
(Optional)The NetFlow version.Default value:V9.Valid values:V10,V5,V9.If output_type is set to netflow or all,this parameter is required.output_type-(Required)The location where the flow log is stored.Valid values:sls:The ...


the Period range is 1 to 5.If the value of the InstanceChargeType parameter is PrePaid,this parameter is required.If the value of the InstanceChargeType parameter is PostPaid,this parameter is not filled in.pricing_cycle-...


NOTE:This resource has a fatal bug in the version v1.155.0.If you want to use new feature,please upgrade it to v1.156.0.->NOTE:Available since v1.155.0.Example Usage Create RDS MySQL instance data"alicloud_db_zones"...


ArchiveDays needs to be greater than or equal to 60.backup_type-(Optional)This parameter is required only when the RuleType value is*BACKUP.Backup Type.keep_latest_snapshots-(Optional)This parameter is required only when ...


This data source provides the Alb Server Groups of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available since v1.131.0.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_alb_server_groups""ids"{} output"alb_server_group_id_1"{ value=data....


group_type is Fc this parameter will not take effect.From version 1.215.0,protocol can be set to gRPC.vpc_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID of the VPC that you want to access.NOTE:This parameter takes effect when the server_...


Provides a Sag ClientUser resource.This topic describes how to manage accounts as an administrator.After you configure the network,you can create multiple accounts and distribute them to end users so that clients can ...


},handlePaste(){ my.getClipboard({ success:({ text })=>{ this.setData({ copy:text });},});},});API-DEMO page/API/clipboard/clipboard.acss*/.clipboard-button { margin-left:5px;} my.setClipboard 说明:mPaaS 10.1.32 及以上...


This data source provides VPN Gateway Zone available to the user.What is Zone->NOTE:Available since v1.216.0.Example Usage data"alicloud_vpn_gateway_zones""default"{ spec="5M"} Argument Reference The following arguments ...


NOTE:Available since v1.5.0.Example Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example"} data"alicloud_db_zones""default"{ engine="MySQL"engine_version="5.6"} resource"alicloud_vpc""default"{ cidr_block="172.16.0...


Provides a EMR cluster resource.This resource is based on EMR's new version OpenAPI.For information about EMR New and how to use it,see Add a domain.->NOTE:Available since v1.199.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{...


when waf_group appears in tags,this value can be filled in,and only one list of six digits in string format can appear with regultypes.regular_types-(Optional)Regular rule type,when waf_group appears in tags,this value can...


id-The ID of the load balancer.address-The IP address of the load balancer.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when creating the SLB load balancer....


you can set grafana_instance_id to free.vpc_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID of the VPC.This parameter is required,if you set cluster_type to ecs or aliyun-cs(ASK instance).vswitch_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID of the VSwitch....


}.input-container{ border:1px solid#e5e5e5;padding:8px 12px;}.a-input-content{ font-size:15px;}.a-input-placeholder{ font-size:15px!important;} index.json 的代码示例如下:{"usingComponents":{"dialog":"antd-mini/es/Dialog/...


Provides an elastic IP resource.->DEPRECATED:This resource has been deprecated from version 1.126.0.Please use new resource alicloud_eip_address.->NOTE:The resource only supports to create PostPaid PayByTraffic or PrePaid ...


'MIGfMA0GCSqXXXXXXAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDKmi0dUSVQ04hL6GZGPMFK8+d6 '+'GzulagP27qSUBYxIJfE04KT+OHVeFFb6XXXXXXea5mkmZrIgp022zZXXXXXXNM62 '+'3ouBXXXsfm2ekey8PpQxfXaj8lhM9t8rJlXXXXXXs8Qp7Q5/uYrowQbT9m6t7BFK '+'3egOO2...


Absolute,Percent.min_bandwidth_abs-(Optional)The minimum bandwidth allowed for the stream specified in the quintuple rule.This parameter is required when the value of the LimitType parameter is Absolute.max_bandwidth_abs-...

GISV On-cloud Migration Service Content

1.Overview 1.1 Introduction GISV On-cloud Migration Service provides consulting and implementation services based on Alibaba Cloud's product system during the cloud migration process of customers' core systems.This service...


