
任务失败,报错“ClassNotFoundException”任务失败,报错“jobInstance=xxx don't update progress more than 60s”如何排查任务失败的原因?任务运行中卡住怎么办?如何排查任务运行慢的原因?任务运行实例达到上限怎么办?任务上一次没...


扩展项存在后台配置或该配置的参数不合法,如有疑问,请提交工单咨询 400 EdgeScriptGrammarNotSupport A background customization rule exists or a parameter of this configuration is invalid.For more information,submit a ticket....


CEF72CEB-54B6-4AE8-B225-F876FF7BA984 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"CEF72CEB-54B6-4AE8-B225-F876FF7BA984"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 TooManyListeners More than 1 listener is found,please ...


ASSASX-XSAXSA-XSAXSAXS errorMessage string 错误信息""log object 日志 more boolean 是否还有最新日志 true content string 日志内容 success success boolean true 接口调用成功,false 接口调用失败 true errorCode string 错误码"...


任务失败,报错“ClassNotFoundException”任务失败,报错“jobInstance=xxx don't update progress more than 60s”如何排查任务失败的原因?任务运行中卡住怎么办?如何排查任务运行慢的原因?任务运行实例达到上限怎么办?任务上一次没...


see Primary ApsaraDB RDS instance types.db_instance_storage-(Required)The storage capacity of the new instance.Unit:GB.The storage capacity increases in increments of 5 GB.For more information,see Primary ApsaraDB RDS ...


.example.com. . sources - (Required)The information about the address of the origin server.For more information about the Sources parameter,See the following Block sources.check_url-(Optional)The URL that is used for ...


Employee#:7698 Name:BLAKE Job:MANAGER Hire Date:01-MAY-81 00:00:00 Salary:2850.00 Dept#:30 Employee's salary is more than the department average of 1566.67$icmsDocProps={'productMethod':'created','language':'zh-CN',};


{"clusterId":"聚合实例ClusterId","groupName":"聚合实例名称","dataSources":[{"sourceName":"数据源名称-ArmsPrometheus No.1","sourceType":"AlibabaPrometheus","userId":"UserID","clusterId":"ClusterId"},/more datasources]} ...


{"clusterId":"聚合实例ClusterId","groupName":"聚合实例名称","dataSources":[{"sourceName":"数据源名称-ArmsPrometheus No.1","sourceType":"AlibabaPrometheus","userId":"UserID","clusterId":"ClusterId"},/more datasources]} ...


任务失败,报错“ClassNotFoundException”任务失败,报错“jobInstance=xxx don't update progress more than 60s”如何排查任务失败的原因?任务运行中卡住怎么办?如何排查任务运行慢的原因?任务运行实例达到上限怎么办?任务上一次没...


向境外手机用户发送:[Alibaba Cloud]Alibaba Cloud is about to start Double 11 promotion soon.For more information,visit www.alibabacloud.com. Send T to unsubscribe from marketing messages. 【阿里云】[Alibaba Cloud]阿里云双...


DTX-002 the length of bizType[%s]can not be more than 30.@DtxTransaction 注解上的 BizType 长度不能超过 30 个字符。将 BizType 长度控制在 30 字符以内。DTX-003 init dtx configuration error.初始化分布式事务配置项出现异常。DTX-...


'The shared target.A shared target shares the resources of resource owners.You can share your resources only with the member accounts in your resource directory.A shared target is indicated by its account ID.For more ...


Provides an RDS instance resource.A DB instance is an isolated database environment in the cloud.A DB instance can contain multiple user-created databases.For information about RDS and how to use it,see What is ApsaraDB ...


400 SPEC_NOT_SUPPORT_PARAMETER Share spec does not support the feature.-400 TooManyListeners More than 1 listener is found,please be more specified.检索到的监听数量大于1,请提供更具体的查询条件。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误...


2"auto_renew="false"instance_type="cassandra.c.large"node_count="2"pay_type="PayAsYouGo"vswitch_id="vsw-xxxx2"disk_size="160"disk_type="cloud_ssd"} This is a example for class netType dataCenter.You can find more detail ...


backup,recovery,monitoring,and alarms.You can see detail product introduction here.->NOTE:Available in 1.88.0+.->NOTE:The following regions support create Vpc network Cassandra cluster.The official website mark more ...


amount-(Optional,ForceNew)Number of instances allocated to an RI(An RI is a coupon that includes one or more allocated instances.).period-(Optional,ForceNew)The validity period of the reserved instance.Default value:1.NOTE...


