
[java.net.ConnectException:Connection timed out(Connection timed out)]About more information in[https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/499178].数据同步失败的错误提示。ExpireTime String 2021-07-07T16:00:00Z 同步实例的到期时间,yyyy...


服务链接拒绝 500 GwError.ConnectTimeout RPC timed out.RPC超时 500 GwError.ConnectTimeout The service has timed out.服务超时 500 GwError.ConvertAliyunApiError An error occurred while using channel API.渠道协议转换时出现错误...

CreateEaiJupyter-创建Jupyter EAIS实例

400 CheckTimeout Check timed out.检查超时。400 InconsistentSignature The signatures are inconsistent.签名不一致。400 InvalidInstanceType The instance type is invalid.无效的实例类型。400 InvalidParameter.TagKey The ...


如下操作所示,telnet端口报 Connection timed out 错。如果源站端口配置的是80,则测试80端口是否通,命令如下。telnet[$IP]80 如果源站端口配置的是443,则测试443端口是否通。如果源站端口配置的是自定义端口,则测试自定义端口是否通。...


ERROR 8054(HY000):OSS error:error message:Couldn't connect to server.Failed connect to aliyun-mysql-oss.oss-cn-hangzhou-internal.aliyuncs.com:80;当前的数据库实例无法连接OSS服务器。检查当前的数据库实例与OSS bucket是否在同...


问题描述 Dataphin管道任务配置页面可以显示表字段,数据库连接测试也正常,但是执行该管道任务报错“ERROR DBUtil-get connection error com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure”。...


语种识别API说明文档。...系统错误 503 Internal.Error The internal service connection timeout,please try again later.后端服务超时,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史


语种识别API说明文档。1、字符长度限制5000,调用接口QPS限制50;...系统错误 503 Internal.Error The internal service connection timeout,please try again later.后端服务超时,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。


通用参考 已配置失败重跑的任务在运行失败后未重跑,并报错 Task Run Timed Out,Killed by System!任务执行报错OSError:[Errno 7]Argument list too long.MaxCompute类型节点 ODPS-0420095:Access Denied-Authorization Failed[4093],You...


maxSize 与 minSize:客户端具有链接池,一个客户端支持多线程并发访问,需要把这两个参数设置成一样,且大于等于您的客户端线程访问数,这样也能避免 Timed out while waiting for an available host 错误。序列化协议(尽量使用...


Mongo Shell连接时显示Connection reset by peers错误 Failed to connect to 10.*.*.8:3717 after 5000 milliseconds,giving up.Error:couldn't connect to server 10.*.*.8:3717(,connection attempt failed 云服务器ECS实例通过...

使用RDS内网地址访问RDS MySQL数据库

errorMessage":"error when calling:res_rds_mysql Detail:{\"errorCode\":\"InvalidConfig\",\"errorMessage\":\"Database connection failed,cause:(2003,\\\"Can't connect to MySQL server on ''(timed out)\\\")\ Detail:...

iOS SDK初始化失败报错5002

具体报错详情:Error Domain=vip_error_domain Code=5002"(null)"UserInfo={Error reason=VIP 请求失败,HTTP 连接错误,Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001"The request timed out."解决方法:检查下端侧当前网络本身是否正常 适用于...


任务运行成功没有数据 场景一:节点状态成功,有执行日志 场景二:节点状态成功,无执行日志 任务运行失败 通用参考 已配置失败重跑的任务在运行失败后未重跑,并报错 Task Run Timed Out,Killed by System!任务执行报错OSError:[Errno 7...


报错Service unavailable:RunTabletServer()failed:Cannot initialize clock:timed out waiting for clock synchronisation:Error reading clock.Clock considered unsynchronized 报错Rejecting Write request:Soft memory limit exceeded...


tracetcp www.aliyun.com:135 Tracing route to 115.102.XXX.XXX on port 135 Over a maximum of 30 hops. 1 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms 10.102.XXX.XXX 2 4 ms 3 ms 3 ms 10.102.XXX.XXX 3 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms 140.205.XXX.XXX 4 *Request timed out.5*...


错误信息 描述 101 System.RequestTimeOut The request has timed out.请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified ...


本文介绍访问 云原生内存数据库Tair 与 云数据库...cannot switch to database Predis客户端 Error while reading line from the server.phpredis客户端 Cannot assign requested address redis protocol error,got ' ' as reply type byte ...


本文介绍访问 云原生内存数据库Tair 与 云数据库...cannot switch to database Predis客户端 Error while reading line from the server.phpredis客户端 Cannot assign requested address redis protocol error,got ' ' as reply type byte ...


错误信息 描述 101 System.RequestTimeOut The request has timed out.请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified ...

获取RDS MySQL数据语法错误

其次,当写入数据库的SQL语法错误事,也会引发 fetch data error 错误,此时请根据错误原因分析。解决方案 更新SQL语句。资源函数中的SQL语法只支持SELECT查询语句。持续刷新错误 加工规则 e_table_map(res_rds_mysql(address="xxx",...


请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required ...


} } catch(java.lang.Throwable t){/Just log the fact that a throwable has caught connection lost/is called during shutdown processing so no need to do anything else/TRACE 720=exception from connectionLost {0} log.fine(CLASS...


error run phase post-check:timed out waiting for the condition 系统组件启动失败。请重新下载edgeadm工具,并执行 edgeadm reset 后重新接入,确保您使用的是最新版本的edgeadm。检查边缘节点是否能正常访问依赖的公网地址。相关地址...


请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required ...


异常日志示例如下:2019-10-1117:01:24,236[ERROR][normal]fail to create stream client:rpc error:code=Unavailable desc=all SubConns are inTransientFailure,latest connection error:connection error:desc="transport:Error while ...


Cfm3Initialize()returned app id:01000000 session_handle 1000000 Cfm3GetPartitionInfo returned:0x40000040 LIQUIDSECURITY:Daemon socket connection error 如果显示 e2e_handle_client_request:HSM FIPS STATE 2 消息,表明密码机...


错误信息 描述 101 System.RequestTimeOut The request has timed out.请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified ...


请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required ...


错误信息 描述 101 10001 The request has timed out.请求超时 103 10003 An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.原文解码失败,请检查原文是否UrlEncode 104 10004 Some required ...


请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required ...


1108110703 database connection error 数据源连接失败。1108113002 rate limit API调用达到阈值上限,已被系统限流。目前API调用均使用公共服务资源组,公共服务资源组的阈值约为每租户200 QPS,超出该阈值将触发调用流量控制。其他错误码...

Python 2.7 SDK接入示例

def on_connection_error(self,event):logger.info("Connection error")#当建立AMQP连接错误时被调用,包括身份验证错误和套接字错误。def on_transport_error(self,event):if event.transport.condition:if event.transport.condition....


请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required ...


请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required ...


请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required ...


101 System.RequestTimeOut The request has timed out.请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded....


101 System.RequestTimeOut The request has timed out.请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded....


HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 101 System.RequestTimeOut The request has timed out.请求超时 102 System.Error A system error occurred.系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that ...


系统错误 103 10003 An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.原文解码失败,请检查原文是否UrlEncode 104 10004 Some required parameters are missing.参数缺失 105 10005 The specified ...
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