
parameters below.constant_parameters-(Optional,List)constant_parameters defines the constant parameters of the api.See constant_parameters below.system_parameters-(Optional,List)system_parameters defines the system ...


whether they have been activated or not.This attribute defines the viability period,in seconds,for every message in the queue.visibility_timeouts-Dequeued messages change from active(visible)status to inactive(invisible)...


seconds-(Optional)This attribute defines the length of time,in seconds,after which every message sent to the queue is dequeued.Valid value range:0-604800 seconds,i.e.,0 to 7 days.Default value to 0.maximum_message_size-...


The code that defines your stack goes here const VpcCidrBlock=new ros.RosParameter(this,'VpcCidrBlock',{ description:'The CIDR block of the VPC.',type:ros.RosParameterType.STRING,associationProperty:ros.RosParameter....


Name of the lifecycle hook.default_result-Defines the action the Auto Scaling group should take when the lifecycle hook timeout elapses.heartbeat_timeout-Defines the amount of time,in seconds,that can elapse before the ...


the default value is lifecycle hook id.lifecycle_transition-(Required)Type of Scaling activity attached to lifecycle hook.Supported value:SCALE_OUT,SCALE_IN.heartbeat_timeout-(Optional)Defines the amount of time,in seconds...


A prefixed name defines a prefix for a resource.acl_operation_type-(Required,ForceNew)Operation type for this acl.The operation type can only be"Write"and"Read".Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id...

使用ROS CDK批量创建多个资源

namespace Demo { public class DemoStack:Stack { public DemoStack(Construct scope,string id,IStackProps props=null):base(scope,id,props){/The code that defines your stack goes here var sg=new SecurityGroup(this,"ros-cdk-...


SHORT()Return an integer-valued universal identifier VALUES()Defines the values to be used during an INSERT ANY_VALUE()Suppress ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY value rejection DEFAULT()Return the default value for a table column GET_...


config-(Optional)The Function Compute alias' route configuration settings.See routing_config below.routing_config The routing_config supports the following:additional_version_weights-(Optional)A map that defines the ...


The code that defines your stack goes here } } module.exports={ DemoStack } test/demo.test.js:单元测试文件。用于验证构建资源栈的逻辑是否符合预期。demo.test.js 文件内容如下:const { expect,matchTemplate,MatchStyle }=...


time-Function creation time.last_modification_time-Function last modification time.environment_variables-A map that defines environment variables for the function.initializer-The entry point of the function's ...


count-The number of times that needs to satisfies comparison condition before transition into ALARM state.cloud_monitor_group_id-Defines the application group id defined by CMS which is assigned when you upload custom ...

使用ROS CDK在同一个工程内切换应用管理资源栈

The code that defines your stack goes here new ecs.Vpc(this,'vpc-from-ros-cdk',{ vpcName:'test-ros-cdk',cidrBlock:'',description:'This is ros cdk test' });} } export class DemoStack2 extends ros.Stack { ...

使用ROS CDK部署Nginx服务

namespace Demo { public class DemoStack:Stack { public DemoStack(Construct scope,string id,IStackProps props=null):base(scope,id,props){/The code that defines your stack goes here IDictionary,object>notifyObj=new ...

使用ROS CDK进行资源编排

The code that defines your stack goes here const vpc=new ecs.Vpc(this,'vpc-from-ros-cdk',{ vpcName:'test-ros-cdk-vpc',cidrBlock:'',description:'This is ros cdk test' });for(let i=0;i;i+){ new ecs.VSwitch(this,`...


variables-(Optional,available in 1.36.0+)A map that defines environment variables for the function.code_checksum-(Optional,available in 1.59.0+)The checksum(crc64)of the function code.Used to trigger updates.The value can ...


monitor_group_id-(Optional)Defines the application group id defined by CMS which is assigned when you upload custom metric to CMS,only available for custom metirc.dimensions-(Optional)The dimension map for the alarm's ...


通过在 ACK Serverless集群 上部署安装VPA(vertical-pod-autoscaler),ACK Serverless可以提供垂直的容器伸缩的功能。VPA会基于Pod的资源使用情况自动为集群设置资源占用的限制,从而让集群将Pod调度到有足够资源的最佳节点上。...


Defines methods that all chaincodes must implement.*/public interface Chaincode {/*Called during an instantiate transaction after the container has been*established,allowing the chaincode to initialize its internal data*/...


Provides a ESS scaling group resource which is a collection of ECS instances with the same application scenarios.It defines the maximum and minimum numbers of ECS instances in the group,and their associated Server Load ...

