
修改ACL失败,请稍后再试 400 Instance.CaclulateChange.time Example Failed to obtain the expected change time.Please try again later.实例获取预期变更时间失败,请稍后重试。400 MissingParameter The%s parameter is required.参数...


只有满足条件时,才能对数据表中的数据进行更新;...Console.WriteLine("Put row failed because condition check failed.but expected");} catch(Exception ex){ Console.WriteLine("Put row failed.error:{0}",ex.Message);}


修改ACL失败,请稍后再试 400 Instance.CaclulateChange.time Example Failed to obtain the expected change time.Please try again later.实例获取预期变更时间失败,请稍后重试。400 Instance.StatusNotRunning The instance is not ...


step string 否 测试步骤 测试第一步骤 expected string 否 测试内容 测试第一步预期结果 返回参数 名称 类型 描述 示例值 object Schema of Response requestId string Id of the request 18E50717-93A4-53BC-A30D-963F742A1CE6 errorMsg ...


查看信任根信息是否正确 SDK_VERIFY_HASH_FAILED 0x5109 The hash is not equal to the expected hash 验证 Hash 错误,请联系管理员 SDK_INVALID_CURVE 0x510A curve type not supported 该算法不支持指定的椭圆曲线 SDK_INVALID_REQ_...


This data source provides the Alb Server Groups of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available since v1.131.0.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_alb_server_groups""ids"{} output"alb_server_group_id_1"{ value=data....


修改ACL失败,请稍后再试 400 Instance.CaclulateChange.time Example Failed to obtain the expected change time.Please try again later.实例获取预期变更时间失败,请稍后重试。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更...


诊断 404 DomainNameNotFound domain name%s does not exist 所请求的域名不存在 诊断 400 DomainNameNotResolved domain name%s has not been resolved to your FC endpoint,the expected endpoint is%s 域名未解析到函数计算的服务地址 ...


mirror_filter_id-The ID of the filter.traffic_mirror_session_business_status-The state of the traffic mirror session.Valid values:Normal or FinancialLocked.Normal:working as expected.FinancialLocked:locked due to overdue ...


time-The expiration time of the shared line.Time is expressed according to ISO8601 standard and UTC time is used.The format is:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.expect_spec-The estimated bandwidth value of the shared line.The expected ...


本文介绍了如何在Knative上实现GitHub事件处理。前提条件 您已经成功部署Serving组件、Eventing组件及add-on组件,参见 部署Knative组件。您已经在Knative上自定义域名并完成域名配置。参见 在Knative使用自定义... Content-Length: 21060 Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1 X-B3-Parentspanid: b2e514c3dbe94c03 X-B3-Sampled: 1 X-B3-Spanid: c85e346d89c8be4e X-B3-Traceid: abf6292d458fb8e7 X-Envoy-Expected...


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:Wrong FS:jfs:/emr-jfs/tmp/.,expected:hdfs:/emr-header-1.cluster-*:9000 at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSYstem.checkPath( org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionServer....


403 InvalidOperation.InvalidVpc The specified instance not link specify vpc-403 InvalidStatus.InstanceStatus The specified instance status does not support this operation,expected status is Running or Stopped.指定的实例...


18073 Invalid FULLTEXT index column data type xxx of column xxx,VARCHAR was expected.FULLTEXT全文索引列只支持VARCHAR类型,请修改。18074 Database name length exceeds the limitation of‘xxx’,current length is‘xxx’.CREATE ...


this parameter specifies the percentile at which the expected value is.For example,0.5 specifies P50.parameter_two-(Optional)The value of the function that is used to aggregate logs imported from Log Service.Note:This ...


expectedResultCount){ throw new RuntimeException("scan error:expected"+expectedResultCount+"results but got"+resultCount+"results");} System.out.println("Scanned some rows and checked the results");} 删除表 通过deleteTable...


summary:'{{$labels.slo_service}} {{$labels.asm_slo}} SLO error budget burn rate is over expected.' title:(page){{$labels.slo_service}} {{$labels.asm_slo}} SLO error budget burn rate is too fast.-alert:asm-alert expr:|((slo...


summary:'{{$labels.slo_service}} {{$labels.asm_slo}} SLO error budget burn rate is over expected.' title:(page){{$labels.slo_service}} {{$labels.asm_slo}} SLO error budget burn rate is too fast.-alert:asm-alert expr:|((slo...


error parsing query:found+,expected FROM at line 1,char 12 对函数中的正则表达式执行数学运算>SELECT COUNT(/A/)+2 FROM"nope"ERR:unsupported expression with regex field:count(/A/)+2 问题二:数学运算符与函数同时使用 目前不支持...

Jindo DistCp使用说明

本文介绍JindoFS的数据迁移工具Jindo DistCp的使用方法。前提条件 本地安装了Java JDK 8。已创建集群,详情请参见 创建集群。使用Jindo Distcp 通过SSH方式连接集群。详情请参见 登录集群。执行以下命令,获取帮助信息。...

Jindo DistCp使用说明

本文介绍JindoFS的数据迁移工具Jindo DistCp的使用方法。前提条件 本地安装了Java JDK 8。已创建集群,详情请参见 创建集群。使用Jindo Distcp 通过SSH方式连接集群。详情请参见 登录集群。执行以下命令,获取帮助信息。...

