
200 2401 refreshToken invalid refreshToken已经失效 200 460 identityIds need between 1-50 入参错误 200 403 request forbidden.请求被禁止 200 403 request forbidden.请求被禁止 200 403 request forbidden.请求被禁止 200 403 ...


出现Forbidden.NoPermission报错 获取凭据值时出现This operation for key-xxxxxx is forbidden by permission system报错 访问或使用密钥时出现Forbidden.KeyNotFound报错 调用KMS接口时出现UnsupportedOperation报错 访问KMS实例时出现...


通用参数 参数名 类型 说明 是否必传 默认值 OrganizationId string 企业 ID 除企业、用户相关接口说明外,其余接口 必传-...错误码列表 错误码 描述 SYSTEM_FORBIDDEN_ERROR 无权限访问资源 SYSTEM_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR 未授权访问资源


调用DeleteRemind删除自定义监控报警...403 Forbidden.Access Access is forbidden.Please first activate DataWorks Enterprise Edition or Flagship Edition.您被限制访问,请开通DataWorks企业版或旗舰版。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。

Quick BI报错403错误

问题描述 用户使用Quick BI的时候,报错“403 Forbidden”。问题原因 登录太多不同账号。解决方案 清理浏览器缓存,重新登录一次账号再试试。适用于 Quick BI 403 Forbidden


Param.NotFound Message string 附加信息 The resource group is forbidden to operate 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"Data":"true","RequestId":"04EBD9F5-F06F-5302-8499-005C72*","ErrCode":"Request.Forbidden","Success":"true",...


403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.系统风险控制,禁止该操作。403 Forbidden.Unsubscribed Do not have permission to access this API.您未开通弹性伸缩服务,无法调用该 API。403 ...


诊断 403 Forbidden.AccountInDebt The specified Account is in debt.%s 诊断 403 Forbidden.AccountNotFound The specified Account does not exist.%s 诊断 403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Alibaba Cloud ...


问题列表 访问KMS实例时出现no such host或not known报错 通过应用接入点访问KMS实例时,出现Forbidden.NoPermission报错 获取凭据值时出现This operation for key-xxxxxx is forbidden by permission system报错 访问或使用密钥时出现...


403 Forbidden.NoPermission This operation for"<parameter name>"is forbidden by permission system.操作无权限。请检查应用接入点(AAP)的访问策略,具体操作,请参见 创建应用接入点。404 Forbidden.KeyNotFound The key Key ID or ...


200 460 identityIds need between 1-50 入参错误 200 460 identityIds need between 1-50 入参错误 200 403 request forbidden.请求被禁止 200 2407 openId invalid openId invalid 200 403 request forbidden.请求被禁止 200 2407 openId...


查询项目下所有的空间分组 路径/campuslink/paas/space/group/list ...200 460 identityIds need between 1-50 入参错误 200 403 request forbidden.请求被禁止 200 403 request forbidden.请求被禁止 200 403 request forbidden.请求被禁止


诊断 400 Forbidden.DomainExpired-诊断 400 Forbidden.DomainLocked-诊断 400 Forbidden.NotHichinaDomain 域名不是阿里云域名 诊断 400 Forbidden.RecordLocked-诊断 400 InvalidDomainName.NoExist 您操作的域名已经不存在,请刷新页面...


403 InvalidVSwitchId.IpNotEnough The specified VSwitch does not have enough IP addresses.-403 Forbidden.UserBussinessStatus This operation is not allowed,because you have overdue bills.Pay the overdue bill and try again....


403 InvalidVSwitchId.IpNotEnough The specified VSwitch does not have enough IP addresses.-403 Forbidden.UserNotRealNameAuthentication This operation is not allowed,because you have not passed the real-name verification....


400 Forbidden.NotInAllowDeleteStatus Only physical connection in the Cancelled,Rejected,Terminated,Allocated,or AllocationFailed states can be deleted.只有处于已取消、已拒绝、已终止、已分配、分配失败状态的物理专线才可以被...


400 Forbidden.OperationNotAllowed The caller must be PhysicalConnection or VirtualBorderRouter's owner.-400 Forbidden.NotSameAccessDevice Vbr and physicalConnection are not on the same accessDevice.Vbr和物理连接不在同一...


400 Forbidden.OperationNotAllowed The caller must be PhysicalConnection or VirtualBorderRouter's owner.-400 Forbidden.NotSameAccessDevice Vbr and physicalConnection are not on the same accessDevice.Vbr和物理连接不在同一...


400 Forbidden.NotInAllowDeleteStatus Only physical connection in the Cancelled,Rejected,Terminated,Allocated,or AllocationFailed states can be deleted.只有处于已取消、已拒绝、已终止、已分配、分配失败状态的物理专线才可以被...


403 Forbidden.NoPermission This operation for"<parameter name>"is forbidden by permission system.操作无权限。404 Forbidden.KeyNotFound The key Key ID or Alias does not exist in the system.密钥不存在。404 Forbidden....


or this operation does not support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 ...


