Dataphin集成任务报错...supported in state standby

问题描述 FTP到HDFS的集成任务报错“Operation category READ is not supported in state standby”,重试依然报同样的错误。解决方案 这是由于连接的hadoop节点处于standby状态造成的异常。通常Active NameNode对外提供服务,而Standby ...

Quick BI数据集报错“DISTINCT in window...supported.”

问题描述 Quick BI数据集报错“DISTINCT in window function parameters not yet supported.”。如下图所示:问题原因 AnalyticDB for MySQL 3.0不支持窗口函数中使用了distinct。AnalyticDB for MySQL 3.0数据库在Quick BI的位置如下图所...

Quick BI数据准备...supported for current instance”

问题描述 数据准备新建表提示“CREATE TABLE is not supported for current instance”。问题原因 Hologres数据源共享集群实例不支持创建内部表,只允许创建外表。解决方案 切换数据源,或切换为Hologres独享资源实例。更多信息 参考文档:...

云数据库Redis开启免密访问提示“The ...supported”错误

问题描述 阿里云云数据Redis开启免密访问时,提示“The specified instance networkType is not supported”错误。问题原因 您的网络类型不支持开启免密登录,只有Redis实例的网络类型为专有网络才可以开启免密登录,详情请参考 开启专有...

提示“No supported authentication methods ...

本文介绍使用第三方SSH客户端远程连接Linux实例时,提示“No supported authentication methods available(server sent:publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)”错误的问题原因和解决方案。问题现象 当您使用第三方SSH客户端远程连接...

ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not supported.Reason:...

问题现象 在RDS MySQL实例中,使用INPLACE方式扩展VARCHAR字段长度时,提示如下错误:ERROR 1846(0A000):ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not supported.Reason:Cannot change column type INPLACE.Try ALGORITHM=COPY.可能原因 使用INPLACE方式扩展...

ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not supported.Reason:...

问题现象 在RDS MySQL实例中,使用INPLACE方式扩展VARCHAR字段长度时,提示如下错误:ERROR 1846(0A000):ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not supported.Reason:Cannot change column type INPLACE.Try ALGORITHM=COPY.可能原因 使用INPLACE方式扩展...

Operation category READ is not supported in state...

问题描述 Dataphin集成任务运行失败报错:"Operation category READ is not supported in state standby。经Dlink智能分析,该任务最可能的错误原因是 Code:[Framework-02],...


Code":"InvalidDataDiskCategory.NotSupported","Message":"diskCategory is CLOUD_SSD,but the iz supported diskCategory is[io1,io4,io3].",问题原因 由于ECS所在的可用区不支持相应的磁盘类型,导致创建ECS实例报错。解决方案 说明 ...

使用OSS视频截帧时提示“not supported format”错误

问题描述 在使用阿里云对象存储OSS通过SDK生成带签名的视频截帧URL后,URL无法打开,提示“not supported format”错误。问题原因 仅支持对视频编码格式为H264和H265的视频文件进行视频截帧。解决方案 在使用视频截帧时,请确保使用H264和H...

ECS实例使用ssh命令登录时出现“No supported key ...

问题描述 ECS实例无法使用 ssh 命令登录,通过VNC登录实例发现/var/log/secure 日志文件中出现“No supported key exchange algorithms”报错。问题原因/etc/ssh 目录中的密钥文件大小都为0。解决方案 您可以通过如下命令,生成新的密钥...

SQL Server数据库出现“Data...supported on SQL Server ...

' is enabled with data compression or vardecimal storage format.Data compression and vardecimal storage format are only supported on SQL Server Enterprise Edition.Database 'xxx' cannot be started because some of the ...

DTS同步数据到AnalyticDB MySQL时出现...supported”报错

问题描述 数据同步过程中,出现 'id' is LONG type,Can't change column type to DECIMAL 或者 modify precision is not supported,col=id,type decimal,old=11,new=21 报错信息。问题原因 数据同步过程中,存在不支持修改的字段类型。解决...


pg,tidb.For the correspondence between the supported source and target libraries,see Supported Databases,Synchronization Initialization Types and Synchronization Topologies,Supported Databases and Migration Types....

Hologres SQL语句的常见问题

报错:Creating publication with table that without binlog is not supported now 报错:bigint out of range 报错:too many shards in this instance 报错:Feature not supported:insert into parent table 报错:timestamp out of ...

alicloud_db_instances}"} Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:enable_details-(Optional,Available in 1.135.0+)Default to false.Set it to true can output parameter template about ...


see Supported Databases,Synchronization Initialization Types and Synchronization Topologies,Supported Databases and Migration Types.destination_endpoint_region-(Required,ForceNew)The region of destination instance.List of ...


name-(Required)The name of emr cluster.The name length must be less than 64.Supported characters:chinese character,english character,number,"-","_".deploy_mode-(Optional,ForceNew)The deploy mode of EMR cluster.Supported ...


