
reboot 手动配置IPv6地址(其他操作系统)CentOS、Debian、Ubuntu、Fedora等操作系统请完成以下操作,手动配置IPv6地址:远程连接Linux实例。具体操作,请参见 通过密码或密钥认证登录Linux实例。执行 ip addr|grep inet6 或者 ifconfig|...


Linux 以Ubuntu下amd64架构为例,其他系统请参考官方指引链接。下载并安装DEB文件。下载文件:wget https://github.com/tinygo-org/tinygo/releases/download/v0.28.1/tinygo_0.28.1_amd64.deb 安装文件:sudo dpkg-i tinygo_0.28.1_amd64....


route_table_aggregation_scope-The scope of networks that you want to advertise the aggregate route.route_type-The route type of the aggregate route.transit_route_table_aggregation_name-The name of the aggregate route....


This data source provides a list of Route Tables owned by an Alibaba Cloud account.->NOTE:Available in 1.36.0+.Example Usage variable"name"{ default="route-tables-datasource-example-name"} resource"alicloud_vpc""foo"{ cidr...


This data source provides CEN Transit Router Route Tables available to the user.What is Cen Transit Router Route Tables->NOTE:Available in 1.126.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables""entry"{ ...


This data source provides CEN Transit Router Route Entries available to the user.What is Cen Transit Router Route Entries->NOTE:Available in 1.126.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_entries""entry"{ ...


Provides a Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)Transit Route Table Aggregation resource.For information about Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)Transit Route Table Aggregation and how to use it,see What is Transit Route Table ...


This data source provides CEN Route Entries available to the user.Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_route_entries""entry"{ instance_id="cen-id1"route_table_id="vtb-id1"} output"first_route_entries_route_entry_cidr_block"{ ...


This data source provides CEN Route Maps available to the user.->NOTE:Available in v1.87.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_route_maps""this"{ cen_id="cen-ihdlgo87ai*"ids=["cen-ihdlgo87ai:cenrmap-bnh97kb3mn*"]description_...


Provides a VPN Pbr Route Entry resource.->NOTE:Available since v1.162.0+.For information about VPN Pbr Route Entry and how to use it,see What is VPN Pbr Route Entry.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tfacc...


Provides a CEN transit router route entry resource.What is Cen Transit Router Route Entry->NOTE:Available since v1.126.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...preserved-NODELETING"} resource"random_integer...


The data source lists a number of VPN Pbr Route Entries resource information owned by an Alicloud account.Example Usage data"alicloud_vpn_pbr_route_entries""ids"{ vpn_gateway_id="example_vpn_gateway_id"ids=["example_id"]} ...


Provides a VPC Route Table Attachment resource.Routing table associated resource type.For information about VPC Route Table Attachment and how to use it,see What is Route Table Attachment.->NOTE:Available since v1.194.0....


Provides a VPN Route Entry resource.->NOTE:Terraform will build vpn route entry instance while it uses alicloud_vpn_route_entry to build a VPN Route Entry resource.->NOTE:Available since v1.57.0+.For information about VPN ...


Provides a CEN transit router route table resource.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table->NOTE:Available since v1.126.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_cen_instance""example"{ cen_instance_name="tf_example...


Provides a VPC Route Table resource.Currently,customized route tables are available in most regions apart from China(Beijing),China(Hangzhou),and China(Shenzhen)regions.For information about VPC Route Table and how to use ...


This data source provides CEN Transit Router Route Table Propagations available to the user.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table Propagations->NOTE:Available in 1.126.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_transit_router_...


Provides a VPC Gateway Route Table Attachment resource.For information about VPC Gateway Route Table Attachment and how to use it,see What is Gateway Route Table Attachment.->NOTE:Available in v1.194.0+.Example Usage Basic...


This data source provides CEN Transit Router Route Table Associations available to the user.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table Associations->NOTE:Available in 1.126.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_transit_router_...


Provides a VPC Gateway Endpoint Route Table Attachment resource.VPC gateway node association route.For information about VPC Gateway Endpoint Route Table Attachment and how to use it,see What is Gateway Endpoint Route ...

如何安装Ubuntu 18图形化桌面?

如果您需要为Ubuntu 18系统的ECS实例安装图形化界面,以通过图形界面管理操作系统,可参考本文进行操作。前提条件 已创建Ubuntu 18系统的ECS实例。具体操作,请参见 自定义购买实例。安装图形化桌面 重要 安装图形化桌面会降低服务器的性能...


