ERROR 1146(42S02):Table '' doesn't exist

问题现象 在重启RDS MySQL实例后,进行表相关操作时,提示如下错误:ERROR 1146(42S02):Table '' doesn't exist 同时,在error log中可见如下记录:[Warning]InnoDB:Load table `xxx`.`xxx` failed,the table has missing foreign ...

ERROR 1146(42S02):Table '' doesn't exist

问题现象 在重启RDS MySQL实例后,进行表相关操作时,提示如下错误:ERROR 1146(42S02):Table '' doesn't exist 同时,在error log中可见如下记录:[Warning]InnoDB:Load table `xxx`.`xxx` failed,the table has missing foreign ...

“Invalid arguments-format string doesn't have '...

问题描述 Quick BI数据集报错:“Invalid arguments-format string doesn't have 'yyyy' part:null。问题原因 日期字段转换格式不对。解决方案 日期为2022-09-09格式需要转换为对应的yyyy-MM-dd格式。根据日期的不同格式选择对应的转换格式...

Quick BI使用本地文件上传后新建计算...doesn't match...

问题描述 Quick BI使用本地文件上传后新建计算字段提示“Number of arguments for function dateDiff doesn't match:passed 2,should be 3 or 4”。问题原因 计算字段中设置的dateDiff函数和ClickHouse的要求入参不匹配,提示的错误是少...

向阿里邮箱发信失败提示“dd this user doesn't have ...

问题描述 阿里邮箱收取邮件时,发信方投递失败并收到退信,提示内容包括如下:554 delivery error:dd this user doesnt have xxxx e-mailaccount()[0] 问题原因 收件邮箱域名的MX(Mail Exchanger)解析状态为解析未...

遇到The service or function doesn't belong to you...


遇到The service or function doesn't belong to you...



诊断 400 RestoreNotExist The specified restore doesn't exist.-诊断 400 ServerNotExist The specified server doesn't exist.-诊断 400 InvalidClientType Invalid client type.-诊断 400 PlanNotExist The specified plan doesn't ...

无法找到 utdid

问题详述 使用 Android Studio 开发时所连手机为5.0系统以上出现:utdid4all jar doesnt exist,please copy the libs folder 解决方法 关闭Android Studio中的Instant Run。


错误日志 {"errorMessage":"ETL config doesn't pass security check,detail:invalid syntax"} {"errorMessage":"ETL config doesn't pass security check,detail:unexpected EOF while parsing"}.排查方法 根据错误日志中的 traceback ...

RAM用户使用Cloud Toolkit时,上报云助手相关报错,...

问题现象 RAM用户使用Cloud Toolkit时,上报RAM报错问题:[ERROR]Forbidden.RAM:User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API doesn't support RAM.可能原因 Cloud Toolkit没有RAM用户鉴权功能,需要使用云助手...


ILLEGAL The Account withholding agreement is illegal.-诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_...


ILLEGAL The Account withholding agreement is illegal.-诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_...


ILLEGAL The Account withholding agreement is illegal.-诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_...


ILLEGAL The Account withholding agreement is illegal.-诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_...


ILLEGAL The Account withholding agreement is illegal.-诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_...


ILLEGAL The Account withholding agreement is illegal.-诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_...


ILLEGAL The Account withholding agreement is illegal.-诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_...


0"}]},"BigKeys":{"BigKey":[{"Db":0,"Key":"abc:def:eng","KeyType":"zset","Size":2,"NodeId":"r-x*-db-0"}]},"HotKeyMsg":"current version doesn't support","BigKeyMsg":"current version doesn't support"},"Code":"200","Success":...


RAM:User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API doesn't support RAM.当前用户没有释放对应资源的权限。参考 RAM用户授权 为用户授予对应资源的管理权限。部分释放成功 Resource xxxxxx DependencyViolation:...


