
(Optional)Version of the RAM policy document.Valid value is 1.Default value is 1.statement-(Optional)Statement of the RAM policy document.See the following Block statement.See statement below.output_file-(Optional)File ...


本文介绍了为集合变量赋值的方式。简介 您可以通过以下方式为...显示结果如下:ERROR:can not assign NULL to associative array CONTEXT:PL/SQL function inline_code_block line 4 during statement block local variable initialization


Optional)The ID of the VPC.probe_type is vpc_black_hole_probe.This value cannot be empty.Block HoneypotBindList The HoneypotBindList supports the following:bind_port_list-(ForceNew,Optional)List of listening ports.See the ...


权限策略语法 policy={<version_block>,<statement_block>}<version_block>="Version":("1")<statement_block>="Statement":[<statement>,<statement>,.]<statement>={<effect_block>,<action_block>,<resource_block>,<condition_block?...


integer""default"{ max=99999 min=10000 } resource"alicloud_oss_bucket""bucket-referer"{ bucket="example-value-${random_integer.default.result}"acl="private"referer_config { allow_empty=false referers=[...


2,3)CONTEXT:PL/SQL function inline_code_block line 4 during statement block local variable initialization 以下示例展示将集合变量初始化为空,以及初始化为包含特定元素:DECLARE TYPE Friend IS VARRAY(4)OF VARCHAR(10);...


本文介绍配置任务和任务运行时系统返回的报错信息(如重试信息或错误码)以及解决方法。说明 本文以正则表达式((.*)?的形式表示报错信息中的变量。若报错无法解决,您可以 通过钉钉(钉钉通讯客户端下载地址)进入到DTS客户交流钉钉群...


id-The key of the resource supplied above.The value is formulated as<instance_id>:<domain>.resource_manager_resource_group_id-The ID of the resource group.status-The status of the resource.Timeouts The timeouts block ...


本文介绍 云数据库 SelectDB 版 的Profile功能和使用方式,为查询性能分析提供参考和依据。打开查询Profile 通过如下命令...Profile ID|Task Type|Start Time|End Time|Total|Task State|User|Default Db|Sql Statement|+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-...


(Optional,Int)Critical level alarm retry times.Default value:3.prometheus The prometheus supports the following:prom_ql-(Optional)The PromQL query statement.Note:The data obtained by using the PromQL query statement is the...


18040 Old version of CREATE TABLE statement is blocked,please use the new version.老版本建表语句被禁止,请参考DDL文档,使用当前的建表语句语法。18041 CLUSTER BY column does not exist 建表语句中,CLUSTER BY指定的列不在定义的...


statement=1s log_checkpoints=on log_connections=on log_disconnections=on log_line_prefix='%m[%p]' log_statement='ddl' log_timezone='Asia/Shanghai' autovacuum=on log_autovacuum_min_duration=0 autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=...

查找最耗费资源的 SQL(Top SQL)

in milliseconds.rows bigint 无 Total number of rows retrieved or affected by the statement.shared_blks_hit bigint 无 Total number of shared block cache hits by the statement.shared_blks_read bigint 无 Total number of ...


the reserved CIDR block must be a proper subset of the IPv4 CIDR block of the vSwitch and the subnet mask length of the reserved CIDR block cannot be greater than 28.When IpVersion is set to IPv6,the reserved CIDR block ...


DTX-506‘UPDATE’and‘DELETE’statement must have where-statement,sql:[%s]update 和 delete 语句编写要 where 条件 修改 SQL 语句,添加 where 条件。DTX-507‘UPDATE’statement can not update primaryKey colmun(s),sql:[%s]update...

计划固化(Statement Outline)

PolarDB 利用Optimizer Hints和Index Hints让MySQL稳定执行计划,该方法称为Statement Outline,并提供了工具包 DBMS_OUTLN 方便您快捷使用。本文将介绍如何使用和管理Statement Outline。前提条件 PolarDB 集群版本需为如下版本之一:...

Statement Outline

阿里云利用Optimizer Hint和Index Hint让MySQL稳定执行计划,该方法称为Statement Outline,并提供了工具包(DBMS_OUTLN)便于您快捷使用。前提条件 RDS实例版本如下:MySQL 8.0 MySQL 5.7 功能设计 Statement Outline支持官方MySQL 8.0、...


cidr-(Optional)The CIDR block in entry.This parameter is empty by default.Take note of the following items:The total number of entries must not exceed the max_entries value.CIDR block types are determined by the IP address...


bar.show_process(totalSize-size)time.sleep(0.5)jobQueue.join()for thread in thread_pool:thread.join()errs=[]while True:try:error=error_queue.get(block=False)errs.append(error)except bcQueue.Empty:break return errs if_name_...


trim 是一个过程,用于从变长数组或嵌套表的末尾删除元素并销毁位置(以下简称为销毁元素)。...结果显示如下:ERROR:subscript beyond count CONTEXT:SQL statement"CALL nt.trim(2)"PL/SQL function inline_code_block line 5 at CALL


结果显示如下:ERROR:new varray size:11 must be smaller than limit size:10 CONTEXT:SQL statement"CALL v.extend(11)"PL/SQL function inline_code_block line 5 at CALL 元素类型可以是普通类型(例如,int,varchar等),也可以是...


