 InternalError.System An internal system error occurred.Try...


400 NoAvailableOnlineResource There are no cloud gateways available.We recommend that you select a different specification or VSwitch that resides in another zone.当前没有可用的线上网关资源,请选择其他规格或者其他可用区...


DISCONNECT 156 0x9C 使用另一台服务器(Use another server)CONNACK,DISCONNECT 157 0x9D 服务器被移除(Server moved)CONNACK,DISCONNECT 158 0x9E 不支持的共享订阅(Shared Subscription not supported)SUBACK,DISCONNECT 159 0x...


500 Forbidden.Not.Server The dataworksAPI service is not available in this area.Please try it in another area.该地域还未开放DataWorks的API服务,请尝试其它地域。500 InternalError.System An internal system error occurred.Try...


与MySQL5.7相比,PolarDB-X 1.0 不支持以下几类函数:全文检索函数 XML 函数 GTID 函数 企业加密函数 已经支持的几类函数中,有如下函数不支持:类别 函数名 描述 日期时间函数 CONVERT_TZ()Convert from one time zone to another GET_...


400 Forbbiden.AttachChildInstanceAcrossBid VPCs that belong to another BID cannot be associated.You need to apply for cross-BID attaching.不允许绑定不同bid账号下的VPC。400 InvalidOperation.VpcAutoRoutesPublishInOtherCEN ...


exception1| test exception_1 15 1619749703000|2021-04-30 10:28:23.065|/exception| test another exception 71 ...


MasterAccountName":"aliyun-*"} } 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 409 NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectory The specified account is an Alibaba Cloud account or already exists in another resource ...


403 DependencyViolation The specified security group has been authorized in another one.指定的安全组被另一个安全组的规则引用,不允许删除。403 InvalidOperation.ResourceManagedByCloudProduct%s 云产品托管的安全组不支持修改...


500 Forbidden.Not.Server The dataworksAPI service is not available in this area.Please try it in another area.该地域还未开放DataWorks的API服务,请尝试其它地域。500 InternalError.System An internal system error occurred.Try...


500 Forbidden.Not.Server The dataworksAPI service is not available in this area.Please try it in another area.该地域还未开放DataWorks的API服务,请尝试其它地域。500 InternalError.System An internal system error occurred.Try...


400 OperationFailed.OperationIsProcessing The operation failed because another operation is being processed.由于并发操作,操作失败。400 OperationFailed.OrderIsProcessing The operation failed because the order is being ...


400 InvalidParameter.Folder.Name.AlreadyUsed The name already exists under the same parent.Please change to another name.相同父级下已存在该名称,请更换。404 EntityNotExists.ResourceDirectory The resource directory for the ...
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