Salesforce SSO

You may enter as you wish.Issuer IDP Entity ID AKA IDP Entity ID.Retrieved from IDaaS Application Settings.Entity ID ESP Entity ID AKA SP Entity ID.Retrieved from IDaaS Application Settings.Identity Provider Certificate ...


说明 如果目标库跟原库不一致的数据,则会用源库的数据值替换目标库的数据值。false(默认值):不补齐数据。fullCheckModel Integer 否 否 全量数据校验任务的模式。取值:1:按抽样比例进行校验。2:按行进行校验 ...

访问CDN加速域名报错“You are forbidden to list ...

问题现象:开启CDN回源私有Bucket的情况下,访问CDN加速域名报错 You are forbidden to list buckets。问题原因:在开启CDN回源至私有Bucket的情况下,访问CDN加速域名相当于 GetBucket(ListObjects)请求,默认会被CDN拒绝。解决方法:在...


示例 JSON 格式 {"ROSTemplateFormatVersion":"2015-09-01","Parameters":{"InstanceId":{"Type":"String","Description":"The ID of the WAF instance.You can call the DescribeInstanceInfo operation to query the ID of the WAF ...


说明 如果目标库跟原库不一致的数据,则会用源库的数据值替换目标库的数据值。false(默认值):不补齐数据。fullCheckModel Integer 否 否 全量数据校验任务的模式。取值:1:按抽样比例进行校验。2:按行进行校验。...


400 QosCarPerQosAmountLimit The maximum number of QosCar in a QoS is exceeded.You can submit a ticket to increase the quota.单个QoS策略中的限速规则数量已达上限。400 InvalidParameter.Priority The specified Priority is ...


name-(Optional)The name of the database for which you want to enable TDE.Up to 50 names can be entered in a single request.If you specify multiple names,separate these names with commas(,).->NOTE:This parameter is ...


400 CannotRemove.OrganizationOwner You cannot remove the organization owner from the organization.不能将组织所有者踢出组织。400 Member.ExistInWorkspace.Error You cannot remove a user who is a member of a group workspace.该...


operations per second.memory_class-The memory capacity that is supported by the instance type.Unit:GB.->NOTE:If you set the CommodityCode parameter to a value that indicates the pay-as-you-go billing method,the ...


404 EntityNotExists.ResourceDirectory The resource directory for the account is not enabled.We recommend that you first enable the resource directory for the account.当前账号未启用资源目录,请先启用资源目录。404 ...

Dataphin集成任务同步失败报错:"You have an error ...

问题描述 Dataphin集成任务同步失败报错:"You have an error in your SQL syntax;check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?RegTime from co_base1 where(DATE_FORMAT(RegTime...


You may now begin working with Terraform.Try running"terraform plan"to see any changes that are required for your infrastructure.All Terraform commands should now work.If you ever set or change modules or backend ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...

Quick BI仪表板查询报错:"You can change the limit ...

.*.*.*,fragment:682*51d5 Used:2150275168,Limit:2147483648.You can change the limit by session variable exec_mem_limit.”问题原因 数据库查询SQL抛错该查询会话内存超出限制,已使用2150275168字节,限制2147483648字节。...


RetcodeAppName"} } } },"Parameters":{"RetcodeAppType":{"Type":"String","Description":"The type of the application for which you want to create the browser monitoring job.Allowed values:web,weex,mini_dd,mini_alipay,mini_wx...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


409 Deny.TrustedService You attempted to remove an account that is used in%s.To complete this operation,you must first remove this account from the Trusted Service.当前账号被用于%s可信服务中,请先将此账号从可信服务中解除...


you can specify the ARN in the format of the provided example and replace the account ID with the ID of your Alibaba Cloud account.' Type:String DeliveryChannelCondition:Description:'The rule attached to the delivery ...


WAR and JAR.We strongly recommend you to set this parameter when creating the application.cluster_id-(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the cluster that you want to create the application.The default cluster will be used if you ...


essd2:specifies to use enhanced SSDs(ESSDs).cloud_essd3:specifies to use enhanced SSDs(ESSDs).->NOTE:You can specify the time zone when you create a primary instance.You cannot specify the time zone when you create a read-...


access_type-(Optional,Computed)The method that you use to connect to cloud desktops.Note:The VPC connection method is provided by Alibaba Cloud PrivateLink.You are not charged for PrivateLink.When you set this parameter to...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...

使用数据库备份服务时提示“You must first activate ...

问题描述 使用阿里云数据库备份DBS服务时,提示“You must first activate RAM before using DBS”错误。问题原因 账户没有权限,请授权DBS服务关联角色。解决方案 使用 数据库备份DBS 时,您需要将服务关联角色(AliyunServiceRoleForDBS...

OSS使用STS上传文件时提示“The Content-MD5 you ...

问题描述 调用接口使用STS上传文件到阿里云对象存储OSS过程中,返回InvalidDigest错误码,详细报错信息如下:The Content-MD5 you specified was invalid 问题原因 如果上传文件时设置了Content-MD5,OSS会根据接收的内容计算MD5。...


terraform init 预期输出:Initializing the backend.Initializing provider plugins.-Checking for available provider plugins.-Downloading plugin for provider"alicloud"(hashicorp/alicloud)1.90.1.You may now begin working with ...


terraform init 预期输出:Initializing the backend.Initializing provider plugins.-Checking for available provider plugins.-Downloading plugin for provider"alicloud"(hashicorp/alicloud)1.90.1.You may now begin working with ...

Notice of Alibaba cloud payment system upgrade on ...

Time:01:00 to 04:00 April 9,2020Content:To improve user experiences,we will update Billing Management.We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the update and appreciate your understanding.Attention:You cannot pay for ...


以下两种方式:说明 为提高权限管理的灵活性和安全性,建议您创建名为Terraform的RAM用户,并为该RAM用户创建AccessKey和授权。具体操作,请参见 创建RAM用户 和 为RAM用户授权。方式一:创建环境变量,用于存放身份认证信息。export ...


以下两种方式:说明 为提高权限管理的灵活性和安全性,建议您创建名为Terraform的RAM用户,并为该RAM用户创建AccessKey和授权。具体操作,请参见 创建RAM用户 和 为RAM用户授权。方式一:创建环境变量,用于存放身份认证信息。export ...


MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format.The time must be in UTC.backup_id-(Optional)The ID of the data backup file you want to use.You can call the DescribeBackups operation to query the most recent data backup file list.->NOTE:You must ...


您选购的周期问题,请重新选购。400 pay.noCreditCard Account not bound to credit card.账户未绑定信用卡。400 Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased.Please pay or void it before ...


诊断 400 MissingParameter.Note You must specify Note.Note不能为空 诊断 400 MissingParameter.QuotaName You must specify QuotaName.QuotaName不能为空 诊断 400 MissingParameter.QuotaValue You must specify QuotaValue.QuotaValue...


Json DestinationCidrBlocks:Description:Match statements are used to match the routing prefixes.The CIDR format is used.You can enter at most 32 CIDR blocks.Type:Json DestinationInstanceIds:Description:"Match statements are...
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