400 Forbidden.NotAllowedCategary The System tag is not valid 系统tag无效 400 Forbidden.TagKeys The request does not allow operate this tagkeys 该请求不允许操作此 tagkey 400 Forbidden.TagKey.Duplicated The specified tag key...


d6a5-4efe-8abf-5bf23dca6284","code":403,"message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 500 500 Internal Error Internal Error 503 503 Service Unavailable ...


d6a5-4efe-8abf-5bf23dca6284","code":403,"message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 500 500 Internal Error Internal Error 503 503 Service Unavailable ...


ID F7B85D1B-D1C2-140F-A039-341859F130B9 success boolean 请求是否成功 true errorCode string 错误码 Forbidden.AccessDenied errorMessage string 错误信息 The user is not authorized to perform the operation.示例 正常返回示例 ...


400 Forbidden.ChargeTypeIsPrepaid It's forbidden to release a prepaid EIP 预付费的 EIP 实例不能释放。400 Forbidden The eip instance owener error EIP 不属于当前调用者,请您检查该 EIP 是否可被您调用。400 TaskConflict....


400 Forbidden.ChargeTypeIsPrepaid It's forbidden to release a prepaid EIP 预付费的 EIP 实例不能释放。400 Forbidden The eip instance owener error EIP 不属于当前调用者,请您检查该 EIP 是否可被您调用。400 TaskConflict....


JSON 格式 {"id":"37f7e5fa-d6a5-4efe-8abf-5bf23dca6284","code":403,"message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 500 500 Internal Error Internal Error 503 503 ...


1.13-vvr-4.0.14-2-SNAPSHOT]at org.apache.flink.kubernetes.kubeclient.Fabric8FlinkKubeClient.lambda$createTaskManagerPod$0(Fabric8FlinkKubeClient.java:153)~[flink-dist_2.11-1.13-vvr-4.0.14-2-SNAPSHOT.jar:1.13-vvr-4.0.14-2-...


1.13-vvr-4.0.14-2-SNAPSHOT]at org.apache.flink.kubernetes.kubeclient.Fabric8FlinkKubeClient.lambda$createTaskManagerPod$0(Fabric8FlinkKubeClient.java:153)~[flink-dist_2.11-1.13-vvr-4.0.14-2-SNAPSHOT.jar:1.13-vvr-4.0.14-2-...


释放沙箱实例。接口说明 当前接口仅支持...新增入参:ZoneId 错误码 报错消息 可能原因 Operation.DeniedByJobStatus operation forbidden due to sandbox is creating 无法释放正在创建中的沙箱实例。请在沙箱实例处于运行中时,再进行删除。


400 Forbidden.VbrNotAllowModifySiteLink Can not modify virtualBorderRouter site link,please call PD to authorize.-403 Forbidden.CircuitCodeNotAllowedByCaller The caller is not allowed to modify.不允许修改CircuitCode参数。...


400 Forbidden.VbrNotAllowModifySiteLink Can not modify virtualBorderRouter site link,please call PD to authorize.-403 Forbidden.CircuitCodeNotAllowedByCaller The caller is not allowed to modify.不允许修改CircuitCode参数。...


404 Forbidden.InCommonBandwidthPackage Specified allocation ID in common bandwidth package.-404 Forbidden.RegionNotFound Specified region is not found during access authentication.指定 Region 不存在,请您检查该 Region 是否...


404 Forbidden.InCommonBandwidthPackage Specified allocation ID in common bandwidth package.-404 Forbidden.RegionNotFound Specified region is not found during access authentication.指定 Region 不存在,请您检查该 Region 是否...

Apache Log4j 0Day安全漏洞公告说明

近日,阿里云计算有限公司发现阿帕奇Log4j2组件存在远程代码执行漏洞,并将漏洞情况告知阿帕奇软件基金会。本文为您介绍该漏洞的影响范围及相应的客户侧和云服务侧的安全建议。影响范围 更多有关漏洞的详细信息,请参见【漏洞通告】Apache ...


message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 500 500 Internal Error Internal Error 503 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable 403 403 Request Limited ...


403 InvalidVSwitchId.IpNotEnough The specified VSwitch does not have enough IP addresses.-403 Forbidden.UserBussinessStatus This operation is not allowed,because you have overdue bills.Pay the overdue bill and try again....


JSON 格式 {"id":"37f7e5fa-d6a5-4efe-8abf-5bf23dca6284","code":403,"message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 500 500 Internal Error Internal Error 503 503 ...


诊断 400 ha3.DownGradeForbiddenWhenBuildIndex down grade forbidden when build index 建立索引时禁止降级 诊断 400 ha3.DownGradeForbiddenLessNode down grade forbidden less node 降级禁止无节点 诊断 400 ha3.VpcEmpty vpc Empty ...
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