如何自行查找出SAP CRM产品主数据页面的assignment block基于的settype类型

如何自行查找出SAP CRM产品主数据页面的assignment block基于的settype类型

We know an assignment block in overview page is built based on settype or relationship. However, how can we know the exact settype ID for which the as...

SAP CRM 产品主数据搜索的Max hit参数设置和硬编码

SAP CRM 产品主数据搜索的Max hit参数设置和硬编码

The product search max hit value in WebClient UI could be configured in SPRO:If the parameter above is not explicitly set, default value will be retri...

SAP CRM 产品主数据搜索alternative ID type下拉菜单的渲染逻辑

SAP CRM 产品主数据搜索alternative ID type下拉菜单的渲染逻辑

When you choose “Alternative ID Type” in search Criteria view, the corresponding ID type will be displayed as drop down list automatically. How is thi...

如何创建自己的SAP CRM产品主数据search scenario

如何创建自己的SAP CRM产品主数据search scenario

Technically it is possible to create your own search scenario, filter class and search tool, and put your custom search logic there. Then write anothe...

SAP CRM产品主数据搜索功能的With individual object搜索参数

SAP CRM产品主数据搜索功能的With individual object搜索参数

By default this search parameter is not visible in search view.You have to configure it as visible explicitly in UI component workbench, configuration...

SAP CRM产品主数据应用里value node和model node的转换

SAP CRM产品主数据应用里value node和model node的转换

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 6:58 PM第二次点New ,lr_product变成value node,这个行为是一个expected的behavior:第一次点New时,57行会trigger这个event的handler:24行会把collection ...

如何把SAP CRM产品主数据隐藏的batch ID字段显示出来

如何把SAP CRM产品主数据隐藏的batch ID字段显示出来

According to SAP help, it is by default hidden:We have to manually set it as visible in WebUI component workbench:It looks like below:

SAP CRM里产品主数据的文本模型设计

SAP CRM里产品主数据的文本模型设计

SAP CRM的产品主数据设计了这几种不同类型的文本模型:Part1 and Part2 actually share the same assignment block COMM_PR_SHTEXT.That means if you change text in Part1 ( part2 ),...

一段用API批量修改SAP CRM产品主数据的ABAP代码

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  PROD_MULTIPLE_CHANGE*&*&----------------------...

SAP CRM产品主数据工作流相关调试

SAP CRM产品主数据工作流相关调试

Created by Wang, Jerry, last modified on Dec 20, 2014SWU0, SW* COM_PR_CHBADI_RAISE_WF_EVENTFGROUP: SWORview cluster: COMVCL_PROD_BOBJCOM_PR_CHBADI_GET...



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