
ErrorMessage String InstanceId cannot be empty.调用失败时,返回的错误信息。LocalizedMessage String InstanceId cannot be empty.根据当前所在地展示对应语言的错误提示。Data Array of CarriersVO 返回数据。SerialNo String 4f84*...


you cannot specify twice in the entries of the prefix list.IP addresses are supported.The system converts IP addresses into CIDR blocks.For example,if you specify,the system converts it into ...


DataTypeCanNotEmpty Data type cannot be empty.流量类型不能为空。IccidNotExist IccId does not exist.卡号不存在。DataLevelCanNotEmpty Data level cannot be empty.充值类型为叠加包时,流量档位不能为空。RPCInvokeError An RPC ...


ErrorMessage String InstanceId cannot be empty.调用失败时,返回的错误信息。LocalizedMessage String InstanceId cannot be empty.根据当前所在地展示对应语言的错误提示。Data Object 返回的分组信息及分组内的访问地址清单。...


ALIYUN:ECS:ElasticityAssurance...en:'The key of tag N to add to the elasticity assurance.Valid values of N:1 to 20.The tag key cannot be an empty string.The tag key must be 1 to 128 characters in length and cannot contain ...


错误码:ODPS-0121096:MetaStore transaction conflict 错误1:Reached maximum retry times because of OTSStorageTxnLockKeyFail(Inner exception:Transaction timeout because cannot acquire exclusive lock.)错误信息 ODPS-0121096:...


ErrorMessage String InstanceId cannot be empty.调用失败时,返回的错误信息。LocalizedMessage String InstanceId cannot be empty.根据当前所在地展示对应语言的错误提示。Data String 1.00MB 实时周期用量,带流量单位。示例 请求示例...


409 AuthorizationEndpointLengthExceed Authorization endpoint length cannot exceed 127!409 ClientIDLengthExceed ClientID length cannot exceed 127!409 ClientSecretLengthExceed ClientSecret length cannot exceed 127!409 ...


Chinese characters,numbers,and underscores().It must be 4 to 50 characters in length and cannot start with an underscore()."},"Description":{"Type":"String","Description":"The description of the plug-in,which cannot exceed...


and it cannot have two or more consecutive periods(.)or hyphens(-).For Windows:The host name can be[2,15]characters in length.It can contain A-Z,a-z,numbers,periods(.),and hyphens(-).It cannot only contain numbers.For ...


错误码:ODPS-0123091:Illegal type cast 错误1:in function cast,value 'xx' cannot be casted from yy to zz 错误信息示例 ODPS-0123091:Illegal type cast-in function cast,value 'xx' cannot be casted from YY to ZZ 问题描述 执行...


a backup job exists.403 OperationDenied.NoDatabase The operation is not permitted due to no database.403 InvalidStartTimeAndEndTime.Malformed The ...400 OperationDenied.BackupJobExists You cannot perform this operation...


409 AuthorizationEndpointLengthExceed Authorization endpoint length cannot exceed 127!409 ClientIDLengthExceed ClientID length cannot exceed 127!409 ClientSecretLengthExceed ClientSecret length cannot exceed 127!409 ...


Q:JDBC读取数据报错:Cannot convert string 'xxxx' to java.sql.Timestamp value A:尝试按照Timestamp类型解析密文数据,例如 getTimestamp,由于密文不符合Timestamp类型格式要求,因此报错。将使用的JDBC替换成EncJDBC即可。Q:JDBC...


Description:'The alias of the Alibaba Cloud account.The alias must be 1 to 50 characters in length,and can contain lowercase letters,digits,and hyphens(-).Note It cannot start or end with a hyphen(-),and cannot contain ...


示例 YAML 格式 ROSTemplateFormatVersion:'2015-09-01' Parameters:DatasetName:AllowedPattern:^[a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{1,32}$Description:The name of dataset.Cannot start with numbers and symbols,and the length cannot be greater...


诊断 400 Waf.Control.ExportingTasksMoreThanFifty The number of tasks being exported cannot exceed 50 正在导出的任务不能超过50条 诊断 400 Defense.Control.InvalidParameter Invalid parameter.无效的参数 诊断 400 Defense....


TextArea","Type":"String","Description":{"en":"The description of the vSwitch.The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length.It must start with a letter but cannot start with http:// or https://." },"Required":...


400 InvalidBgpPeer.NotFound Bgp peer not found.-400 IncorrectStatus.BgpPeer Invalid BgpPeer status cannot operate.无效的BgpPeer状态无法运行。404 InvalidRegionId.NotFound Specified value of"regionId"is not supported.指定的 ...


on_failure-(Optional,ForceNew)Specifies whether to release the intermediate instance if the image cannot be created.description-(Optional,ForceNew)The description of the image template.The description must be 2 to 256 ...


so the operation cannot be completed.NAT有依赖的终端节点服务,所以此操作不能进行 400 DependencyViolation.FullNatEntry The specified resource of%s depends on%s,so the operation cannot be completed.-400 DependencyViolation....


