
400 InvalidCidrBlock Specified parameter CidrBlock is not valid.Configs.Networks.VPC.CidrBlock is not valid.无效的CidrBlock。403 QuotaExhausted.MaxClusterCount The MaxClusterCount({value})quota is exhausted.Cluster数量不能...


1 to 50.Unit:seconds.Default value:2.health_check_method-(Optional)The health check method.Valid values:GET and HEAD.Default value:HEAD.NOTE:The attribute HealthCheckProtocol is valid when the attribute is ...


border acceleration is enabled.Default value:false.Valid values:true:Enable.false:Disable.NOTE:cross_border_status is valid only when bandwidth_billing_type is set to CDT.cross_border_mode-(Optional,Available since v1.208....


off,on.visual_quality-(Optional,Computed)The quality of visual.Valid values:high,lossless,low,medium.watermark-(Optional,Computed)The watermark policy.Valid values:off,on.watermark_transparency-(Optional,Computed)The ...


(Required,ForceNew)The payment type of the resource.Valid values:Subscription.period-(Required)The Prepaid period.Valid values:1,2,3,6,12,24.renewal_status-(Optional)Automatic renewal status.Valid values:AutoRenewal,...


Immediate.It is valid only when upgrade_db_instance_kernel_version=true.Valid values:Immediate:The minor engine version is immediately updated.MaintainTime:The minor engine version is updated during the maintenance window....


a temp instance exists.403 Forbidden.Authentication The operation is forbidden by Aliyun Realname Authentication System.403 IncorrectDBInstanceConnType...instance net type is not found. 404 InvalidDBinstanceNetType.ValueNotSupport The specified parameter "DBinstanceNetType" is not valid. 400 InvalidDBInstanceType.ValueNotSupport The specified parameter "DBInstanceType" is notvalid. 400 InvalidEngineVersion.Malformed The specified parameter "EngineVersion" is notvalid. 400 InvalidInstanceNetworkType.ValueNotSupported The specified parameter "InstanceNetworkType" is notvalid. 400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter "dbInstanceId" is notvalid. 400 InvalidPort.Malformed Specified port is notvalid. 400 InvalidPrivateIpAddress.Duplicated Specified private IP address is duplicated. 400 InvalidPrivateIpAddress.Mismatch Specified private IP address is not in the CIDR block of virtual switch. 400 InvalidVPCId.NotFound The specified connection string or port does not match the current network type. 400 InvalidVSwitchId.Mismatch Specified instance and virtual switch are not in the same zone. 400 InvalidVSwitchId.NotFound Specified virtual switch is not found in specified VPC. 400 NetTypeExists Specified net type already existed. 400 NetTypeExists Specified public net type already existed. 403 OperationDenied.DBInstanceNetType The network type of the specified instance does not support this operation. 403 OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus The specified connection string or port does not match the current network type. 403 OperationDenied.DBInstanceType The operation is not permitted for the database instance type. 403 OperationDenied.LockMode The instance is locked. 403 OperationDenied.Switch Specified instance cannot be switched. 400 OperationDenied.Switch Specified instance cannot be switched to VPC. 403 OperationDenied.SwitchToVPC Specified instance cannot be switched to VPC. 403 OperationDenied The requested resource is sold out in the specified zone...


T.Valid values:[3,5,10,20,50].log_time-(Required,String)Log storage period.Unit:day.Valid values:[180,360].modify_type-(Optional)Type of configuration change.Valid value:Upgrade.package_code-(Required,String)Subscription ...


(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)A list of Listener IDs.listener_ids-(Optional,ForceNew)The listener ids.listener_protocol-(Optional,ForceNew)Snooping Protocols.Valid Values:HTTP ,HTTPS Or QUIC . load_balancer_ids - (Optional,...


(Optional)The duration of paid.Valid when the payment_type is Subscription.When pricing_cycle set to Month,the valid value id 1 to 9.When pricing_cycle set to Year,the valid value id 1 to 3.file_engine_node_count-(Optional...


The count of lindorm tunnel service.lts_node_specification-The specification of lindorm tunnel service.Valid values:lindorm.g.2xlarge,lindorm.g.xlarge.network_type-Instance network type,enumerative.VPC.payment_type-The ...


Valid values:LS20,LS40,LS80,S8,S16,S32,S64,S80,S104.Under the condition that the category is the HighAvailability,Valid values:LC20,LC40,LC80,C8,C16,C32,C64,C80,C104.db_cluster_network_type-(Required,ForceNew)The DBCluster...


seconds.Valid values:1~300.health_check_domain-(Optional,Computed)The domain name used for health check.Valid values:$SERVER_IP:uses the intranet IP of the backend server.domain:Specify a specific domain name.The length is...


错误代码 描述 HTTP 状态码 MissingParameter The parameter““is needed but no provided.400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter“Action or Version”is not valid.400 InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The Access Key ID provided...


raid-Whether to create the Database file system in RAID way.Valid values:true anf false.encryption-Whether to encrypt the Database file system.Valid values:true and false.id-The ID of the Instance.instance_id-The ID of the...


group_type-(Optional,ForceNew,Available since v1.193.0)The type of the server group.Default value:Instance.Valid values:Instance:allows you add servers by specifying Ecs,Ens,or Eci.Ip:allows you to add servers by ...


