
an auto provisioning group is immediately started after creation.valid_until-(Optional,ForceNew)The time when the auto provisioning group expires.The period of time between this point in time and the point in time ...


ids-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)A list of Backup Job IDs.source_type-(Required,ForceNew)The type of data source.Valid values:ECS_FILE,NAS,OSS,OTS,UDM_ECS,UDM_ECS_DISK.status-(Optional,ForceNew)The status of backup job....


status-Client protected status.Valid values:UNPROTECTED,PROTECTED.client_type-The type of client.Valid values:ECS_CLIENT(ECS File Backup Client).client_version-The version of client.create_time-The creation time of client....


返回关于传入Geometry对象是否为Valid的详细信息,如果不是,则输出原因及错误所在位置。语法 validDetail ST_IsValidDetail(geometry geom);validDetail ST_IsValidDetail(geometry geom,integer flags);参数 参数名称 描述 geom 目标...


示例 YAML 格式 ROSTemplateFormatVersion:'2015-09-01' Parameters:AsPathMatchMode:Description:"Match statements are used to match the AS paths.Valid values:\ \ Include:uses fuzzy match.If the AS path in the condition ...


type-(Optional,Available since 1.68.0)The KVStore instance edition type required by the user.Valid values:Community and Enterprise.series_type-(Optional,Available since 1.68.0)The KVStore instance series type required by ...


(Optional,ForceNew)Database Engine Type.Valid values:Redis,SQLServer,MySQL,PostgreSQL,MongoDB ids-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)A list of Dedicated Host Group IDs.output_file-(Optional)File name where to save data source ...


400 InvalidGroups.{key} Specified parameter Groups.{key} is not valid.Its size must be in[1,64].Groups.{key}的大小必须在1与64之间。400 MissingDesiredVMCount DesiredVMCount is mandatory for this action.缺少DesiredVMCount...


period-(Optional)The monitoring frequency in seconds.Valid values are 5,60,300.Defaults to 300.auto_renew-(Optional)Whether to renewal a DB instance automatically or not.It is valid when payment_type is Subscription....


the valid values are"paybybandwidth"and"paybytraffic".bandwidth-(Optional)Valid value is between 1 and 1000,If argument"internet_charge_type"is"paybytraffic",then this value will be ignore.vswitch_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The...


1.If you set PriceUnit to Year,the valid values of the Period parameter are 1,2,and 3.If you set PriceUnit to Month,the valid values of the Period parameter are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,and 9.If you set PriceUnit to Hour,the valid ...


address_type-(Optional,ForceNew)The type of IP address that the ALB instance uses to provide services.Valid values:Intranet,Internet.enable_details-(Optional)Default to false.Set it to true can output more details about ...


micro,small,xlarge,xxlarge.payment_type-(Required,ForceNew)The payment type of the resource.Valid values:Subscription,PayAsYouGo.payment_duration_unit-(Optional)The payment duration unit.Valid values:Month,Year.When ...


seconds-(Optional)This attribute defines the length of time,in seconds,after which every message sent to the queue is dequeued.Valid value range:0-604800 seconds,i.e.,0 to 7 days.Default value to 0.maximum_message_size-...


port_type-(Optional)The type of the destination port in the access control policy.Valid values:port,group.release-(Optional,Bool)The enabled status of the access control policy.The policy is enabled by default after it is ...


诊断 403 InvalidModifyMode.Format The instance modifyMode is not valid.-诊断 404 InvalidConnectionString.NotFound The specified connection string or network type is not found.-诊断 403 SSLEnabledStateExistsFault The ...


诊断 403 InvalidModifyMode.Format The instance modifyMode is not valid.-诊断 404 InvalidConnectionString.NotFound The specified connection string or network type is not found.-诊断 403 SSLEnabledStateExistsFault The ...


router_id-(Optional)The id of the router at the other end.opposite_router_type-(Optional)The opposite router type of the router on the other side.Valid Values:VRouter,VBR.payment_type-(Optional,ForceNew)The payment methods...


value"} Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:vault_name-(Required)The name of Vault.vault_type-(Optional,ForceNew)The type of Vault.Valid values:STANDARD,OTS_BACKUP.vault_storage_class-(Optional,...


it will be ignored.Valid values:[1-86400]in seconds.cookie-(Optional,Available since v1.51.0)The cookie configured on the server.It is mandatory when sticky_session is on and sticky_session_type is server.Otherwise,it will...