This data source provides CEN Regional Route Entries available to the user.Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_region_route_entries""entry"{ instance_id="cen-id1"region_id=...{data.alicloud_cen_region_route_entries.entry....


This topic provides an overview of the route map function of Cloud Enterprise Networks(CENs).You can use the route map function to filter routes and modify route attributes.By doing so,you can manage the communication ...

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS停止支持维护后如何继续安全更新?

2021年04月,Ubuntu 16.04 LTS(Xenial Xerus)将停止为期5年的标准支持维护,同时阿里云也将停止Ubuntu 16.04 LTS公共镜像的更新。Ubuntu 16.04 LTS后续将过渡到扩展安全维护(ESM)的阶段。您可以参考本文的操作,通过Ubuntu订阅服务(UA...


Provides a VPN Gateway Vco Route resource.For information about VPN Gateway Vco Route and how to use it,see What is Vco Route.->NOTE:Available in v1.183.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_cen_instance""default...

通过VNC搭建Ubuntu 18.04和20.04图形界面

前提条件 已创建Ubuntu 18.04和Ubuntu 20.04系统的轻量应用服务器。具体操作,请参见 创建轻量应用服务器。已在Ubuntu服务器的防火墙中放行了VNC服务所需的5900和5901端口。具体操作,请参见 添加防火墙规则。背景信息 本文将以Ubuntu 18....

通过VNC搭建Ubuntu 16.04图形界面

如果您需要通过VNC搭建Ubuntu 18.04和20.04图形界面,具体操作,请参见 通过VNC搭建Ubuntu 18.04和20.04图形界面。步骤一:搭建图形界面 使用 root 用户远程连接Ubuntu服务器。具体操作,请参见 通过控制台使用Workbench远程连接Linux...


This data source provides Cen Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment available to the user.What is Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment->NOTE:Available in 1.195.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_child_instance_route_...


This data source provides CEN Route Service available to the user.->NOTE:Available in v1.102.0+Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cen_route_services""example"{ cen_id="cen-7qthudw0ll6jmc*"} output"first_cen_route_...


Provides a Cen Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment resource.For information about Cen Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment and how to use it,see What is Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment.->NOTE:Available ...


Provides a CEN transit router route table propagation resource.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table Propagation->NOTE:Available since v1.126.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example"} data"alicloud...


Provides a CEN transit router route table association resource.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table Association->NOTE:Available since v1.126.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example"} data"alicloud...


Provides a CEN Route Service resource.The virtual border routers(VBRs)and Cloud Connect Network(CCN)instances attached to Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)instances can access the cloud services deployed in VPCs through the ...


问题描述 系统为Ubuntu 16.04的ECS实例中执行 apt update 命令提示404错误,不能正常从镜像源获取更新。apt update&apt full-upgrade-y Err:1 http://mirrors.cloud.aliyuncs.com/ubuntu xenial-security/main amd64 libtiff5 amd64 4.0.6-...


Publish the destination route to the VPC.false:Do not publish the destination route to the VPC.","AllowedValues":["True","true","False","false"]},"Weight":{"Type":"Number","Description":"The weight of the destination route...


为了方便您快速提交训练任务,您需要在创建训练任务前准备好所需的资源,并配置好可能需要使用的镜像、数据集和代码集。...{region} 框架 CPU/GPU Python版本 镜像的URL cn-hangzhou Tensorflow 2.3 CPU 3.6(py36)registry....


\ \ Include:uses fuzzy match.If the routing prefix in the condition contains\ \ the routing prefix of the route,the match is successful.For example,\ \ the 1.1.XX.XX/16 policy can match the route.Complete:uses ...


ALIYUN:ECS:Route类型用于创建自定义路由条目。语法 {"Type":"ALIYUN:ECS:Route","Properties":{"DestinationCidrBlock":String,"RouteTableId":String,"NextHopId":String,"NextHopType":String,"NextHopList":List } } 属性 属性名称 ...


概述 Ubuntu实例排查网络问题,由于需要备份iptables规则,然后清空iptables规则排除来自iptables的影响。详细信息 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意实例的容灾、容错能力,确保数据安全。如果您对实例...


PublishVpc":{"Type":"Boolean","Description":"Indicates whether to publish the destination route to the VPC.Valid values:true:Publish the destination route to the VPC.false:Do not publish the destination route to the VPC....
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