
create-(Defaults to 6 mins)Used when creating the cen transit router route entry(until it reaches the initial Active status).update-(Defaults to 6 mins)Used when update the cen transit router route entry.delete-(Defaults ...


changes=[tags,user_data]} Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 90 mins)Used when creating cluster-autoscaler in the kubernetes cluster(until it reaches the ...


id-Resource id.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 90 mins)Used when creating the kubernetes cluster(until it reaches the initial running status).update-...


create-(Defaults to 60 mins)Used when creating the Click House DBCluster(until it reaches the initial Running status).update-(Defaults to 60 mins)Used when update the Click House DBCluster.Import Click House DBCluster can ...


request=PutLogsRequest(project,logstore,topic,source,logitemList)response=client.put_logs(request)print("successfully put logs in logstore")def sleep_until(seconds,exit_condition=None,expect_error=False):if not exit_...


The associating status of the network.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 3 mins)Used when creating the cen transit router peer attachment(until it reaches the...


interval-(Optional)The silence period of repeated alerts.All alerts are repeatedly sent at specified intervals until the alerts are cleared.The minimum value is 61.Default to 600.group_id-(Optional)The ID of the group rule...


success 返回示例[{"RequestId":"E40EC2C2-8AD5-4D01-B54C-F6F8EC176ED3","Data":{"amount":20,"bid":26888,"certainMoney":null,"couponId":508*69,"couponTileHint":"Credit-$20 credit left(valid until 05/27/2017)","couponTitle":...


Welcome to fdisk(util-linux 2.23.2).Changes will remain in memory only,until you decide to write them.Be careful before using the write command.Command(m for help):p Disk/dev/vda:47.2 GB,47244640256 bytes,92274688 sectors ...


create-(Defaults to 10 mins)Used when creating the image(until it reaches the initial Available status).delete-(Defaults to 10 mins)Used when terminating the image.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported...


Provides an RDS readonly instance resource,see What is DB Readonly Instance.->NOTE:Available since v1.52.1.Example Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} data"alicloud_db_zones""example"{ engine="MySQL"engine_version=...


until[[-f/tasksite/tombstone]];do sleep 1;done;sleep 10;等待 Logtail 完成日志发送/etc/init.d/ilogtaild stop;livenessProbe:exec:command:/etc/init.d/ilogtaild-status initialDelaySeconds:30 periodSeconds:30 env:#设置时区。请...


id-Resource id.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 90 mins)Used when creating the kubernetes cluster(until it reaches the initial running status).update-...


Types.STRING,Types.BOOLEAN,Types.LONG,Types.DOUBLE).build()val data:DataStream[Test]=env.fromCollection(1 to 1000).map(i=>{ val rand=ThreadLocalRandom.current()val randString=(0 until rand.nextInt(10,20)).map(_=>rand....


create-(Defaults to 3 mins)Used when creating the cen transit router vpc attachment(until it reaches the initial Attached status).update-(Defaults to 3 mins)Used when update the cen transit router vpc attachment.delete-...


Provides an PolarDB cluster resource.An PolarDB cluster is an isolated database environment in the cloud.An PolarDB cluster can contain multiple user-created databases.->NOTE:Available since v1.66.0.Example Usage Create a ...


暂无 CEP SQL功能扩展 CEP SQL支持循环连续性声明和UNTIL语法连用。暂无 缺陷修复 修复作业调试时,针对NULL数据展示为TRUE的缺陷。修复注册多个元数据服务时,因为其中一个元数据服务不可用导致所有元数据服务异常的问题。修复作业从...


YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.expect_spec-The estimated bandwidth value of the shared line.The expected bandwidth value will not take effect until the payment is completed.Unit:M indicates Mbps,G indicates Gbps.line_operator-...


异常情况下的元数据锁MDL(metadata lock)会阻塞后续对表的操作,本文介绍通过DMS工具解决该问题。背景信息 MySQL 5.5版本开始,引入了MDL锁,用于解决或者保证DDL操作与DML...until no_more_long_running_trx end repeat;close c_tid;end;


e.g.$terraform import alicloud_oss_bucket_replication.example Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:delete-(Defaults to 30 mins)Used when delete a data replication rule(until the ...


