
报错:Could not parse type at position 50:expected but was.Input type string:ROW 使用Entrypoint Main Args配置参数时,传入参数包含空格,作业无法运行起来,应该如何处理?问题详细 问题原因 在VVR为4.x版本时,如果Entrypoint Main...


Fn:GetAtt:ExtensionResource-IndexUpdateTime LatestReplicationTime:Description:'The time when the last remote backup was synchronized.This value is a UNIX timestamp.Unit:seconds.' Value:Fn:GetAtt:ExtensionResource-...


问题现象 在 云消息队列 Kafka 版 控制台 的 Topic 管理 页面,您已成功创建Topic,但使用Filebeat向该Topic发送消息却出现 Request was for a topic or partition that does not exist on this broker.的错误提示。可能原因 Filebeat向...


tag_rule_id-The ID of the tag rule.gmt_create-The time when the application group was created.gmt_modified-The time when the application group was modified.group_id-The ID of the application group.id-The ID of the Monitor ...


代码示例 android.database.sqlite.DatabaseObjectNotClosedException:Application did not close the cursor or database object that was opened here android.database.sqlite.DatabaseObjectNotClosedException:Application did not ...


1970,00:00:00 UTC.create_time-The time when the topic was created.This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1,1970,00:00:00 UTC.


Description:The time when the encryption parameter was created.Value:Fn:GetAtt:ExtensionResource-CreateTime KeyId:Description:The Customer Master Key(CMK)of Key Management Service(KMS)that is used to encrypt the parameter....


1970,00:00:00 UTC.create_time-The time when the subscription was created.This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1,1970,00:00:00 UTC.

ZKFC Mismatched address异常

具体报错 java.lang.RuntimeException:Mismatched address stored in ZK for NameNode at/*.*.*.*:8020:Stored protobuf was nameserviceId:"hdfs-cluster"namenodeId:"nn1"port:8020 zkfcPort:8019,address from our own configuration ...


本示例中使用的 example.conf 文件,如下所示:#To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a DSO you#have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the#directives contained in it ...


jobs-A list of Actiontrail History Delivery Jobs.Each element contains the following attributes:create_time-The time when the task was created.end_time-The time when the task ended.history_delivery_job_id-The resource ID ...


This data source provides the Oos Parameters of the current Alibaba Cloud ...by-The user who updated the common parameter.updated_date-The time when the common parameter was updated.value-The value of the common parameter.


MasterAccountName"]} },"CreateTime":{"Description":"The time when the resource directory was created","Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["ResourceManagerResourceDirectory","CreateTime"]} },"RootFolderId":{"Description":"The ID of the ...


time-The time when the encryption parameter was created.created_by-The user who created the encryption parameter.description-The description of the encryption parameter.id-The ID of the Secret Parameter.key_id-KeyId of KMS...


ERROR 18807(HY000):DropOperationFailedException:Table 'primitives_orc' was not found.mysql>drop table if exists primitives_orc;Query OK,0 rows affected(0.04 sec)删表不会删除OSS中的数据文件。mysql>drop table primitives_orc_...


url-The url of the queue.queue_internal_url-The internal url of the queue.last_modify_time-The time when the queue was last modified.This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed ...


System.out.println("Caught an OSSException,which means your request made it to OSS,"+"but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");System.out.println("Error Message:"+oe.getErrorMessage());System.out.println...

RAM角色和STS Token常见问题

当请求量超过上限时,会返回以下报错信息:错误信息 错误码 错误信息 Throttling.Api Request was denied due to api flow control.Throttling.User Request was denied due to user flow control.Throttling Request was denied due to ...


A list of Vod Domains.Each element contains the following attributes:gmt_created-The time when the domain name for CDN was added.The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format.The time is ...


time-The timestamp that indicates when the Global Accelerator Basic Accelerator instance was expired.status-The status of the Global Accelerator Basic Accelerator instance.basic_bandwidth_package-The details about the ...


报错:The difference between the request time and the current time is too large 报错:Job was submitted in detached mode.Results of job execution,such as accumulators,runtime,etc.are not available.JAR任务启动失败报错:...