使用ROS CDK和阿里云CLI管理资源栈

The code that defines your stack goes here const vpc=new ecs.Vpc(this,'vpc-from-ros-cdk',{ vpcName:'test-ros-cdk',cidrBlock:'',description:'This is ros cdk test' });const vpcId=new ros.RosOutput(this,'vpcId',{ ...


如果您希望根据Pod实际的资源使用情况,动态调整和优化资源配置,以确保Pod能够调度到资源充足的节点上,建议您为业务容器开启垂直伸缩VPA(Vertical Pod Autoscaler)功能。VPA能够监控Pod的资源消耗模式,灵活推荐CPU和内存资源分配的...


Provides a ACK Nodepool resource.This resource will help you to manage node pool in Kubernetes Cluster,see What is kubernetes node pool.->NOTE:Available since v1.97.0.->NOTE:From version 1.109.1,support managed node pools,...


0 ifeq($(secure_adv),1)GLOBAL_DEFINES+CONFIG_AIS_SECURE_ADV endif#是否已移植并使用AliOS Things提供的开源BLE协议栈#如果厂商驱动中已包含自己的BLE协议栈,此项功能不用选择#BK7231U使用的是厂商自己的BLE协议栈,因此这里不会使能 ...

使用GitLab CI运行GitLab Runner并执行Pipeline

true#Configure the maximum number of concurrent jobs#concurrent:10#Defines in seconds how often to check GitLab for a new builds#checkInterval:30#For RBAC support:#rbac:create:true clusterWideAccess:false#Configure ...


en:>-ECS VSwitch Zone ID defines the Availability Zone for creating ECS instance.If you choose existing Infrastructure Configuration,you can only find the VSwitch under the Availability zone.Label:zh-cn: ECS交换机可用区 ...

SAP HANA 同可用区高可用部署指南

SAP HANA 同可用区高可用部署指南 1、概述 2、SAP HANA高可用架构 3、安装前准备 3.1 SAP系统安装介质 3.2 VPC网络规划 3.3 主机规划 3.4 文件系统规划 4、创建SAP HANA ECS实例 5、部署云资源 5.1 配置弹性网卡 5.2 配置高可用虚拟IP 5.3 ...

使用ROS CDK生成创建ECS实例的ROS模板

'PayPeriodUnit','PayPeriod'],'Label':{'default':{'zh-cn': '付费类型配置'}}},{'Parameters':['EcsInstanceType','InstancePassword'],'Label':{'default':{'zh-cn': 'ECS实例配置'}}}]} })#The code that defines your stack goes here...


WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and#limitations under the License.#This file defines the services,service accounts,...


en":"ECS VSwitch Zone ID defines the Availability Zone for creating ECS instance.If you choose existing Infrastructure Configuration,you can only find the VSwitch under the Availability zone."},"Label":{"zh-cn": "ECS...


package v1beta1 import(corev1""metav1"")type GatewayType string type ConfigState string const(...GatewayType="egress")/IstioGatewaySpec defines the desired state of Istio/k8s...


cluster_ip_array-(Optional,Type:list,Available since 1.130.0)db_cluster_ip_array defines how users can send requests to your API.See db_cluster_ip_array below.security_ips-(Optional,Deprecated)This attribute has been ...

C3P0 连接池连接 OceanBase 数据库示例程序

本文将介绍如何使用 C3P0 连接池、MySQL Connector/J 和 OceanBase 数据库构建一个应用程序,实现基本的数据库操作,包括创建表、插入、删除、更新和查询数据等。...您已安装 JDK 1.8 和 Maven。您已安装 Eclipse。说明 本文档运行代码使用的...


本文介绍在MDL系统中常用的数据结构及含义,从实现角度讨论MDL的获取机制与死锁检测,分享在实践中如何监控MDL状态。背景信息 为了满足数据库在并发请求下的事务隔离性和一致性要求,同时针对MySQL插件式多种存储引擎都能发挥作用,MySQL在...


en:ECS VSwitch Zone ID defines the Availability Zone for creating ECS instance.If you choose existing Infrastructure Configuration,you can only find the VSwitch under the availability zone.Label:zh-cn: ECS交换机可用区 en:...


Tekton是一套开源的云原生解决方案,它提供了灵活的、易扩展的方式协助使用者构建CI/CD流水线。本文主要基于tekton-pipelines、tekton-trigger和kubevela构建一条GitOps的持续集成和持续交付流水线实践。前提条件 已开通容器计算服务ACS。...


规范定义是指以业务对象建模作为理论基础,构建总线矩阵,划分并定义主题域(数据域)、业务活动、业务对象、原子指标、业务限定、时间周期和派生指标。本文为您介绍在本教程中如何进行规范定义。基本概念 业务实体:业务对象 业务对象是...
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