TargetTrackingScalingRule","StepScalingRule".Default to"SimpleScalingRule".estimated_instance_warmup-(Optional,Available since v1.58.0)The estimated time,in seconds,until a newly launched instance will contribute ...


so the operation cannot be completed.NAT有依赖的NAT IP CIDR,所以此操作不能进行 400 IncorrectStatus.NatGateway The NatGateway instance is being deleted and needs to wait until the process is complete.NAT网关实例正在被删除...


so the operation cannot be completed.NAT有依赖的NAT IP CIDR,所以此操作不能进行 400 IncorrectStatus.NatGateway The NatGateway instance is being deleted and needs to wait until the process is complete.NAT网关实例正在被删除...

Hologres SQL语句的常见问题

xxx(table id:x,index id:x)in storages or it is deleting 报错:ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN SET TYPE is not supported now 报错:current transaction is aborted,commands ignored until end of transaction block 报错:Feature not ...


forwarded_for_client_cert_client_verify_alias-(Optional)The Custom Header Field Names Only When x_forwarded_for_client_cert_client_verify_enabled Has a Value of True,this Value Will Not Take Effect until.The name must be 1...


the Publisher Information.xforwardedforclientcertclientverifyalias-The Custom Header Field Names Only When xforwardedforclientcertclientverifyenabled Has a Value of True,this Value Will Not Take Effect until.The name must ...


The IP address of the load balancer.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when creating the SLB load balancer.(until it reaches the initial active ...


Provides an ApsaraDB Redis/Memcache instance resource.A DB instance is an isolated database environment in the cloud.It support be associated with IP whitelists and backup configuration which are separate resource ...


资产指标编码 assetCode string 是 资产编码 pageNo integer 是 页码,从1开始 pageSize integer 是 分页大小,最大200条 since Long 否 开始时间,精度是毫秒 until Long 否 结束时间,精度是毫秒 请求示例 {"assetCode":"Sk001","pageNo...


Wed May 29 16:32:31.518 Wed May 29 16:32:31.518 warning:32-bit servers don't have journaling enabled by default.Please use-journal if you want durability.Wed May 29 16:32:31.518 about to fork child process,waiting until ...


flink.ssql(type=single,parallelism=1,refreshInterval=1000,template=<h1>{1}</h1>until<h2>{0})select max(rowtime),count(1)from log 返回信息如下所示。Update模式 Update模式适合多行输出的情况。例如下面的 select group by 语句。...


{"took":731,"timed_out":false,"total":33,"updated":33,"created":0,"deleted":0,"batches":1,"version_conflicts":0,"noops":0,"retries":{"bulk":0,"search":0 },"throttled_millis":0,"requests_per_second":1.0,"throttled_until_...


utility-1~]#klist Ticket cache:FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 Default principal:admin/admin@BDPHTSEC.COM Valid starting Expires Service principal 2021-10-15T16:26:47 2021-10-16T16:26:47 krbtgt/BDPHTSEC.COM@BDPHTSEC.COM renew until ...


[testuser@ecshost~]#sudo fdisk-u/dev/vdb Welcome to fdisk(util-linux 2.23.2).Changes will remain in memory only,until you decide to write them.Be careful before using the write command.Command(m for help):p Disk/dev/vdb:42...


flink.ssql(type=single,parallelism=1,refreshInterval=3000,template=<h1>{1}</h1>until<h2>{0})select max(event_ts),count(1)from sink_kafka 此模式的数据输出格式是HTML形式,您可以用 template 来指定输出模板,{i} 是第i列的...


顺序消息(FIFO消息)是阿里云 云消息队列 ...Keep main thread running until process finished./请保持线程常驻,不要执行shutdown操作。std:this_thread:sleep_for(std:chrono:seconds(60));consumer->shutdown();std:cout;return 0;}


try {/You have to await your async promise since wait until is not/usable currently maybe.User can use wait until only before/returning the main request for now event.waitUntil(_doEdgeLog(`{"cost(millisecond)":${diff} }`,...


try {/You have to await your async promise since wait until is not/usable currently maybe.User can use wait until only before/returning the main request for now event.waitUntil(_doEdgeLog(`{"cost(millisecond)":${diff} }`,...


try {/You have to await your async promise since wait until is not/usable currently maybe.User can use wait until only before/returning the main request for now event.waitUntil(_doEdgeLog(`{"cost(millisecond)":${diff} }`,...


allowing the chaincode to/initialize its internal data Init(stub ChaincodeStubInterface)peer.Response/Invoke is called to update or ...until the/transaction is committed.Invoke(stub ChaincodeStubInterface)peer.Response } Init...
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