English.product_code-(Optional)Product Code.Valid values:OSS,RDS,ODPS(MaxCompute).product_id-(Optional)Product ID.Valid values:1:MaxCompute 2:OSS 5:RDS.risk_level_id-(Optional)Sensitive Data Identification Rules of Risk ...


1"{ value=data.alicloud_nlb_listeners.ids.policies.0.id } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:listener_protocol-(Optional,ForceNew)The listening protocol.Valid values:TCP,UDP,or TCPSSL.load_balancer_...


GiB.When disk_category is cloud_efficiency,Valid values:20 to 32768.When disk_category is cloud_ssd,Valid values:20 to 32768.When disk_category is cloud_essd,Valid values:20 to 32768.When disk_category is cloud,Valid ...


status-(Optional,ForceNew)Automatic renewal status.Valid values:AutoRenewal,ManualRenewal.package_edition-(Required,ForceNew)Paid package version.Valid values:ultimate,standard.health_check_task_count-(Required,ForceNew)...


bandwidth_billing_type-(Optional,ForceNew)The bandwidth billing method.Valid values:BandwidthPackage,CDT,CDT95.payment_type-(Optional,ForceNew,Available since v1.208.1)The payment type.Default value:Subscription.Valid ...


ForceNew)The billing type.Valid values:PayBy95,PayByTraffic.NOTE:billing_type is valid only when payment_type is set to PayAsYouGo.payment_type-(Optional,ForceNew)The payment type of the bandwidth.Default value:...


ids-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)A list of Router Interface IDs.include_reservation_data-(Optional,ForceNew)Does it contain renewal data.Valid values:true,false.name_regex-(Optional,ForceNew)A regex string to filter results...


诊断 409 InvalidParameter.FilterName The specified parameter FilterName is not valid.参数 FilterName 不合法。诊断 404 MissingParameter.FilterName The specified parameter FilterName is missing.参数 FilterName 缺失。诊断 400...


STANDARD,OTS_BACKUP.vault_status_message-Error status information of Vault.Only valid for remote backup warehouses.Only the remote backup warehouse is valid.storage_size-Backup vault storage usage.The unit is Byte.bucket_...


(Optional)The billing method of the instance.Default value:PostPaid.Valid values:PrePaid,PostPaid.NOTE:It can be modified from PostPaid to PrePaid after version 1.63.0.period-(Optional,Int)The duration that you will buy DB...


ForceNew)The payment type of the resource.Valid values:Subscription,PayAsYouGo.payment_duration_unit-(Optional)The payment duration unit.Valid values:Month,Year.When payment_type is Subscription,this parameter is valid and...


instance_category-(Optional,ForceNew)The db instance category.Valid values:Basic,HighAvailability.->NOTE:This parameter must be passed in to create a storage reservation mode instance.db_instance_mode-(Required,ForceNew)...


can not be deleted.400 Instance.IsNotAvailable Instance is not available.400 Instance.IsNotValid Instance is not valid.400 Instance.RestartError Found error while restarting instance!503 Instance.TopologyError Found error ...


错误代码 描述 HTTP状态码 MissingParameter The input parameter“parameter name”that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter“Action or Version”is not valid.400...


id-Refine deployment ID.status-The status of the resource.Valid values:producing,review_pending,config_pending,normal,frozen.switched_time-The Switched time.type-Application type.Valid Values:standard,enhanced.quota The ...


错误代码 描述 HTTP状态码 MissingParameter The input parameter“parameter name”that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter“Action or Version”is not valid.400...


type-(Optional)The payment type of the resource.Valid values:PayAsYouGo and Subscription.Default Value:PayAsYouGo.Note:The payment_type supports updating from v1.166.0+.period-(Optional,Int)The duration that you will buy ...


错误代码 描述 HTTP状态码 MissingParameter The input parameter“parameter name”that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter“Action or Version”is not valid.400...


6,12,24 If PeriodUnit is Year,the valid range is 1,2' Required:false Type:Number PeriodUnit:AllowedValues:Month-Year-month-year AssociationProperty:PayPeriodUnit Description:en:'The unit of the subscription duration.Valid ...


aes|aes192|aes256|des|3des.Default Valid value:aes.ike_lifetime-(Optional)The SA lifecycle as the result of phase-one negotiation.The valid value of n is[0,86400],the unit is second and the default value is 86400.ike_mode-...


ForceNew)Type of the instance.Valid values:Enterprise,Professional.Default to Enterprise name-(Optional)Name of the instance.This name can have a string of 1 to 63 characters.base_bandwidth-(Optional,ForceNew)Base defend ...


instance_category is HighAvailability,Valid values:2C16G,4C32G,16C128G.When db_instance_category is Basic,Valid values:2C8G,4C16G,8C32G,16C64G.db_instance_category-(Optional,ForceNew,Available in v1.158.0+)The edition of ...


2 backups.Valid values are 0,30 to 7300,-1.Default to 0.backup_frequency-(Optional,Available in 1.207.0+)The backup frequency.Valid values are Normal,2/24H,3/24H,4/24H.Default to Normal.data_level1_backup_frequency-...


ForceNew)Application Group Name.type-(Required,ForceNew)Application type.Valid Values:standard,enhanced.payment_type-(Required,ForceNew)The billing method of the resource.Valid values:Subscription and PayAsYouGo.quota-...
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