常见错误 错误信息 错误说明 处理方法 index config doesn't exist 对应的Logstore没有开启索引配置。为目标Logstore创建索引,并且为需要分析的字段设置字段索引。具体操作,请参见 创建索引。xxx is not configed in index 在日志服务中...


or this API doesnt support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 InsufficientBalance ...


database doesn't exist 该Database不存在,无法进行删除,请提供正确的Database名称。1009 HY000 Error dropping database(can't delete '%s',errno:%d-%s)删除Database失败,请从错误消息中获取失败原因。若依然无法解决,请联系Lindorm...


name} doesnt match the limitation.400 InvalidParameterExpired The input parameter {parameter_name} is expired.400 QuotaExhausted The resource {resource_name} has exceeded the limit.400 InvalidResource The resource {...


data 字段不满足类型约束 TX_INVALID_SIGNATURE 103 the signature is not valid,used in PreResetPubKey/ResetPubKey/ActivateNode tx 签名不可用 TX_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE 104 the sender of tx doesnt have enough money 交易的发送...


python3_3 Detail string 检查未通过时的具体错误信息 Node[python3_3]doesn't have the asset information 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"0DFC9403-54EB-5672-B690-9AA93C9EBB54","CheckTaskInfos":[{"RiskLevel":"error",...


为什么Safari/iOS报错:Failed to set remote answer sdp 如果遇到如下报错:Failed to set remote answer sdp:The order of m-lines in answer doesn't match order in offer.是因为您集成了其他WebRTC相关SDK,其中的webrtc-adapter冲突...


Message":"successful","RequestId":"2F63CA9B-744E-51C0-A638-27882BB03078","Success":true } 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 200 CrossAccountBackupSlrNotExist AliyunServiceRoleForHbrCrossAccountBackup doesn't ...

the used key part isn't a string,the used length ...

the used key part isn't a string,the used length is longer than the key part,or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keys 问题原因 创建或变更前缀索引时系统提示上述错误的原因如下:原因一 目标字段不是VARCHAR...


在Hologres实例内操作报错:role“RAM$xxx”doesn't not exsit 问题现象 连接开发工具之后,在实例内进行查询等操作时报错提示:role“RAM$xxx”doesn't not exsit。问题原因 当前RAM用户账号未被创建进实例中。解决方法 您可以根据业务...


Configured service account doesn't have access.Service account may have been revoked.pods"job-*-taskmanager-2-5"is forbidden:exceeded quota:resourcequota,requested:limits.memory=5Gi,used:limits.memory=39424Mi,limited:...


诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_EXIST The Account Book doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.TAX...


Configured service account doesn't have access.Service account may have been revoked.pods"job-*-taskmanager-2-5"is forbidden:exceeded quota:resourcequota,requested:limits.memory=5Gi,used:limits.memory=39424Mi,limited:...


问题现象 浏览器报403错误,具体如下:OPTIONS XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check:...


执行模板报错:Code:Forbidden.RAM,Message:User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API doesn't support RAM.临时带宽升级报错:code:InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalance message:Your account does not ...


诊断 403 Forbbiden.SubUser The specified action is not available for you.-诊断 400 UnsupportedParameter-诊断 403 Forbidden.RAM User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API doesn't support RAM.-诊断 ...


ETL config doesn't pass security check,detail:invalid type detected:<class '_ast.Expr'>","requestId":""} 排查方法 如上错误日志表示加工语法配置错误,可能原因是您单独使用了res_log_logstore_pull函数、res_rds_mysql函数或res_...


6 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"ExpireWithin30DaysCount":0,"RequestId":"F5E8DF64-7175-4186-9B06-F002C0BBD0C5","ExpiredCount":6 } 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 400 NoHttpsDomain Your account doesn't have ...


SyntaxErrorMsg String script doesn't contains transmit function 发布解析器脚本失败时,返回的脚本语法错误信息。示例 请求示例 http(s):/ &ParserId=1001 &<公共请求参数>正常返回...


104 错误描述 英文:the sender of tx doesn't have enough money 中文:交易的发送账户余额不足 问题原因 给其他用户转账的金额大于本身拥有的余额。例如:使用tester001账户创建新的userIdentity账户,并给userIdentity账户转账100,此时...
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