seconds.Valid values:60-604800.Default value:345600.visibility_timeout-(Optional)The invisibility period for which the received message remains the Inactive state.Unit:seconds.Valid values:1-43200.Default value:30.polling_...


like"\r","#"field_search-List configurations of field search index.Valid item as follows:name-(Required)The field name,which is unique in the same log store.type-(Optional)The type of one field.Valid values:["long","text",...


category-(Optional,ForceNew)Sensitive Data Identification Rules for the Type of.Valid values:0:Keyword.2:Regular expression.content_category-(Optional,ForceNew)The Content Classification.custom_type-(Optional,ForceNew)...


ADD domain_constraint[NOT VALID]这种形式使用和 CREATE DOMAIN 相同的语法为一个域增加一个新的约束。当一个新的约束被增加到一个域时,所有使用该域的列都会被根据新加的约束进行检查。可以通过增加使用 NOT VALID 选项的新约束来抑制这...


the health check fails.Valid values:1 to 300.Unit:seconds.Default value:5.healthy_threshold-The number of times that an unhealthy backend server must consecutively pass health checks before it is declared healthy(from fail...


(Optional)The port of source.Valid values are 443 and 80.Default value is 80.priority-(Optional)Priority of the source.Valid values are 0 and 100.Default value is 20.type-(Optional)The type of the source.Valid values are ...


factor authentication(MFA)security codes during logon.The security codes are valid for 7 days.Valid values:true:RAM users can save MFA security codes during logon.false:RAM users cannot save MFA security codes during logon...


(Optional,ForceNew)The status of the task.Valid values:Abnormal,Downgrade,Locked,Normal,NotStarted,NotStarted,PreCheckPass,PrecheckFailed,Prechecking,Retrying,Starting,Upgrade.output_file-(Optional)File name where to save ...


backup_method-(Optional)The type of backup that you want to perform.Default value:Physical.Valid values:Logical,Physical and Snapshot.backup_strategy-(Optional)The policy that you want to use for the backup task.Valid ...


400 InvalidOptmizationService Specified optmization service is not valid.-400 InvalidExpiredTime.Format Specified expired time is not valid.失效时间格式(ExpiredTime)不正确,格式要求如下:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ(UTC时间)。...


you must specify the used_time parameter.period-(Optional)The period.Valid values:Month,Year.->NOTE:If you set the payment_type parameter to Subscription,you must specify the period parameter.deletion_protection-(Optional,...


internet.enable-(Optional)Whether to enable Acl Service,Setting the value to true to enable the acl service.Valid values:true and false.instance_id-(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the CR Instance.module_name-(Optional,...


400 InvalidOptmizationService Specified optmization service is not valid.-400 InvalidExpiredTime.Format Specified expired time is not valid.失效时间格式(ExpiredTime)不正确,格式要求如下:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ(UTC时间)。...


400 InvalidOptmizationService Specified optmization service is not valid.-400 InvalidExpiredTime.Format Specified expired time is not valid.失效时间格式(ExpiredTime)不正确,格式要求如下:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ(UTC时间)。...


auto_renew-(Optional)Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal.Unit:months.Valid values:true and false.auto_renew_period-(Optional)The auto renew period.Valid values:1,3,6,12,24,36.NOTE:The attribute auto_renew is valid ...


400 InvalidOptmizationService Specified optmization service is not valid.-400 InvalidExpiredTime.Format Specified expired time is not valid.失效时间格式(ExpiredTime)不正确,格式要求如下:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ(UTC时间)。...


auto_renew-(Optional)Whether to enable automatic renewal for nodes in the node pool takes effect only when instance_charge_type is set to PrePaid.Default value:true.Valid values:true:Automatic renewal.false:Do not renew ...


0 means not ID of the Subscription.item_id-The ID of the Subscription.item_name-The name of the Subscription.pmsg_status-The status of pmsg subscription.Valid values:1,-2,0,1.-1 means required,-2 means ...


400 InvalidLogstore You must specify a valid project and Logstore of Log Service.The project and Logstore must reside in the same region as the gateway.You can use the project and Logstore to monitor logs.请正确输入您在该...


child_instance_types-(Optional)A match statement that indicates the list of source instance types.Valid values:["VPC","VBR","CCN"].destination_child_instance_types-(Optional)A match statement that indicates the list of ...
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