VPC authorization failed,please check if the rdsId vpcId is correct Host format error,cannot start with http:// or https:// Unknown Exception Create JDBC connection failed,please check if the parameters are correct RDS 到...


DEPRECATED:This resource has been ...ForceNew)The source disk,ForceNew)The name of the snapshot to be created.The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length.It must start with a letter and cannot start with ...


so the operation cannot be completed.NAT有依赖的终端节点服务,所以此操作不能进行 400 DependencyViolation.FullNatEntry The specified resource of%s depends on%s,so the operation cannot be completed.-400 DependencyViolation....


否 400 OTSParameterInvalid Column value cannot be given when type is DELETE_ONE_VERSION,DELETE_ALL_VERSION.当使用了DELETE_ONE_VERSION或DELETE_ALL_VERSION等删除操作时,不能设置属性值。否 400 OTSParameterInvalid Timestamp ...


RAM users cannot manage their public keys.This is the default value.Note This parameter is valid only for the Japan site.","AllowedValues":["True","true","False","false"]},"LoginNetworkMasks":{"Type":"String","Description...


ALIYUN:ECS:HpcCluster类型...digits,colons(:),underscores(_),and hyphens(-).Description:Type:String Description:>-The description of the HPC cluster.The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length.It cannot start with ...


不可取消勾选状态*/public static final int STATE_CANNOT_UNCHECKED=0x03;不可勾选状态*/public static final int STATE_CANNOT_CHECKED=0x04;设置 checkIcon 的状态*@param state*/public void setIconState(int state);获取checkIcon的...

Notice of Alibaba cloud payment system upgrade on ...

Time:01:00 to 04:00 April 9,2020Content:To improve user experiences,we will update Billing Management.We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the update and appreciate your understanding.Attention:You cannot pay for ...


400 CanNot.Remove.WorkspaceOwner You cannot remove the group workspace owner from the group.不能将群空间拥有者剔除出群。400 User.NotIn.Workspace The user is not a member of the group workspace.该用户不在群空间中。400 ...


' Required:true Type:String NatIpCidrDescription:Description:en:'The description of the NAT CIDR block.The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length and start with a letter.The description cannot start with ...


诊断 409 DeleteResourceShareConflict You cannot delete resource sharing while there are unfinished tasks.-诊断 409 DisassociateConflict You cannot perform the operation while disassociation operation is being performed.-...


400 InvalidBgpPeer.NotFound Bgp peer not found.-400 IncorrectStatus.BgpPeer Invalid BgpPeer status cannot operate.无效的BgpPeer状态无法运行。404 InvalidRegionId.NotFound Specified value of"regionId"is not supported.指定的 ...


400 Duplicated.CidrBlock bgp network cidr already exists.-400 InvalidIP.IpInSnatPool Multi ip in snat pool cannot remove ip from bandwidth package.-400 InvalidDestCidrBlock.Malformed Specified dstCidrBlock is not valid.-...


400 Duplicated.CidrBlock bgp network cidr already exists.-400 InvalidIP.IpInSnatPool Multi ip in snat pool cannot remove ip from bandwidth package.-400 InvalidDestCidrBlock.Malformed Specified dstCidrBlock is not valid.-...


type="VSwitch"} } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:description-(Optional)The description of the network ACL.The description must be 1 to 256 characters in length and cannot start with ...


WfInstanceId Long 111111 工作流实例ID Message String Cannot find product according to your domain.错误消息,仅错误时返回错误信息。RequestId String 4F68ABED-AC31-4412-9297-D9A8F0401108 请求唯一ID Success Boolean true 是否...


LocalizedMessage String InstanceId cannot be empty.根据当前所在地展示对应语言的错误提示。Code String 200 接口返回码。200:调用成功。其他:调用失败。错误码详情,请参见 错误码。示例 请求示例 http(s):/linkcard.aliyuncs....


name-(Optional)Instance host name.It cannot start or end with a period(.)or a hyphen(-)and it cannot have two or more consecutive periods(.)or hyphens(-).For Windows:The host name can be[2,15]characters in length.It can ...


ErrorMessage String InstanceId cannot be empty.调用失败时,返回的错误信息。RequestId String E4F94B97-1D64-4080-BFD2-67461667AA43 请求ID,阿里云为该请求生成的标识符。Success Boolean true 是否调用成功。true:调用成功。false...
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