The status of the Bandwidth Package.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 3 mins)Used when create the Bandwidth Package.update-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when ...


type-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)Payment type:Subscription(prepaid),PayAsYouGo(postpaid).Default PayAsYouGo.period-(Optional)The subscription duration.Unit:months.Valid values:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,24,36,and 60.This ...


elif="{{view='APP'}}">APP</view><view a:else>alipay</view><view onTap="add">{{count}}对应的.js 文件示例:/pages/index/index.js Page({ data:{ items:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],view:'alipay',count:1,},add(e){ this.setData({ count:this....


NOTE:Deprecated since v1.123.1.->DEPRECATED:This resource has been renamed to alicloud_slb_load_balancer from version 1.123.1.Provides an Application Load Balancer resource.->NOTE:At present,to avoid some unnecessary ...


Provides a MongoDB Serverless Instance resource.For information about MongoDB Serverless Instance and how to use it,see What is Serverless Instance.->NOTE:Deprecated since v1.214.0.->DEPRECATED:This resource has been ...


.flow_out_type-(Required,ForceNew)Public network billing type.The parameter values are as follows:payByBandwidth:Fixed bandwidth billing.Set this value when enabling public network access.uninvolved:Not involved.Set this ...


Provides a RAM password policy configuration for entire account.Only one resource per account.->NOTE:This resource overwrites an existing configuration.During action terraform destroy it sets values the same as defaults ...


.->NOTE:The step size is 20,that is,only multiples of 20 can be filled in.honeypot-(Optional)Number of cloud honeypot licenses.Interval type,value interval:[20,500].->NOTE:This module can only be purchased when honeypot_...


Provides an ECS Launch Template resource.For information about Launch Template and how to use it,see Launch Template.->DEPRECATED:This resource has been deprecated from version 1.120.0.Please use new resource alicloud_ecs_...


(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when delete the Traffic Mirror Filter.update-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when update the Traffic Mirror Filter.Import VPC Traffic Mirror Filter can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import ...


resource_type-(Required,ForceNew)Resource type for this acl.The resource type can only be"Topic"and"Group".acl_resource_name-(Required,ForceNew)Resource name for this acl.The resource name should be a topic or consumer ...


this parameter specifies the percentile at which the expected value is.For example,0.5 specifies P50.parameter_two-(Optional)The value of the function that is used to aggregate logs imported from Log Service.Note:This ...


create-(Defaults to 10 mins)Used when create the Dedicated Block Storage Cluster.update-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when update the Dedicated Block Storage Cluster.delete-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when update the Dedicated ...


item>第二步"fail="{{true}}"uid="steps-5"><icon slot="failIcon" type="CloseCircleFill" className="steps-icon"/><view slot="title">title slot</view></step-item>第三步"uid="steps-5"><view slot="desc">desc slot</view><icon slot=...


(Optional)Whether the policy is effective for the data source.true:Pause false:not paused.exclude-(Optional)This parameter is required only when the value of SourceType is ECS_FILE or File.Indicates a file type that does ...


dialog.showWithTimer(5,null,null);AUImageDialog dialog=AUImageDialog.getInstance(this);dialog.setCanceledOnTouch(true);dialog.setTitle("标题单行");dialog.setSubTitle("说明当前状态、提示用户解决方案,最好不要超过两行。...


["2.8","4.0","5.0","6.0","7.0"].Default value:5.0.NOTE:When instance_type=Memcache,the engine_version only supports"4.0".tags-(Optional,Available since v1.55.3)A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.security_ips-...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Ad Connector Office Site.status-The resource State.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when create the Ad ...


Provides a Sag SnatEntry resource.This topic describes how to add a SNAT entry to enable the SNAT function.The SNAT function can hide internal IP addresses and resolve private IP address conflicts.With this function,on-...


true,false.tls_versions-(Optional)Specifies the TLS versions allowed to access this buckets.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The ID of the resource supplied above.Timeouts The timeouts block ...


(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when create the Stack Instance.Import ROS Stack Instance can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_ros_stack_instance.example<stack_group_name>:<stack_instance_account_id>:...
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