APOpenSSL' does not contain bitcode 错误

错误描述 通过 Pod 方式接入的 mPaaS iOS 工程项目,在编译时遭遇错误:ld:'/Users/xxx/Documents/xxx_project/Pods/APOpenSSL/APOpenSSL.framework/APOpenSSL' does not contain bitcode.You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled(Xcode ...

Prometheus 版无法...contain a resource that already ...

rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists.Unable to continue with install:existing resource conflict:kind:ClusterRole,namespace:,name:arms-pilot-prom-k8s 问题原因 通过命令手动删除arms-prom后,可能会存在角色...

Prometheus 版无法...contain a resource that already ...

rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists.Unable to continue with install:existing resource conflict:kind:ClusterRole,namespace:,name:arms-pilot-prom-k8s 问题原因 通过命令手动删除arms-prom后,可能会存在角色...


which is executed last.This type of action can contain only one ForwardGroup,Redirect or FixedResponse action.ExtType:A forwarding rule can contain one or more ExtType actions,which are executed before FinalType actions ...


是蚂蚁动态卡片引擎内置的组件,用来将单张图片按照指定的样式渲染出来。嵌入组件支持 不可嵌套任何其他组件。...resize 不为 cover/contain/stretch。节点不写 width 或者 height。单击此处 detailImage.zip 获取完整示例代码。


contain:包含 ncontain:不包含 equal:等于 nequal:不等于 lless:长度小于 lequal:长度等于 lgreat:长度大于 nexist:不存在 regular:正则匹配 user-agent 发起访问请求的客户端的浏览器标识、渲染引擎标识和版本信息等浏览器相关...


变量名 功能 输入格式示例 payload 调用上一个节点输出参数 {{payload.contain}} query http请求节点内定义的参数,或起始节点的参数 {{query.contain}} node 通过节点ID来指定访问某个具体节点的输出 {{node.node_111.contain}}


Chorme catch_specified_pages(name,*,mode='title',pattern='contain')catch_all_pages()catch_activated_pages()close_all IE catch_specified_pages(name,*,mode='title',pattern='contain')catch_all_pages()close_all 操作前提 存在...


代码调用样例如下:wnd=rpa.ui.win32.catch('网店云管家',mode='substr')page=rpa.app.ie.catch_host(wnd)catch catch(name,mode='title',pattern='contain',timeout=10)方法描述 捕获已打开的页面 参数说明 name标题或者url mode页面匹配...


示例 YAML 格式 ROSTemplateFormatVersion:'2015-09-01' Parameters:DirectoryName:Description:en:'The name of the directory.The name must be globally unique.The name can contain lowercase letters,digits,or hyphens(-).The name ...


Description:'The alias of the Alibaba Cloud account.The alias must be 1 to 50 characters in length,and can contain lowercase letters,digits,and hyphens(-).Note It cannot start or end with a hyphen(-),and cannot contain ...


举例:查找距离用户(120.34256,30.56982)10公里内的商铺(lon,lat为文档中记录商家的经纬度值,需要配置为属性字段):filter:"distance(lon,lat,\"120.34256\",\"30.56982\")<10"contain/notcontain 说明:contain:判断单值或多值a中...




must contain only alphanumeric characters or Chinese characters or hyphens,such as"-",".",and must not end with a hyphen.mobile-(Optional)Phone number of the RAM user.This number must contain an international area code ...


background-size:contain;}.answer.btn-speaker.icon { background:url("xxx")center center no-repeat;background-size:contain;}.answer.btn-camera.icon { background:url("xxx")center center no-repeat;background-size:contain;}....


(Required,ForceNew)Name of Container Registry Enterprise Edition repository.It can contain 2 to 64 characters.summary-(Required)The repository general information.It can contain 1 to 100 characters.repo_type-(Required)...


内置UDF列表 复杂类型函数 函数名 功能简介 版本 contain 判断字段值在给定集合内 ALL notcontain 判断字段值不在给定集合内 ALL MATCHINDEX 使用给定的条件查询指定字段的倒排索引 ALL QUERY 使用给定的条件查询倒排索引,原HA3 query语法 ...


