
If health_check_timeout,its will be replaced by health_check_interval.health_check_interval-(Optional,Int,Int,Available since v1.51.0)Time interval of health checks.It is required when health_check is on.Valid values:[1-50...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Key Pair.Its value is same as key_pair_name.Import Elastic Cloud Phone(ECP)Key Pair can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_ecp_key_pair.example<key_pair_name>


\"veth.+\"}[2m])>2","summary":"Network interface is often changing its status"}],"subscribeGroups":["admin"],"uid":"882120946d4c3ee6ad21e4574fc4aa7b","creationTimestamp":"2022-06-06T07:07:19Z","level":"cluster",...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Namespace.Its value is same as namespace_id.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 1 mins)Used when create the resource.update-...


id-The id of Container Registry namespace.The value is same as its name.Import Container Registry namespace can be imported using the namespace,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_cr_namespace.default my-namespace


Json Targets:Description:'The shared target.A shared target shares the resources of resource owners.You can share your resources only with the member accounts in your resource directory.A shared target is indicated by its ...


(Optional,Computed)The status of the resource.Valid values:Unlocked,Locked.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of User.Its value is same as end_user_id.Import ECD User...


ids-A list of matched Container Registry namespaces.Its element is a namespace name.names-A list of namespace names.namespaces-A list of matched Container Registry namespaces.Each element contains the following attributes:...


some system addons and those specified at the time of cluster creation will be installed,so when an addon resource is applied:If the addon already exists in the cluster and its version is the same as the specified version,...


which can be composed of letters,numbers or hyphens(-)Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Event Bus.Its value is same as event_bus_name.Import Event Bridge Event ...


Provides a ACK Nodepool resource.This resource will help you to manage node pool in Kubernetes...1.cis_enabled-(Optional,ForceNew)Whether enable worker node to support cis security reinforcement,its valid value true or false ...


sessionManagerStatus.status-(Required)The status of the resource.Valid values:Disabled,Enabled.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Session Manager Status.Its value ...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Group.Its value is same as group_id.Timeouts->NOTE:Available since v1.163.0.The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 1 mins)Used when ...


400 InvalidPriority Specified parameter Priority is not valid.Its type must be integer.Priority必须是一个integer。400 InvalidPriority Specified parameter Priority is not valid.It must be in[0,1000].Priority的大小必须在0与...


AliyunIMMDefaultRole.You can also create authorization roles through the alicloud_ram_role.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Project.Its value is same as project....

NET SDK 加载报错的解决方法

NET SDK 加载报错如下:Could not load file or assembly‘Enyim.Caching’or one of its dependencies.Strong name signature could not be verified.The assembly may have been tampered with,or it was delay signed but not fully ...


avg_days:Value Represents the Date Certain Log Output Is Less than 10 Days before the Average Value of the Threshold.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Config.Its ...


s status is Running or Stopped.-400 CountLimitExceed.HaVipOnInstance The amount of HaVip associated with the specified Instance reach its limits.超过实例的HaVip配额。400 CountLimitExceeded.HaVipOnECSInstance The amount of ...


charge_type-(Optional)The new billing method.Valid values:PayByTraffic and PayByBandwidth.Default value:PayByTraffic.It is required when enable=on.If the CDN service has been opened and you can update its internet charge ...


instance_ids-(Optional)If an RDS instance is specified in the scaling group,the scaling group automatically attaches the Intranet IP addresses of its ECS instances to the RDS access whitelist.The specified RDS instance ...

不支持Cluster index

示例#Cluster the table employees on the basis of its index employees_ind:CLUSTER employees USING employees_ind;Cluster the employees table using the same index that was used before:CLUSTER employees;Cluster all tables in ...


修复 修复“When a server received dubbo requests and send another duubo request to other server,its client span is lost”问题。3.0.9 2020-02-11 新增 支持自定义 Tracer 日志路径。更新 默认启用 Zipkin 报告。3.0.8 2019-11-15 ...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Namespace.Its value is same as namespace.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 1 min)Used when create the Namespace.update-...


Computed)The period for which the files in the recycle bin are retained.Unit:days.Valid values:1 to 180.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Recycle Bin.Its value is...


ids-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)A list of Application IDs.Its element value is same as Application Name.name_regex-(Optional,ForceNew)A regex string to filter results by Application name.tags-(Optional,ForceNew)A mapping ...


This data source provides the Ga Acls of the ID of the Acl.acl_name-The name of the acl.address_ip_version-The address ip ID of the Acl.Its value is same as acl_id.status-The status of the resource.


numbers and dashes(-).Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Face Config.Its value is same as biz_type.gmt_modified-Last Modified Date.Import Cloudauth Face Config can...


virtual_host_id_2"{ } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:ids-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)A list of Virtual Host IDs.Its element value is ...


DEPRECATED:This resource has been renamed to action trail id.The value is same as its name.Import Action trail can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import abc12345678


id-The resource ID in terraform of Waf Domain.Its value is same as domain_name.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 1 mins)Used when creating the Waf Domain....


This resource will help you to manage a ManagedKubernetes Cluster in Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service.->NOTE:Available since v1.26.0.->NOTE:It is recommended to create a cluster with zero worker nodes,and then use a node ...


ids-The list of Cassandra cluster ids.names-The name list of Cassandra clusters.clusters-A list of Cassandra clusters.Its every element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the Cassandra cluster.cluster_id-The ID...


Description":{"en":"The shared target.A shared target shares the resources of resource owners.You can share your resources only with the member accounts in your resource directory.A shared target is indicated by its ...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Topic.Its value is same as topic_name.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 3 mins)Used when create the Topic.update-(Defaults...


ids-A list of matched Container Registry Repositories.Its element is set to names.names-A list of repository names.repos-A list of matched Container Registry Namespaces.Each element contains the following attributes:...


错误 状态码 错误码 错误信息 语义 400 InvalidMaxItemCount Specified parameter MaxItemCount is not valid.Its type must be integer.MaxItemCount必须是一个integer。400 InvalidMaxItemCount Specified parameter MaxItemCount is not...


400 InvalidMaxItemCount Specified parameter MaxItemCount is not valid.Its type must be integer.MaxItemCount必须是一个integer。400 InvalidMaxItemCount Specified parameter MaxItemCount is not valid.It must be in[0,100]....


}-(void)doneLoadingHeaderTableViewData{/model should call this when its done loading_headerReloading=NO;[_refreshHeaderView egoRefreshScrollViewDataSourceDidFinishedLoading:self.tableView];[self.tableView reloadData];}-...


otherwise,you wouldn't get its private key ever.resource_group_id-(Optional,Available in 1.57.0+,Modifiable in 1.115.0+)The Id of resource group which the key pair belongs.tags-(Optional,Available in v1.66.0+)A mapping of ...


ids-A list of matched Container Registry Enterprise Edition instances.Its element is an instance uuid.names-A list of instance names.instances-A list of matched Container Registry Enterprise Editioninstances.Each element ...
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