Jindo DistCp使用说明

本文介绍JindoFS的数据迁移工具Jindo DistCp的使用方法。前提条件 本地安装了Java JDK 8。已创建集群,详情请参见 创建集群。使用Jindo Distcp 通过SSH方式连接集群。详情请参见 登录集群。执行以下命令,获取帮助信息。...

Jindo DistCp使用说明

本文介绍JindoFS的数据迁移工具Jindo DistCp的使用方法。前提条件 本地安装了Java JDK 8。已创建集群,详情请参见 创建集群。使用Jindo Distcp 通过SSH方式连接集群。详情请参见 使用SSH连接主节点。执行以下命令,获取帮助信息。...

EasyRec Processor(推荐打分服务)

EAS 内置的EasyRec Processor支持将EasyRec或TensorFlow训练的推荐模型部署为打分服务,并具备集成特征工程的能力。通过联合优化特征工程和TensorFlow模型,EasyRec Processor能够实现高性能的打分服务。本文为您介绍如何部署及调用EasyRec...


capacity-(Optional,Available in 1.90.0+)The expected number of instances in a scaling group when the scaling method of the scheduled task is to specify the number of instances in a scaling group.NOTE:You must specify the ...


Status of the specified instance is Running but the expected status is in(Stopped).添加节点i-xx过程中,ECS状态不符合预期,该问题一般是因为人为因素干扰。需要您重新添加一次,避免人为干扰因素。Failed to attach node i-xxxx,err...


ERROR 4636(HY000):[f518265d0066000][][ddltest]ERR-CODE:[TDDL-4636][ERR_DDL_JOB_ERROR]Not all physical operations have been done successfully:expected 9,but done 0.Caused by:1217:DDLTEST_1562056402230OYMK_7...


本文为您介绍如何使用JindoDistCp。什么是JindoDistCp JindoDistCp是阿里云数据湖存储团队开发的大规模集群内部和集群之间分布式文件拷贝的工具。其使用MapReduce实现文件分发、错误处理和恢复,把文件和目录的列表作为MapReduce任务的输入...


算法不匹配 加密算法或认证算法或DH分组参数不匹配 HASH mismatched parsed INFORMATIONAL_V1 request packet lacks expected payload authentication failure 请排查IPsec连接及其对端网关设备在 IKE配置 阶段和 IPsec配置 阶段配置的 ...


(gp_vmem_protect_limit GB*0.9)/max_expected_concurrent_queries 将gp_vmem_protect_limit设置为 8192MB(8GB)并假设最大40个并发查询和10%的缓冲区。(8GB*0.9)/40=184MB 由于gp_resqueue_memory_policy设置为eager,默认情况下此参数并...


(Optional,Available since v1.76.0)Expected number of ECS instances in the scaling group.Value range:[min_size,max_size].scaling_group_name-(Optional)Name shown for the scaling group,which must contain 2-64 characters...


SELECT"level description"FROM"h2o_feet"WHERE"level description"=at or greater than 9 feet ERR:error parsing query:found than,expected;at line 1,char 86>SELECT"level description"FROM"h2o_feet"WHERE"level description"="at or...


问题描述 Dataphin中ClickHouse数据源DELETE准备语句执行报错。2023-01-04 17:20:29.324-voldemort task initiating-2023-01-04 17:20:29.324 Tenant id:300008401 2023-01-04 17:20:29.324 DataphinEnvironment:PROD 2023-01-04 17:20:29....


expected string expect_non_exist_string array 期待页面中不存在的字符串列表。string 期待页面中不存在的字符串列表。unexpected string strict_mode boolean 是否允许页面有元素加载失败。取值:false:表示允许页面有元素加载失败。...


Line[519]:sleep 30000 ms test Line[499]:sleep_test_task_1 enter wanna sleep:10000ms Line[499]:sleep_test_task_2 enter wanna sleep:10000ms Line[595]:sleep 10000ms start:[1642324352748]stop:[1642324362748]expected Line[812]:...


expected 3 columns,2 columns found,please check data or delimiter 说明 由于 data.txt 中有脏数据,数据导入失败,并给出session ID及错误提示信息。使用如下语句进行数据验证。命令示例 select*from sale_detail where sale_date='...


ODPS-0121105:Constant argument value expected 模块:PROCESSOR。严重等级:5。触发条件:需要输入常量,但输入列名。处理方法:修改输入为常量。ODPS-0121115:Column reference expected 模块:PROCESSOR。严重等级:5。触发条件:需要...


(Optional,Int)The timeout period for a health check response.If a backend Elastic Compute Service(ECS)instance does not send an expected response within the specified period of time,the ECS instance is considered unhealthy...

从Nginx Ingress迁移到MSE Ingress

非法请求[annotation is not expected]说明您的K8s Service的注解未修改成指定注解。非法请求[weight hasn't be 0 or service hasn't ...

从Nginx Ingress迁移到MSE Ingress

非法请求[annotation is not expected]说明您的K8s Service的注解未修改成指定注解。非法请求[weight hasn't be 0 or service hasn't ...
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