400 PconnContailsMoreThanOneAcrossCountVbr The specified physicalConnection contains more than one virtualBorderRouter which is across count.包含了超过1个跨账号VBR的物理专线不支持故障演练。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。...


balancer_spec-(Optional,Available since v1.185.0)The cluster api server load balance instance specification.For more information on how to select a LB instance specification,see SLB instance overview.->NOTE:If you want to ...


400 PconnContailsMoreThanOneAcrossCountVbr The specified physicalConnection contains more than one virtualBorderRouter which is across count.包含了超过1个跨账号VBR的物理专线不支持故障演练。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。...


which is specified by ReadWriteSpliting.db_proxy_features-(Optional)The features that you want to enable for the proxy endpoint.If you specify more than one feature,separate the features with semicolons;Format:Feature 1:...

Power BI

根据系统提示选择 Get data>More>Database>MySQL database,然后单击 Connect。说明 Power BI将自动检测您的系统是否安装 MySQL Connector,若未安装,请根据提示安装6.9.3版本的MySQL Connector。在 Server 和 Database 中分别填写 ...


id-(Required)The globally unique ID of the CMK.encryption_context-(Optional)The Encryption context.If you specify this parameter here,it is also required when you call the Decrypt API operation.For more information,see ...


80,"ServerId":"i-bp1h5u3fv54ytf*"}]} } 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 TooManyListeners More than 1 listener is found,please be more specified.检索到的监听数量大于1,请提供更具体的查询条件。400 ...


Default":"6102*"},"MetricName":{"Type":"String","Description":"The name of the metric.For more information,call DescribeMetricMetaList or see Preset metrics reference.","Default":"cpu_cores"},"Escalations":{"Type":"Json",...


执行INSERT INTO或INSERT OVERWRITE操作时,报错a single instance cannot output data to more than 10000 partitions,如何解决?向MaxCompute表中插入动态分区时,报错invalid dynamic partition value,如何解决?向MaxCompute表中插入...


}@Override public void onStateChanged(TinyAppActionState state){ if(state=null){ ivMore.setImageDrawable(context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.icon_more));} else if(state.getAction().equals(TinyAppActionState....


it is also required when you call the Decrypt API operation.For more information,see Encryption Context.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:ciphertext_blob-...


ReadOnly.When creating a new custom endpoint,default to ReadOnly.nodes-(Optional)Node id list for endpoint configuration.At least 2 nodes if specified,or if the cluster has more than 3 nodes,read-only endpoint is allowed ...


the VPC to which the VPC NAT gateway belongs must be authorized to use public CIDR blocks.For more information,see Create a VPC NAT gateway.output_file-(Optional)File name where to save data source results(after running ...


dcdn_waf_domains.ids.domains.0.id } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:enable_details-(Optional)Default to false.Set it to true can output more details about resource attributes.ids-(Optional,ForceNew...


encryption_context-(Optional)The Encryption context.If you specify this parameter in the Encrypt or GenerateDataKey API operation,it is also required when you call the Decrypt API operation.For more information,see ...


retrieve 调用方法 from dashscope.threads.messages.files import Files as ...返回参数 输出MessageFileList对象字段说明 字段名 字段类型 字段描述 his_more bool last_id str first_id str data list[MessageFile]MessageFile对象列表

解决 libcrashsdk.so 冲突

冲突说明 如果在使用 mPaaS 的同时也使用了其他第三方的 SDK,如友盟 SDK,会导致 libcrashsdk.so 冲突。[ERROR]:more than one file named:libcrashsdk.so in below files C:\Users\Administrator\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\...


NOTE:Only 50 members can apply for quota increase in batch at a time.For more information about the members of the resource directory,see[Query the list of all members in the resource directory](~604207~).desire_value-...


var objectContent="More than just cloud.;创建OssClient实例。var client=new OssClient(endpoint,accessKeyId,accessKeySecret);try { byte[]binaryData=Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(objectContent);MemoryStream requestContent=new ...


ram_saml_provider_id"{ value=data.alicloud_ram_saml_providers.example.providers.0.id } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:enable_details-(Optional)Default to false.Set it to true can output more ...


The name can only contain letters,digits,hyphens(-),and underscores(_).The name must be 3 to 64 characters in length,and will be automatically truncated if it contains more characters.The name cannot be modified after ...
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