CopyDatabaseBetweenInstances-RDS SQL Server实例间...

400 ReadDBInstanceNotSupport The operation is not permitted due to type of the instance.只读实例不允许执行该操作。400 InvalidRecoveryDbInstance.StorageSize The disk space of the new instance cannot be less than that of the...

CopyDatabaseBetweenInstances-RDS SQL Server实例间...

400 ReadDBInstanceNotSupport The operation is not permitted due to type of the instance.只读实例不允许执行该操作。400 InvalidRecoveryDbInstance.StorageSize The disk space of the new instance cannot be less than that of the...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


400 OperationDenied.IpBelongToOtherUser The operation is not allowed because of ip belong to other user.申请失败,该IP归属其他用户 400 IncorrectStatus.Ip The status of ip is incorrect.IP的状态不正确。400 OperationFailed....


400 OperationDenied.IpBelongToOtherUser The operation is not allowed because of ip belong to other user.申请失败,该IP归属其他用户 400 IncorrectStatus.Ip The status of ip is incorrect.IP的状态不正确。400 OperationFailed....


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


诊断 403 InvalidModifyMode.Format The instance modifyMode is not valid.-诊断 404 InvalidConnectionString.NotFound The specified connection string or network type is not found.-诊断 403 SSLEnabledStateExistsFault The ...


诊断 403 InvalidModifyMode.Format The instance modifyMode is not valid.-诊断 404 InvalidConnectionString.NotFound The specified connection string or network type is not found.-诊断 403 SSLEnabledStateExistsFault The ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


key-(Optional)The content of the private key.If the certificate is not enabled,you do not need to enter the content of the private key.To configure the certificate,enter the content of the private key.server_certificate-...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史


400 ChargeTypeViolation The operation is not permitted due to charge type of the disk.-400 InvalidInstanceId.NotFound The specified InstanceId does not exist.指定的实例ID未找到。400 InvalidDisk.DetachedSystemDisk The ...


403 SmartAGNotAssociateAcl The specified smart access gateway is not associated with the specified ACL.您选择的智能接入网关没有和您选择的ACL组绑定 403 InternalError An internal server error occurred.内部服务错误。访问 错误...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 NotBoundCCN The specified smart access gateway has not bound CCN;please bind CCN first.该...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


诊断 400 InvalidParameter.Type The input parameter Type is not valid.诊断 400 InvalidParameter.NewGroupId The input parameter NewGroupId is not valid.诊断 403 ProjectForbidden This Project is not allowed to operate on the ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


400 InvalidSecurityGroup.InvalidNetworkType The specified security group network type is not support this operation,please check the security group network types.For VPC security groups,ClassicLink must be enabled....


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 GetSmartAccessGatewayVersionError An error occurred while obtaining the smart access ...


下单失败 400 ResourceNotFound.PublicIpAddressPool The specified resource of PublicIpAddressPool is not found.-400 ResourceNotEnough.PublicIpAddressPool The specified resource of PublicIpAddressPool is not enough.-400 ...


下单失败 400 ResourceNotFound.PublicIpAddressPool The specified resource of PublicIpAddressPool is not found.-400 ResourceNotEnough.PublicIpAddressPool The specified resource of PublicIpAddressPool is not enough.-400 ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


400 OperationFailed.InsufficientEIP Eip resource is not enough.-400 OperationFailed.InvokeInnerApi Failed to invoke inner api.-400 OperationFailed.AccountMoneyInvalid Account money is invalid.-400 OperationFailed....


400 OperationFailed.InsufficientEIP Eip resource is not enough.-400 OperationFailed.InvokeInnerApi Failed to invoke inner api.-400 OperationFailed.AccountMoneyInvalid Account money is invalid.-400 OperationFailed....


Type:String Description:The IP address range that is allowed to access the instance.InstanceId:Type:String Description:The ID of the instance.ModuleName:Type:String Description:>-The name of the module in the instance for ...


400 InvalidParameter.InstanceType The specified parameter InstanceType is not valid.-400 InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalance Your account does not have enough balance.-400 unsupported_Ipv6Feature This ensregion does not ...


1~100,1 is the highest priority.rw_access_type-(Required)The read and write permissions of the authorized object on the file system.Value:RDWR:readable and writable RDONLY:Read only.Attributes Reference The following ...


1~100,1 is the highest priority.rw_access_type-(Required)The read and write permissions of the authorized object on the file system.Value:RDWR:readable and writable RDONLY:Read only.Attributes Reference The following ...


错误码 HttpCode Error Code 错误信息 说明 400 invalid_token Access token is not valid 404 ResourceNotFound.User The specified User resource:user_xxxx not found.404 application_not_found Application id not found:app_mkv7rgt4...


错误码 HttpCode Error Code 错误信息 说明 400 invalid_token Access token is not valid 404 ResourceNotFound.User The specified User resource:user_xxxx not found.404 application_not_found Application id not found:app_mkv7rgt4...


400 InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records.无效的AccessKey。403 Forbidden Users are not authorized to operate on the specified resource.操作被禁止。403 Forbidden.RiskControl ...
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