Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(十)(1)

182. Quine programOutput the source of the program.输出程序的源代码package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Printf("%s%c%s%c\n", s, 0x60, s, 0x60) } var s ...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(九)(2)

171. Add an element at the end of a listAppend element x to the list s.在list尾部添加元素package main import "fmt" func main() { s := []int{1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(九)(1)

161. Multiply all the elements of a listMultiply all the elements of the list elements by a constant c将list中的每个元素都乘以一个数package main import ( "fmt" ) f...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(八)(2)

151. Remove string trailing path separatorRemove last character from string p, if this character is the file path separator of current platform.Note t...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(八)(1)

141. Iterate in sequence over two listsIterate in sequence over the elements of the list items1 then items2. For each iteration print the element.依次迭代...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(七)(2)

131. Successive conditionsExecute f1 if condition c1 is true, or else f2 if condition c2 is true, or else f3 if condition c3 is true. Don't evaluate a...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(七)(1)

121. UDP listen and readListen UDP traffic on port p and read 1024 bytes into buffer b.听端口p上的UDP流量,并将1024字节读入缓冲区b。import ( "fmt" "net" "os" ) ServerAd...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(四)(2)

71. Echo program implementationBasic implementation of the Echo program: Print all arguments except the program name, separated by space, followed by ...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(四)(1)

61. Get current date获取当前时间package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { d := time.Now() fmt.Println("Now is", d) // The Playground has a special....

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(三)(2)

51. Check if map contains keyDetermine whether map m contains an entry for key k检查map是否有某个keypackage main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { m := map[stri...
