
错误 状态码 错误码 错误信息 语义 400 InvalidMaxItemCount Specified parameter MaxItemCount is not valid.Its type must be integer.MaxItemCount必须是一个integer。400 InvalidMaxItemCount Specified parameter MaxItemCount is not...


role":"user"}]} }' 响应示例 JSON {"output":{"text":"Hangzhou,the capital of Zhejiang Province,is a city with a rich history and culture,known for its beautiful scenery and interesting places to visit.Here are some of ...


role":"user"}]} }' 响应示例 JSON {"output":{"text":"Hangzhou,the capital of Zhejiang Province,is a city with a rich history and culture,known for its beautiful scenery and interesting places to visit.Here are some of ...


ids-A list of matched Container Registry Enterprise Edition namespaces.Each item formats as<instance_id>:<namespace_name>.Before 1.161.0,its element is a namespace uuid.names-A list of namespace names.namespaces-A list of ...


具体报错 JournalNode日志出现:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImage:Caught exception after scanning through 0 ops from/current/edits_inprogress_0000000000000191004 while determining its valid length.Position was ...


400 InvalidMaxItemCount Specified parameter MaxItemCount is not valid.Its type must be integer.MaxItemCount必须是一个integer。400 InvalidMaxItemCount Specified parameter MaxItemCount is not valid.It must be in[0,100]....


Provides an ADB connection resource to allocate an Internet connection string for ADB cluster.->NOTE:Each ADB instance will allocate a intranet connnection string automatically and its prifix is ADB instance ID.To avoid ...


(Optional)A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Parameter.Its value is same as parameter_name.Import OOS Parameter can be ...


ids-A list of matched Container Registry Enterprise Edition repositories.Its element is a repository id.names-A list of repository names.repos-A list of matched Container Registry Enterprise Edition namespaces.Each element...


The ID of the Lifecycle Policy.Its value is same as Queue Name.lifecycle_policy_name-The name of the lifecycle management policy.lifecycle_rule_name-The rules in the lifecycle management policy.paths-The list of absolute ...


cloud_ssd and cloud_essd and.Default to cloud_efficiency.worker_disk_size-(Optional)The system disk size of worker node.Its valid value range[20~32768]in GB.Default to 40.worker_data_disks-(Optional)The data disk ...


store-(Required)The name of the Log Store.log_type-(Required,ForceNew)The type the of log.Valid values:PROVIDER.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Log Config.Its ...


or its superclasses(declaration of‘com.aliyun.snap.snap_core.R$id’appears in/data/app/com.rablive.jwrablive-2/base.apk:classes2.dex),该如何解决?问题现象:Android基础版本提示java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:No field height of...


The name list of Cassandra data centers.centers-A list of Cassandra data centers.Its every element contains the following attributes:cluster_id-The ID of the Cassandra cluster.commodity_instance-The commodity ID of the ...


version-(Optional,ForceNew)The IP Version of access control list is the type of its entry(IP addresses or CIDR blocks).It values ipv4/ipv6.Our plugin provides a default ip_version:"ipv4".entry_list-(Deprecated from v1.162....


see Cloud services that support service linked roles custom_suffix-(Optional,ForceNew)The suffix of the role name.Only a few service linked roles support custom suffixes.The role name(including its suffix)must be 1 to 64 ...


You should specify one of the namespace_id and namespace_short_id,and namespace_short_id is recommended.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Namespace.Its value is ...


uid-(Required,ForceNew)The UID of the cloud firewall member account.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The key of the resource supplied above.Its value same as member_uid.create_time-When the ...


name-(Required)The name of the resource.component_list-(Required,ForceNew)List of components.Its element valid values:["component.live","component.liveRecord","component.liveBeauty","component.rtc","component.rtcRecord",...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Acl.Its value is same as acl_id.status-The status of the resource.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when ...


ids-The ids list of HBase instances names-The names list of HBase instances instances-A list of HBase instances.Its every element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the HBase instance.name-The name of the HBase...


ids-A list of Elasticsearch instance IDs.descriptions-A list of Elasticsearch instance descriptions.instances-A list of Elasticsearch instances.Its every element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the ...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Fc Trigger.Its value is same as trigger_arn.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 1 mins)Used when creating the Fc Trigger....


otherwise,you wouldn't get its secret ever.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The ID of the resource supplied above.create_time-Create timestamp,e.g."2022-08-10T08:03:30Z".Timeouts The timeouts ...


or its superclasses(declaration of‘com.aliyun.snap.snap_core.R$id’appears in/data/app/com.rablive.jwrablive-2/base.apk:classes2.dex),该如何解决?问题现象:Android基础版本提示java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:No field height of...


or its superclasses(declaration of‘com.aliyun.snap.snap_core.R$id’appears in/data/app/com.rablive.jwrablive-2/base.apk:classes2.dex),该如何解决?问题现象:Android基础版本提示java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:No field height of...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


enable.storage_period-(Optional)The retention period of audit logs.Valid values:1 to 30.Default value:30.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Audit Policy.Its value ...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Switch Das Pro.Its value is same as instance_id.status-Whether the database instance has DAS professional.Import DAS Switch Das Pro can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import ...


Provides an RDS connection resource to allocate an Internet connection string for RDS instance,see What is DB Connection.->NOTE:Each RDS instance will allocate a intranet connnection string automatically and its prifix is ...

DeleteGroupId-删除 Group ID

400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings....


HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings....


ids-The ids list of MongoDB instances names-The names list of MongoDB instances instances-A list of MongoDB instances.Its every element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the MongoDB instance.name-The name of ...


ids-A list of matched Container Registry Enterprise Edition sync rules.Its element is a sync rule uuid.names-A list of sync rule names.rules-A list of matched Container Registry Enterprise Edition sync rules.Each element ...


HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings....


id-The resource ID in terraform of Secret Parameter.Its value is same as secret_parameter_name.Import OOS Secret Parameter can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_oos_secret_parameter.example...


(Required)The weight of the origin server.You must specify a value that is less than 100.Default value:10.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Ipa Domain.Its value ...

通过 OBClient 连接 OceanBase 租户

or \g.Your OceanBase connection id is 102073 Server version:OceanBase…)(Built Feb 27 2023 17:31:19)Copyright(c)2000,2018,OceanBase and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.Type 'help;' or '\h' for help.Type '\c'...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Sls Group.Its value is same as sls_group_name.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 2 mins)Used when create the Sls Group....
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