获取图片超时 诊断 429 Throttling.User Request was denied due to user flow control-诊断 400 InvalidSignatureVerssion Specified parameter SignatureVersion is not valid-诊断 400 MissingAccessKeyId AccessKeyId is mandatory for...


was deleted successfully"} 错误码 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2023-06-06 OpenAPI 入参发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 入参 OpenAPI 入参发生变更。新增入参:SoftRestart 新增入参:...


FAILED:ODPS-0010000:System internal error-std:exception:Message:a timeout was reached 原因:一般情况下是表格存储的endpoint填写错误,导致MaxCompute无法访问。logview invalid end_point 原因:在执行过程中,会返回logview URL...


} catch(OSSException oe){ System.out.println("Caught an OSSException,which means your request made it to OSS,"+"but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");System.out.println("Error Message:"+oe....


问题:集成音视频 SDK 后,工程编译时出现错误:Building for iOS,but the linked and embedded framework artvc.framework was built for iOS+iOS Simulator。解决方案:选择 TARGETS>Build Settings,在 Build Options 下,将 Validate ...


The username that was used to run the command on the instance.invoke_instances-Execute target instance set type.creation_time-The start time of the execution.update_time-The time when the execution state was updated.finish...


} catch(OSSException oe){ System.out.println("Caught an OSSException,which means your request made it to OSS,"+"but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");System.out.println("Error Message:"+oe....


id-The ID of the site monitor rule.task_state-The status of the site monitoring task.create_time-The time when the site monitoring task was created.update_time-The time when the site monitoring task was updated.Timeouts->...


200 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"Success":true,"Code":"200","Message":"There was an error with your request.","RequestId":"7E0618A9-D5EF-4220-9471-C42B5E92719F","HttpStatusCode":200 } 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误...


} catch(OSSException oe){ System.out.println("Caught an OSSException,which means your request made it to OSS,"+"but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");System.out.println("Error Message:"+oe....


KeyPendingDeletion The request was rejected because the key state is PendingDeletion 问题原因:KMS服务密钥处于待删除状态。解决方案:密钥状态处于待删除状态时,无法用于加密、解密、生成数据密钥操作。主密钥一旦删除,将无法恢复...


} catch(OSSException oe){ System.out.println("Caught an OSSException,which means your request made it to OSS,"+"but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");System.out.println("Error Message:"+oe....


参数长度超过限制 400 BRK.InvalidPhrasesWordNum The number of words in the argument exceeded the maximum value or was empty.热词词表的数量超过限制 400 BRK.InvalidPhrasesWordLength The length of the phrase in the parameter ...


The system ID(SID)of the database instance.status-The status of the database instance.use_dsql-Indicates whether cross-database query was enabled for the database instance.vpc_id-The ID of the Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)to ...


DeniedRequest 403 Your request was denied due to instance flow control.请求被限流。QPS限制请参见 访问频次(QPS)。InvalidInstance 400 The specified instance name is invalid.无效的实例名。实例名称获取请参见 创建实例。...


AuthKey CreateTime:Description:The time when the customer gateway was created.Value:Fn:GetAtt:ExtensionDataSource-CreateTime CustomerGatewayId:Description:The ID of the customer gateway.Value:Fn:GetAtt:ExtensionDataSource-...

基于 DataX 完成数据访问代理数据迁移

超时问题 SocketTimeout 错误 现象:出现 SocketTimeout 报错,类似的错误信息如下所示:Thelast packet successfully received from the server was 5,004 milliseconds ago.Thelast packet sent successfully to the server was 5,004 ...


TokenResultReturnedInLastRequest The result for token is an error,and was returned in the last request:{response}.400 请求结果已经在上次同ClientToken的请求中返回,并且结果为5XX错误。response为错误信息,显示为JSON格式。其中...


} } catch(OSSException oe){ System.out.println("Caught an OSSException,which means your request made it to OSS,"+"but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");System.out.println("Error Message:"+oe....
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