出错提示“Not enough space on/boot”

问题描述 在操作系统迁移时,出错提示“Not enough space on/boot”。问题原因/boot 分区的可用空间要求大于100 MiB,如果待迁移的操作系统的/boot 目录没有100 MiB的空间来更新initramfs和新内核,可能会导致操作系统迁移失败。解决方案 ...

Quick BI中上传文件提示“there is not enough file ...

产品名称 Quick BI 产品模块 数据源 概述 MySQL数据源上传文件失败 问题描述 在群空间中,MySQL数据源上传文件,提示“任务执行失败:there is not enough file space”问题原因 默认1 GB的存储空间,上传文件的总大小不能超过1G,否则会报...

fuxi job failed,caused by:No enough space in d

问题描述 用户执行SQL任务,报错“ODPS-0010000:System internal error-fuxi job failed,caused by:No enough space in datablock”。问题原因 计算引擎MaxCompute的datablock没有足够的空间去处理过多的数据,需要调小点一次处理的数据行...

部署应用时报错not enough instances to batch怎么办...

Your updateStrategy.batchUpdate.batch is missing:not enough instances to batch.更多信息,请参见 通过Maven插件自动部署应用。可能原因 分批数大于当前实例数。例如,某应用当前实例数为2个,采用分批部署,以下示例将分批数设置为3次...

使用ossfs上传大文件时提示“There is no enough disk...

问题描述 使用ossfs上传文件到阿里云对象存储OSS时,是通过分片进行上传,分片大小默认为10 MB,分片最大数量为1000个,上传小文件正常,当上传大文件时,提示以下错误:There is no enough disk space for used as cache(or temporary)...

提示"Your LABEL is not enough to access column

问题描述 仪表板中报表查看报如下错误:解决方案 这是odps 列查询权限不足的错误。错误中提到的LabelSecurity是项目级别的一种强制访问控制策略。LabelSecurity安全机制,默认情况下为False。需要由Project Owner开启。...


问题描述 本文主要描述了Dataphin从MysSQL同步到MaxCompute任务报错java.io.IOException:RequestId=202110141503028a80470a0134f 560,ErrorCode=InternalServerError,ErrorMessage=Storage quota not enough.的解决方法。问题原因 odps的...


报错:Has not enough ip address:abnormal event detected from kubernetes 报错详情 Has not enough ip address:abnormal event detected from kubernetes(type:[Warning],reason:[CniError_CodeUnKnownErr],message:[CniAllocateError:...


Algorithm.Data.NoData 428 no data to train model 训练模型所需的数据未就绪 Algorithm.Data.NotEnoughDay 428 not enough day to train model 数据天数不足 Algorithm.Data.NotEnoughPvAtLastDay 428 not enough pv at last day 最近一...


Algorithm.Data.NoData 428 no data to train model 训练模型所需的数据未就绪 Algorithm.Data.NotEnoughDay 428 not enough day to train model 数据天数不足 Algorithm.Data.NotEnoughPvAtLastDay 428 not enough pv at last day 最近一...


错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 操作 400 QuotaNotEnough Quota not enough in this zone.-诊断 400 MissingParameter Specified parameter is missing.-诊断 403 MissingParameter The input parameter OwnerId,...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


BROADCAST_TOO_LARGE Cannot broadcast the table that is larger than BROADCAST_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH Not enough memory to build and broadcast the table to all ADB_DOMAIN_NOT_RESOLVED unkown host.*ts.adb.com 配置弹性网卡的Spark作业...


诊断 400 InvalidParameter-诊断 404 Forbidden.ClusterNotFound The specified cluster is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 InvalidDBClusterId.NotFound The DBInstanceId provided...


CONSTRAINT_INVALID System constrains faild.-诊断 400 ORDER.NOT_ENOUGH_ACTIVITY_STOCK Does not have enough activity stock.-诊断 400 ORDER.ORDER_AMOUNT_ILLEGAL Current order's amount is illegal.-诊断 400 PURCHASE.PURCHASE_...


诊断 400 ORDER.NOT_ENOUGH_ACTIVITY_STOCK Does not have enough activity stock.没有足够的库存。诊断 400 ORDER.ORDER_AMOUNT_ILLEGAL Current order's amount is illegal.当前订单金额是非法的。诊断 400 PURCHASE.PURCHASE_QUERY_...


