
The ID of the Bastionhost instance where you want to create the host.Note:You can call the DescribeInstances operation to query the ID of the Bastionhost instance.OSType:Type:String Description:|-The operating system of ...

Tunnel SDK常见问题

使用Tunnel SDK上传数据时,编写完UDF打成JAR包后上传,对JAR包大小要求吗?使用Tunnel SDK上传数据时,是否分区数量限制?使用Tunnel SDK上传数据时,报错StatusConflict,如何解决?使用Tunnel SDK上传数据时,报错Blocks Not Match...


报错信息:ErrorCode=NoPermission,ErrorMessage=Authorization Failed[4019],You have NO privilege 'odps:Update' on.报错信息:ErrorCode=NoPermission,ErrorMessage=Authorization Failed[4019],You have NO privilege 'odps:Download'...


ErrorMessage String You have no permission.错误信息。RequestId String ecb967ec-c137-48*请求ID。ErrorCode String 401 错误码。Success Boolean true 调用是否成功。示例 请求示例 http(s):/[Endpoint]/?Action=CreateQualityFollower...

Software License and Service Agreement

Ver.:June 2018 Before accepting this Agreement,please read this Agreement fully and carefully(in particularly those clauses marked in bold and/or with underline).If you have any question on the clauses herein,please raise ...


请确保您已创建并可用的日志项目Project和日志库Logstore,如果没有,您需先创建Project和Logstore。详情请参见 创建Project 和 创建Logstore。创建日志监控10分钟后,您可以登录日志服务控制台查看文件网关日志。调试 您可以在OpenAPI ...


错误码:ODPS-0420095:Access Denied 错误1:You have no privilege to create external project-you have to be owner,super admin or admin of the referred project.错误信息 ODPS-0420095:Access Denied-You have no privilege to ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...


400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region will cease operations.You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders.Thank you for ...

You are not authorized to do this operation

问题详述 访问推送控制台时,若弹窗提示 UnknownError:You are not authorized to do this operation.问题解答 请检查是否通过子账号访问,若是,请检查对应的子账号权限。示例:AliyunMPushFullAccess 管理移动推送(MPush)的权限 ...

通过Serverless Devs管理函数

No Serverless-Devs project is currently detected.Do you want to create a new project?Yes More applications: ? Hello Serverless for Cloud Vendors Alibaba Cloud Serverless ? Hello,...


you can use the+and#wildcards.You can replace${deviceName} with the+wildcard.The wildcard indicates that the topic applies to all devices under the product.You can replace the fields that follow${deviceName} with/user/.The...


PermanentRedirect The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint.Please send all future requests to this endpoint 问题原因:通过SDK访问OSS中的Bucket时,未指定Endpoint或者指定的...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


Description:en:'The NAT CIDR block that you want to associate with the NAT gateway.The new CIDR block must meet the following conditions:The NAT CIDR block must fall within,,,or their ...


400 CouldNotCreateSMBUser The gateway has linked an AD or LDAP service.You cannot create an SMB user on the gateway.We recommend that you create an SMB user in the AD or LDAP service.网关已经配置链接了一个AD或LDAP服务,不...


ErrorMessage String You have no permission.错误信息。RequestId String 6d739ef6-098a-47*请求ID。ErrorCode String 401 错误码。Success Boolean true 调用是否成功。示例 请求示例 http(s):/[Endpoint]/?Action=DeleteQualityRule&...


400 ExpressSyncNotificationEventLimitExceed The number of sync groups exceeds the maximum limit.If you want to add more sync groups,we recommend that you submit a ticket to apply for the whitelist permission.极速同步组数量...

通过Serverless Devs工具管理函数资源

输出示例:No Serverless-Devs project is currently detected.Do you want to create a new project?Yes/在项目文件内未检测到Serverless-Devs项目。选择是否创建一个项目。Serverless Awesome:...


the orders that are used to downgrade instances."},"ZoneId":{"Type":"String","Description":"The ID of the zone where PolarDB resources that you want to query reside.Note You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query ...


LocalInstance:公网IP的自建数据库。Express:通过专线、VPN网关、智能接入网关接入的自建数据库。dg:通过数据库网关DG接入的自建数据库。cen:通过云企业网CEN接入的自建数据库。MongoDB:阿里云MongoDB实例。PolarDB:阿里云PolarDB ...


InvalidAccessKeyId The AccessKey Id you provided is not exist.403 检查AccessKey ID是否正确。InternalError Interal error.500 系统错误,请联系 消息服务MNS 技术支持。InternalServerError Interal error.500 系统错误,请联系 消息...

Quick BI仪表板页面报错“you are not logged in the ...

问题描述 Quick BI仪表板页面报错:you are not logged in the request is forbidden。问题原因 账号失效。解决方案 刷新页面重新登录。适用于 Quick BI 公共云V4.2.1

遇到The service or function doesn't belong to you...



示例 JSON 格式 {"ROSTemplateFormatVersion":"2015-09-01","Parameters":{"Desc":{"Type":"String","Description":"The description of the topic category.You can enter a description with up to 100 characters.","MaxLength":100 },...

Dataphin创建外部表报错:"You are not authorized to...

问题描述 Dataphin代码任务创建外部表运行报错:"You are not authorized to do this action.You should be authorized by RAM。Process:com.aliyun.odps.OdpsException: ODPS-0130071:[1,1]Semantic analysis exception-external table ...


IfNotExists":{"Type":"Boolean","Description":"If you create a table by using the name of an existing table and the parameter set to false,an error is returned.If you specify the if not exists parameter,a success message ...


digits,periods(.),underscores(_),hyphens(-),and colons(:).If you use the activation code that is created by calling this operation(CreateActivation)to register managed instances,the instances are assigned sequential names ...

遇到The service or function doesn't belong to you...



400 MissParameter.MaxBandwidthPercent You must specify MaxBandwidthPercent.您的输入中缺少必填参数"MaxBandwidthPercent。400 MissParameter.MinBandwidthAbs You must specify MinBandwidthAbs.您的输入中缺少必填参数...


如果配置信息误,接口返回配置错误信息。调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。请求参数 名称 类型 是否必选 示例值 描述 Action String 是 ...


AssociationPropertyMetadata:Parameter:Description:The ID of the traffic mirror source.You can specify only an ENI as the traffic mirror source.The default value of N is 1,which means that you can add only one traffic ...


诊断 409 DeleteConflict.Policy.Version You must delete all non-default versions before you delete the policy.删除权限策略前,必须删除此权限策略上的所有非默认版本。诊断 409 DeleteConflict.Policy.Version.Default You cannot ...


诊断 409 DeleteConflict.Policy.Version You must delete all non-default versions before you delete the policy.删除权限策略前,必须删除此权限策略上的所有非默认版本。诊断 409 DeleteConflict.Policy.Version.Default You cannot ...


ErrorMessage String You have no permission.错误信息。RequestId String ecb967ec-c137-48*请求ID。Success Boolean true 调用是否成功。ErrorCode String 401 错误码。示例 请求示例 http(s):/[Endpoint]/?Action=DeleteQualityEntity&...

Qucik BI创建数据填报报错:"you have to change some...

问题描述 Qucik BI创建数据填报报错:"you have to change some columns to text or BOLOBs。问题原因 MySQL创建表存在限制:单个字段长度不能大于65535,否则会转换为TEXT类型。单行最大限制长度不能大于65535(不包括TEXT、BLOB类型)。...


409 Deny.TrustedService You attempted to remove an account that is used in%s.To complete this operation,you must first remove this account from the Trusted Service.当前账号被用于%s可信服务中,请先将此账号从可信服务中解除...
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