RSA-AES128-SHA,ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA,AES128-SHA,AES256-SHA,and DES-CBC3-SHA.tls_cipher_policy_1_1:Supported TLS versions:TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2.Supported cipher suites:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256,ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,...


示例 JSON 格式 {"ROSTemplateFormatVersion":"2015-09-01","Parameters":{"Ciphers":{"Type":"Json","Description":"The supported cipher suites,which are determined by the TLS protocol version.The specified cipher suites must be...


policy_name="tf_example"tls_versions=["TLSv1.0"]ciphers=["ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA","AES256-SHA"]} Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:resource_group_id-(Optional)The ID of the resource group.security_...


400 Invalid.PrivatePoolOptions.Id The specified parameter"PrivatePoolOptions.Id"should be empty.-400 Invalid.InstanceId Modify DedicatedHost Instance's attachment attributes is not supported.-400 Invalid.InstanceId Modify ...


cores.max_connections-The maximum number of connections that are supported by the instance type.Unit:connections.max_iombps-The maximum I/O bandwidth that is supported by the instance type.Unit:Mbit/s.max_iops-The maximum ...


Analysis Job cannot be supported by boost pipeline.NotSupportedJob.ContainerFormatNotSupported Boost 管道不支持自定义模板格式为非m3u8格式 In user defined template \”%s”,container format \”%s”is not m3u8,cannot be ...


This data source is the character set supported by querying RDS instances.->NOTE:Available in v1.198.0+.Example Usage#Declare the data source data"alicloud_rds_character_set_names""names"{ engine="MySQL"} output"first_rds_...


dedicated master node(optional)and etc.It can be associated with private IP whitelists and kibana IP whitelist.see What is Elasticsearch Instance.->NOTE:Only one operation is supported in a request.So if data_node_spec and...


lock_reason-The reason why the dedicated host resource is locked.supported_instance_type_families-(Available in 1.123.1+)ECS instance type family supported by the dedicated host.supported_custom_instance_type_families-...


enabled=1.Valid values:cert perfer verify-ca verify-full(supported only when the instance runs PostgreSQL 12 or later)replication_acl-(Optional,Available since v1.124.4)The method that is used to verify the replication ...




type-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)The operating system supported by the component.Currently,only Linux systems are supported.Value:Linux.Default value:Linux.tags-(Optional,Map)List of label key-value pairs.Attributes ...


OuterCloudSupportError Servers outside Alibaba is not supported.不支持云外主机。DomainSourceIpCountError The number of origin fetch addresses exceeds the limit.回源IP个数限制。DomainNotRegisterError The specified domain ...


source_type is RabbitMQ,The following attributes are supported:RegionId-The region ID of RabbitMQ.InstanceId-The instance ID of RabbitMQ.VirtualHostName-The virtual host name of RabbitMQ.QueueName-The queue name of ...


(Required)The permission group name.The naming rules are as follows:The length is 6~64 characters.Globally unique and cannot be an empty string.English letters are supported and can contain numbers,underscores(_),and ...


(Required)The permission group name.The naming rules are as follows:The length is 6~64 characters.Globally unique and cannot be an empty string.English letters are supported and can contain numbers,underscores(_),and ...


1_0"]} output"alb_system_security_policy_id_1"{ } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:ids-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)A list of ...


The alicloud_emr_disk_types data source provides a collection of data disk and system disk types available in Alibaba Cloud account when create a ...The maximum value of the data disk to supported the specific instance type


400 MissingParameter.InstanceId The specified InstanceId should not be null.-400 InvalidResourcePackage.BizStatus The resource package business status is not supported.-400 InvalidInstanceId.MalFormed The specified ...


and Synchronization Topology and Supported Database and Migration Type.This parameter or job_id must be passed in.source_region-(Optional,ForceNew)The source instance region.For more information,see List of supported ...


versions.default.main_versions.0.cluster_types}"} Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:emr_version-(Optional)The version of the emr cluster instance.Possible values:EMR-4.0.0,EMR-3.23.0,EMR-3.22.0....


only variable group ids are supported.Type:Json RelObjectType:Description:en:'Associated resource type.Valid values:VARIABLE_GROUP-OOS_APP_ID For now,only VARIABLE GROUP is supported.' Type:String Resources:...
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