诊断 400 ORDER.NOT_ENOUGH_ACTIVITY_STOCK Does not have enough activity stock.没有足够的库存。诊断 400 ORDER.ORDER_AMOUNT_ILLEGAL Current order's amount is illegal.当前订单金额是非法的。诊断 400 PURCHASE.PURCHASE_QUERY_...


403 InstanceExpired The postPaid instance has been expired.Please ensure your account have enough balance.按量付费的实例已过期。请确保您的阿里云账号有足够的余额。403 InstanceExpired The prePaid instance has been expired....


400 ENS_BUY_STORE_ENOUGH Insufficient inventory of purchased resources-400 OrderFailed Order failed-400 ENS_BUY_DISK_STATUS_ILLEGAL The disk status is invalid-400 SaleControl_VerificationFailed You did not pass the ...


403 InsufficientBalance Your account does not have enough balance.账户余额不足,请先充值再操作。404 InvalidInstanceId.NotFound The specified InstanceId does not exist.指定的实例ID未找到。404 InvalidPayType.NotSupport The ...


400 PAYFOR.CREDIT_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Your account does not have enough balance.-400 SYSTEM.SALE_VALIDATE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR You have arrears and do not meet the purchase conditions.-400 Trade_Sync_Create_Sub_ERROR ...


400 PAYFOR.CREDIT_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Your account does not have enough balance.-400 SYSTEM.SALE_VALIDATE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR You have arrears and do not meet the purchase conditions.-400 Trade_Sync_Create_Sub_ERROR ...


临时带宽升级报错:code:InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalance message:Your account does not have enough balance.临时带宽升级报错:code:InvalidBandwidth.ValueNotSupported message:Instance upgrade bandwidth of temporary not ...


400 PAYFOR.CREDIT_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Your account does not have enough balance.-400 SYSTEM.SALE_VALIDATE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR You have arrears and do not meet the purchase conditions.-400 Trade_Sync_Create_Sub_ERROR ...


400 PAYFOR.CREDIT_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Your account does not have enough balance.-400 SYSTEM.SALE_VALIDATE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR You have arrears and do not meet the purchase conditions.-400 Trade_Sync_Create_Sub_ERROR ...


启用KMS软件密钥管理实例时出现报错提示 报错提示 可能原因 处理建议 Your VSwitches don't have enough ip address create dedicate kms instance.交换机中的可用IP数量不够。KMS帮助您建设KMS实例的私网通信链路时,需要消耗交换机内的...

DescribeCloudMigrationPrecheckResult-查询RDS ...

Check disk size enough:success[Check wal keep size]Check wal keep size large enough:success[Check spec params]Check if spec params too large:success[Check triggers]Check triggers compatible:success[Check user functions]...

DescribeCloudMigrationPrecheckResult-查询RDS ...

Check disk size enough:success[Check wal keep size]Check wal keep size large enough:success[Check spec params]Check if spec params too large:success[Check triggers]Check triggers compatible:success[Check user functions]...


诊断 400 InsufficientBalance Your account does not have enough balance.账户余额不足,请先充值再操作。诊断 400 IdempotentParameterMismatch Request uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that ...


诊断 400 InsufficientBalance Your account does not have enough balance.账户余额不足,请先充值再操作。诊断 400 IdempotentParameterMismatch Request uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that ...

CreateNatIp-创建NAT IP地址

400 ResourceNotEnough.NatIp The specified resource of NatIp is not enough.Insufficient IP addresses in the specified CIDR block.404 InvalidRegionId.NotFound The specified RegionId does not exist in our records.指定的...

CreateNatIp-创建NAT IP地址

400 ResourceNotEnough.NatIp The specified resource of NatIp is not enough.Insufficient IP addresses in the specified CIDR block.404 InvalidRegionId.NotFound The specified RegionId does not exist in our records.指定的...


Check wal keep size(检查wal_keep_size大小)检查内容 Check wal keep size large enough 常见报错 warning:wal_keep_size X MB is too small.Try to set wal_keep_segments or wal_keep_size large enough ensure pg_basebackup success...


data 字段不满足类型约束 TX_INVALID_SIGNATURE 103 the signature is not valid,used in PreResetPubKey/ResetPubKey/ActivateNode tx 签名不可用 TX_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE 104 the sender of tx doesn’t have enough money 交易的发送...
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