EMPTY_CLOB 描述 该函数返回一个空的LOB定位器,该定位器可用于初始化LOB变量,或者在INSERT或UPDATE语句中,将LOB列或属性初始化为EMPTYEMPTY表示LOB已初始化,但未填充数据。语法 EMPTY_CLOB()返回类型 返回 CLOB 类型数据。示例 ...

Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy

To view the latest Legal Statement and Privacy Right Policy,please click the link.


CREATE PROCEDURE block_0 IS.+-PROCEDURE block_1a-Local to block_0|IS|.|.|.|+-PROCEDURE block_2a-Local to block_1a and descendant|IS of block_0|.|.|.|PROCEDURE block_3-Local to block_2a and descendant|IS of block_1a,and ...


BLOCK level_0.BLOCK level_1a.BLOCK level_2a.BLOCK level_3a.BLOCK level_1a.BLOCK level_2a.BLOCK level_3a.END BLOCK level_3a.END BLOCK level_2a.END BLOCK level_1a.END BLOCK level_3a.END BLOCK level_2a.END BLOCK level_1a END ...


Provides a VPC Ipv4 Cidr Block resource.VPC IPv4 additional network segment.For information about VPC Ipv4 Cidr Block and how to use it,see What is Ipv4 Cidr Block.->NOTE:Available since v1.185.0.Example Usage Basic Usage ...


Provides a Ebs Dedicated Block Storage Cluster resource.For information about Ebs Dedicated Block Storage Cluster and how to use it,see What is Dedicated Block Storage Cluster.->NOTE:Available in v1.195.0+.Example Usage ...


block_urls,block_headers,block_bodys 中至少必填一项。配置用于匹配需要屏蔽URL的字符串。block_headers array of string 选填。block_urls,block_headers,block_bodys 中至少必填一项。配置用于匹配需要屏蔽请求Header的字符串。block_...


This data source provides Ebs Dedicated Block Storage Cluster available to the user.->NOTE:Available in 1.196.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_ebs_dedicated_block_storage_clusters""default"{ ids=["example_id"]name_regex=...


path_match_mode-A match statement.It indicates the mode in which the as-path attribute is matched.cidr_match_mode-A match statement.It indicates the mode in which the prefix attribute is matched.community_match_mode-A ...

MySQL提示:1615:Prepared statement needs to be re-...

问题现象 在RDS MySQL实例中使用Prepared statement提交SQL时报错:1615:Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared 可能原因 该报错可能由以下两种原因引入:原因一:Prepared statement的执行过程分2个阶段:先执行一次prepare,然后再...

DTS订阅日志提示“client partition is empty”信息

DTS订阅日志报错client partition is empty,wait partition balance是因为一个订阅ID被多个客户端拉取数据。问题描述 DTS订阅日志提示如下信息。[Thread-1:11039]-[INFO]client partition is empty,wait partition balance 问题原因 一个...

MySQL提示:1615:Prepared statement needs to be re-...

问题现象 在RDS MySQL实例中使用Prepared statement提交SQL时报错:1615:Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared 可能原因 该报错可能由以下两种原因引入:原因一:Prepared statement的执行过程分2个阶段:先执行一次prepare,然后再...


id-The ID of nat gateway used to launch kubernetes cluster.worker_nodes-List of cluster worker nodes.It contains several attributes to Block Nodes.connections-Map of kubernetes cluster connection information.It contains ...

DTS订阅日志提示“client partition is empty”信息

[Thread-1:11039]-[INFO]client partition is empty,wait partition balance 问题原因 一个订阅ID只能被一个客户端拉取数据,如果用这个订阅ID启动了多个客户端,只有一个会拉取到数据,其他客户端就会打印这个日志。解决方案 当拉取数据的...

DTS订阅日志提示“client partition is empty”信息

[Thread-1:11039]-[INFO]client partition is empty,wait partition balance 问题原因 一个订阅ID只能被一个客户端拉取数据,如果用这个订阅ID启动了多个客户端,只有一个会拉取到数据,其他客户端就会打印这个日志。解决方案 当拉取数据的...

DTS订阅日志提示“client partition is empty”信息

[Thread-1:11039]-[INFO]client partition is empty,wait partition balance 问题原因 一个订阅ID只能被一个客户端拉取数据,如果用这个订阅ID启动了多个客户端,只有一个会拉取到数据,其他客户端就会打印这个日志。解决方案 当拉取数据的...

DTS订阅日志提示“client partition is empty”信息

[Thread-1:11039]-[INFO]client partition is empty,wait partition balance 问题原因 一个订阅ID只能被一个客户端拉取数据,如果用这个订阅ID启动了多个客户端,只有一个会拉取到数据,其他客户端就会打印这个日志。解决方案 当拉取数据的...

Elastic Block Storage(EBS)

Elastic Block Storage(EBS)


Provides a VPC Public Ip Address Pool Cidr Block resource.->NOTE:Only users who have the required permissions can use the IP address pool feature of Elastic IP Address(EIP).To apply for the required permissions,submit a ...
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