内置UDF列表 复杂类型函数 函数名 功能简介 版本 contain 判断字段值在给定集合内 ALL notcontain 判断字段值不在给定集合内 ALL MATCHINDEX 使用给定的条件查询指定字段的倒排索引 ALL QUERY 使用给定的条件查询倒排索引,原HA3 query语法 ...


and can contain letters,digits,hyphens(-)and underscores(_).It must start with a letter.dry_run-(Optional)Specifies whether to precheck the API request.resource_group_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID of the resource group.tags...


domain_name-(Required,ForceNew)Name of the domain.This name without suffix can have a string of 1 to 63 characters(domain name subject,excluding suffix),must contain only alphanumeric characters or"-",and must not begin or...


and it cannot have two or more consecutive periods(.)or hyphens(-).For Windows:The host name can be[2,15]characters in length.It can contain A-Z,a-z,numbers,periods(.),and hyphens(-).It cannot only contain numbers.For ...


template_name-(Optional,ForceNew)The name of the health check template.The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length,and can contain letters,digits,periods(.),underscores(_),and hyphens(-).The name must start with a ...


type-(Optional,ForceNew)Share Type.Valid Values:Private,Shared template_name-(Optional,ForceNew)The name of the template.The name can be up to 255 characters in length and can contain digits,letters,hyphens(-),and ...


ALIYUN:ECS:Instance:InstanceId AssociationPropertyMetadata:RegionId:regionId Password:NoEcho:true Type:String Description:Server login password,Length 8-30,must contain three(Capital letters,lowercase letters,numbers,()`~!...


ALIYUN:ECS:ImageComponent类型...{"en":"The key of tag N to add to the capacity reservation.Valid values of N:1 to 20.The tag key cannot be an empty string.The tag key can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot contain ...


UDF列表 函数名 功能简介 contain 判断字段值在给定集合内,支持单值和多值 notcontain 判断字段值不在给定集合内,支持单值和多值 MATCHINDEX 使用给定的条件查询指定字段的倒排索引 QUERY 使用给定的条件查询倒排索引,原HA3 query语法 ...


The name can only contain letters,digits,hyphens(-),and underscores(_).The name must be 3 to 64 characters in length,and will be automatically truncated if it contains more characters.The name cannot be modified after ...


The queue name you provided is invalid.QueueName should start with alpha and contain only alpha,digit or-.TopicNameInvalid 主题名称无效 The topic name you provided is invalid.TopicName should start with alpha or digit and ...


Valid values of N:1 to 100.Name:Type:String Description:en:|-The name of the user that you want to add.The name must be 6 to 30 characters in length and can contain letters,digits,and periods(.).It must start with a letter...


捕获已打开的页面 参数说明 name标题或者url mode页面匹配类型 可选项:title:标题 url:url pattern页面匹配模式 可选项:equal:完全匹配 contain:包含匹配 regular:正则表达式匹配 返回值说明 返回Browser对象调用样例-rpa.app.edge.catch...


contain 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"01E90080-4300-4FAA-B9AE-161956BC350D","Success":true,"Code":"200","Message":"successful","PageSize":10,"PageNumber":1,"Total":15,"LogMonitorList":[{"ValueFilterRelation":...


IMAGE:image IMAGE_FAMILY:image family' Required:true Type:String BuildContent:Description:en:The content of the image template.The content cannot exceed 16 KB in size and can contain up to 127 commands.For more information...


dedicated_host_cluster_name-(Optional)The name of the dedicated host cluster.The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length and can contain letters,digits,periods(.),underscores(_),and hyphens(-).It must start with a ...


示例 JSON 格式 {"ROSTemplateFormatVersion":"2015-09-01","Parameters":{"QosName":{"Type":"String","Description":"The name of the QoS policy.The name must be 2 to 100 characters in length and can contain letters,digits,...


示例 YAML 格式 ROSTemplateFormatVersion:'2015-09-01' Parameters:Name:Type:String Description:|-Access control name.The length is 2-128 characters.It must start with a letter or Chinese.It can contain numbers,periods(.),...


Provides a Application Load ...and can contain letters,digits,periods(.),underscores(_),and hyphens(-).The name must start with a letter.dry_run-(Optional)Whether to precheck the API request.health_check_codes-(Optional)The ...


捕获已打开的页面 参数说明 name标题或者url mode页面匹配类型 可选项:title:标题 url:url pattern页面匹配模式 可选项:equal:完全匹配 contain:包含匹配 regular:正则表达式匹配 返回值说明 返回Browser对象调用样例-rpa.app.se360....


such as a modified template or different inputs.stack_name-The name of the stack for which you want to create the change set.The name can be up to 255 characters in length and can contain digits,letters,hyphens(-),and ...


and must not begin with a hyphen.user_names-(Required)Set of user name which will be added to group.Each name can have a string of 1 to 64 characters,must contain only alphanumeric characters or hyphens,such as"-",".","_...


ForceNew)The name of the parameter template.It must be 8 to 64 characters in length,and can contain letters,digits,and underscores(_).It must start with a letter and cannot contain Chinese characters.db_type-(Required,...
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